Chapter 36

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Max's POV

I'd blink open my eyes as I felt something tickling my neck. I quickly glanced over to find Ross resting his head on my chest as his arm wrapped over his head as though he were trying to protect himself from some sort of impact. Last night's memories hit me as I slowly stroked the brunette's hair which seemed to calm him down a bit. I'd glance up quickly as a shrill sound entered my eyes- screaming and they weren't just screams of insanity which you can hear everyday but they were screams of agony. I bit my lip in fear as the sudden images of blood and gore raced through my mind. I'd try to break through the thoughts or perhaps to replace the terror with something that I wanted to think about but, all I could do was whimper in fear as the coopery scent of blood thickened the atmosphere around me. 

"Max? Max!" A voice screamed from beside me- I quickly snapped out of my thoughts to the smell of smoke thickening the atmosphere around me. I glanced beside me to find Ross leaning against the corner of our bed as he watched me in fear. "Max- your hands!" Ross yelled out once more. I quickly looked down at my hands to find bright orange flames licking the surface of my palms- it was surprising how my entire body wasn't burning. I looked back up at Ross but before I could do anything a bright flash of light blue shot across my field of vision and towards my hands.

I let out a small shriek of fear as I tried to cover my face with my hands but- I couldn't move; for some reason I was frozen in place. I glanced downwards to only realize that my hands were frozen. "WHAT THE-!"

"Sorry Max, but we can't have you burning the entire room now can we?" Caroline spoke as she walked towards us from the other side of the room, frost was slowly falling out of her hand as she watched me. It's unbelievable how that would be Caroline's power when she always hides herself with a bandana, I thought for sure she would be telepathic, I thought to myself as Ross and Caroline exchanged a quickly glance as though they were sharing the same thought with each other. "Now then- would you mind explaining how your powers suddenly changed?"

"D-Does it look like I know how? I-I..." But as soon as I started to speak it suddenly hit me as to how I got this new power, "Yesterday, Mr. Galebread got this scientist to put a syringe filled with a strange orange substance in my bicept- could that be how I got this new power?" I asked as I glanced up at Caroline and Ross. Ross twitched his ear at me in worry as he sat back down beside me.

"That could be it- we will need to experiment on your new power today in the training room..." Andy spoke as he rolled over on his bed to face us. The dragon-hybrid curled his tail in annoyence at us as Ross and I looked up at him in surprise, "What did you forget that I'm here as well- Gee thanks guys!"

"No, it's just- never mind..." I sighed as I realized that none of my friends were listening to me. My hands rushed to my head as I parted my ginger hair to the side, why is this happening- why can't we live normal lives? Why can't we be normal adults who act like children on the inside! I let out a loud growl of frustration that made my friends turn to look at me in surprise, I sheepishly ducked my head away from them before I jumped off the bed Ross and I shared the night before. The bare cell that we had to call our room for the rest of our lives echoed my landing as I awkwardly waddled towards the corner of the room. As I sat in the corner of the room I could feel hot tears swarming my eyes but I'd quickly brush them away with my arm as I glared at the ground in disgust.

"Pathetic..." A voice growled in my mind as I felt my stomach churn with anxiety.

I let out a low sigh as I ignored Sylvia, but the creak of the door sounding from beside me broke me out of my thoughts as one of Mr. Galebread's soldier's entered the room. The soldier's eyes darted around the room until he paused infront of me, "Max- I need you to follow me." The man glared at me before he held up some sort of gun- those types of guns that you would find most policemen holding that shot electricity, a taser. Chills ran down my spine as I met this mans eyes- what the hell were these guys planning and how the hell did they have access to tasers! My hands flew in the air as I gingerly walked towards the soldier. As I walked towards the soldier, I could swear I felt stares watching me as I walked out of the room and I know who was watching me even though I didn't turn to look at them- Ross I'm sorry if I don't make it back out again, I promise that I will try to fight this time for you though...

As the solider led me down the hallway, the soldier paused after about 10 minutes of walking away from the room before he turned to look at me. "Max, do you know why we want to see you?"

"I- no?"

"Of course you don't- well let me explain it to you then." The solider spoke as he proceeded to lead me down the hallway, "You are experiment 128; the first person who has ever swapped powers here in the laboratories. Well, other people have swapped their powers but- they died in the process of learning how to maintain their new power." The man paused before he turned to look at me, a strange aurora glowed in his eyes as he watched me, "You are stronger than the rest, Max. We believe that because of this- we can have hybrids who can also hold magical powers!" 

"Y-Your completly insane!" I stuttered as I slowly backed away from this man, I could a new energy surge through my skin as my ears began to ring from the adrenaline that purged through my veins, "Please- why can't you just let us go?"

"Do you really think the general public would accept freaks like you and your friends? Face it kid, Mr. Galebread is protecting you; you should thank him for making you stronger!" 


"Look I said to much- just come on' Mr. Galebread and a few more of his scientist's are awaiting your arrival." The soldier sighed as he began to lead me down the corridor once more. I frowned nautiously as a large door came into my feild of vision- the memory of what happened last time that I entered a room without knoledge of what was going on lingered through my mind as I gingerly took a step into the room.

Two men who wore labcoats stood infront of a machine as they recored data on a clipboard. Meanwhile Mr. Galebread paced to and fro behind the two men. As soon as we walked inside a large smile perched itself onto Mr. Galebread's face, allowing chills to swim down my spine. "H-Here is experi- Max, sir like you wanted." The soldier spoke before he bowed down to Mr. Galebread as though the older man were a king of somesort. Mr. Galebread nodded a thanks before turning to look at me, his cold blue eyes traveled right through me like an endless river.

"Welcome Max, please step forward. Now then, you may be wondering why I have brought you here!" Mr. Galebread spoke as the soldier quickly left the room. I insantly swapped a glance with the two scientists before I glanced back at Mr. Galebread- that soldier looked like he meant no harm, but can I trust him?

"Yeah... why am I here..?"

"Well today, my two friends here are going to run a variety of tests on you- I- Professor Oplimic, is test 1 ready for him?" Mr. Galebread spoke as he turned to look at the first scientist which was an older male meanwhile the second one was a lean female. The male glanced up before he let out a low yes in response. "Well then Max, please follow me!" As Mr. Galebread led me down the room he paused infront of a large chamber before turning back to smile at me, "Test 1 is to see how your powers work, we are going to run a variety of tests to see what triggers your powers and-"

"Don't mind me asking but- why are you only doing this to me? You've never done this before, I-" I began to speak but Mr. Galebread quickly cut me off as he let out a loud nervous chuckle before he clasped his hand around my shoulder.

"Oh my boy- your such a curious one! Just go on in there!" Mr. Galebread continued as the two scientists walked towards us. My eyes darted in Mr. Galebreads direction as his words lingered in my mind, what is he trying to hide? I let out a sigh that I didn't realize I had been holding as I gingerly took a few paces towards the machine until I stood inside of the machine. The female scientist rushed towards me before she hooked a variety of wires to my arms and head. The female paused as she placed a hand on my shoulder- in that moment I could see worry lingering in her green eyes as she watched me before she started to walk away once more, leaving me to wonder what this experiment would actually do to me.

Minutes passed as I continued to stand in this possition until I finally started to feel dreary. I let out a low groan as I fell to the ground, however the wires still held me up in an akward angle. My eyes slammed shut as the smell of smoke from an electrical current thickened the atmosphere around me. Ross, I promise that I will come back to you soon...

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