Chapter 18

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Max's POV

As soon as the lunch bell rang, children of many shapes and sizes began to rush into the hallways as soldiers escorted them once more to the cafeteria. The 'bedroom' door opened to show two new soldiers who walked inside. One by one, Krista, Amy, Jerry, and I walked out of our room and walked amongst the vast variety of other experiments. As soon as we reached the cafeteria, Jerry and I walked towards the table from yesterday and we took a seat. I quickly watched the ranks of experiements, waiting for Ross' cheery face to pop out of the darkness.

Instead, he watched in disbelief as Pookie and Andy raced for our table. Pookie began to breath heavily as Andy began to speak impatiently, "Th-they took Ross! I-" before Andy could continue the leader of the experiments or whatever this was, walked onto the large podium.

His smile wavered as he watched the many children that sit beneath him, "Welcome my lovely experiments to yet another day. Sadly we had some problems this morning with a young hybrid. However his actions will not result to a death sentence." The man paused for a second before continuing, "He will instead receive a public cutting."

The man stepped off stage for a second and two soldiers marched after him. A medium sized dog crate was in the soldier's hands until they finally paused in the middle of the cafeteria and dropped the crate beside the leader. The leader thrust the door open and peered inside of the crate before saying in a low meaning tone, "Come on out, little hybrid."

Don't be Ross... Ross where the hell are you! I found myself screaming internally. Suddenly one of the soldiers walked to the opposite end of the crate and began to pull out a screw. Suddenly the crate fell down and the outline of a person showed from the blankets. The leader growled before pulling the blanket off of the outline and revealed no other than Ross.

I quickly shot up in my seat to only feel Andy push me back down. I shoot him a glare as he shakes his head at me.

I turn my head back towards the scene and watched in pity as Ross's hands began to graze the cafeterias floor as he searched for his glasses. The man behind him chuckled, "looking for these, little squirrel."

Ross sighed in defeat as he looked up at Mr. Galebread who stood a few inches away from him. From afar it was hard to see his expressions but, it was obvious that he was crying. His dark brown eyes were red and puffy meanwhile his shirt was wet in the collar area. My heart dropped as I watched the man pull out his pocket knife.

Without thinking, I lunge forward and stand in between Ross and the man, the two of them didn't seem to notice and I felt a sharp pain scratch my neck as the pocket knives blade dug deeper and deeper into my skin. Finally Mr. Galebread paused as he realized that I stood in between them. "If you ever touch my boyfriend then you are only praying for a death wish." I snarled while biting back a yell of pain. Ross squeaked behind me but I continued to stare Mr. Galebread down. The blood, was quickly dripping onto my shoulder as we stared one another down until the man finally spoke.

"You-" Mr. Galebread paused but sighed, "whatever I guess seeing you suffer Is a bigger punishment for him. Oh look, the squirrels little protector didn't even think about that." The man chuckled evily before marching off behind the podium.

I growled at myself in frustration as the second soldier tossed me Ross's glasses before following Mr. Galebread. I quickly fell onto one knee and wrap my arms around him in a quick embrace, I did not care if there were 100 people watching, I just wanted Ross to know that it was over. I quickly slide Ross his glasses before helping him stand up.

Ross quickly wrapped his arms around my chest and began to sob into my shirt. I quickly patted his head before leading him towards our friends. Krista quickly raced forward and hugged Ross whispering to him that everything would be ok. Ross whiped his eyes on his sweaters sleeve before sitting down next to me. His head leaned against my shoulder and I smiled as I realized Ross did not see the wound but, my luck quickly ended.

"Max, your neck it's coated in blood!" Charlie gasped, which suddenly got everyone's attention.

"It's just a scratch." I quickly pressed my khaki-white prisoner shirt against the wound which made the wound hurt  100 times more but, I didn't want anyone to look at the wound. Suddenly, my hand was pulled away. I looked up and my heart dropped in dismay as I realized that Ross was examining my wound. I wanted to pull away from him. I didn't want him to see how much it hurt but it was to late for that.

"How much does it hurt..." Ross uttered to me as he let go of my hand, allowing me to cover the wound.

"It hurts more than my first two scars but it was worth it. If it meant saving you." I looked up at Ross with s smile to only see him break down into sobs, his glasses fell off of his nose and I quickly caught them.

"It's all my fault! I'm sorry Max I-" Ross began but I quickly stopped him mid-sentence.

"It's not your fault that I lunged in between you and that man. I did it because I never want to see you get hurt." My hand slowly grazed Ross' dirty blonde hair as I feel my heart break in my chest. What If I didn't reach Ross in time? What if Ross was cut by the knife? What would I have done then? I shook the what if's out of my mind and decided to enjoy the last couple of minutes with Ross. I glance st Ross one more time as I slide his glasses onto the crook of his nose.

As soon as the soldiers marched back to escourt us to our rooms. Ross quickly gave me a hug before walking towards Pookie and Charlie. As soon as Andy got up, my hand reached for his shirt collar and I held him out in front of me before speaking coldly, "Watch over Ross. If I find a single scratch on him then I swear that you will wake up dead!" I quickly slammed Andy's body against the cafeteria table before walking towards Krita and Amy.

"That was uncalled for Max." Amy sighed she shook her head at me.

"I will always protect Ross. Even if it means prying open a dead body."

"What the hell happened to you Max! Can you even hear yourself? You used to be one of the kindest people in our friend group and now... now you've turned into no other than a bully." Krista implied, my heart dropped in my chest, she was right however I needed to continue the act. I needed to continue for the leader and soldiers to realize how serious I really am.

Skillet: Not Gonna Die

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