Chapter 27

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Ross's POV

"I Volunteer!" I hesitantly yelled as I met Mr. Galebread in the eyes. I wanted to show Max how much he hurt me. I wanted to kick him right where it hurt just so then he knew how I felt suddenly my heart dropped, what am I doing? I can't even give the final punch whenever I'm fighting another person! I open my mouth to quickly back out but, Mr. Galbread already looks extatic.

"That is exciting to hear! In about 2 hours everyone will be rounded up to watch the battle go down. To those of us fighting, I wish the two of you the best of luck." Mr. Galebread spoke in a dismissing tone, suddenly everyone began to walk back towards their escourts but and hand grabbed mine and I was yanked behind the podium.

I glance up to find Mr. Galebread and one of his soldiers looking down at me. My ears droop in worry as I try to find the right words, "if this is about the dispute that went out I-"

"N-No, no not not, in fact we pulled you back here so then we can give you the chain early to help you train for battle." Mr. Galebread reassured me for a moment I thought that I could finally get revenge for how he made me feel but then I realized that this could all be a trick. I looked at Mr. Galebread and frowned uneasily.

"Re-really, but wait... why would you train someone like me?" I asked as I looked into their eyes in disbelif. Mr Galebread sighed as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well, Max is an over powered opponent and well, I guess what I'm saying is that the only way to make the fight even is to train you to go against him."

I sighed as I looked Mr. Galebread in the eyes. I wanted to be Max's friend but, he hurt me more than words can say, "I'm down." Mr. Galebreads face lit up with excitment but he quickly shook it away. "Anyways, how will I be training?"

"Max is not the only experiment who can detect his enemies fear while making whatever he wants appear. Although the other few who have that power are weak. I will pair you off with them to fight until you get stronger."

"I don-" I sighed as I looked at the ground, what am I doing, I'm getting myself into a bigger mess than what I wanted, it's to late to back out now though, "Alright, when do I start?"

"Now," Mr. Galebread spoke as he dug into his pockets and he pulled out a silver chain. The chain had a light blue R attached to it. Almost as though he knew I would of volunteered, I thought as I took the chain from him. I examined the chain once more before I put it around my neck, suddenly I felt as though every bone in my body broke. I weakly looked Mr. Galebread in the eyes as I fell to the ground, my wrapped around my legs as I fell into a fetal position. I looked at my surroundings once more before my eyes closed.

I awoke to my head pounding, ugh my head. I thought as I blinked open my eyes, I was lying in what looked like an infirmary, at least 12 beds sat in the room. 3 other people sat in the beds but they were all knocked out. I looked over to my side to find Mr. Galebread watching me, "What happened?" I found myself asking, even though I knew what happened, I knocked out from how powerful the chain was. As Mr. Galebread repeated my thought I sighed as I sat up, "H-how long until the battle?"

"An hour and a half." Mr. Galebread replied and I quickly shot out of the bed, as soon as I did so, the light blue chain beat against my chest. Mr. Galebread watched me in confusion as I turned to look at him.

"What are you waiting for, we have a fight to prepare ourselves for!" I say as I randomly start to scream as Mr. Galebread sighs before he leads me out of the Infirmary. He led me down the hallway but into a new one, one with light blue walls with black floors. The hallway ended in a few minutes when a large door stood right before us.

"This is the training grounds, your going to be kept here in a small office I have, along with one of my Iminist's." Mr. Galebread explained as he opened the office door.


"Oh right, an Iminist is what your opponent Max is. Iminist's can see their opponents nightmares and can have what ever they want come out of their symbol."

"Oh." I sighed as I took a step into the office, the office was a matron red that has normal office set up except for the fact that frames hung on the walls in every part of the room. Inside of those frames were relics. "Why do you have relics?"

"Huh, how do you know what they are?"

"Anime, duh!" I growled as I pointed towards one of the relics, "Now tell me how you got those! Was it E-bay! Oh and what anime did it originate from!" Mr. Gale read eyes shone in relief and in amusement.

"I- oh- I got those from a far away country!" Mr. Galebread's uttered as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm late I-I had to run an experiment on a new Firebreather!" A loud yet stuttering voice called from down the hallway. Footsteps echoed down the hallway as a man with a short beard walked in.

"Lolips! I've been waiting."

"Sorry sir, is this the contestant?" The man who was apparently named Lolips asked as he looked me over.

"It sure is."

"Excellent! I'll teach him his power in a jiffy!" Lolips explained as he grabbed my hand before pulling me out into the hallway. In the hallway there was a short blonde haired boy who had dark amber eyes. He wore cuffs around his hands and two soldiers surrounded him.

"Joe this here is- eh."

"Ross. My name is Ross."

"Oh yeah! This here is Ross! You will both be sparring before Ross goes into the battle arena."

"With a chipmunk? This should be easy." Joe retorted, he glared into Ross's eyes with a cold glare that hurt like a thousand suns.

"I'm not a chipmunk!" I yelled taking Joe by surprise.

"Whatever." Joe snorted as one of the two soldiers walked behind Joe to uncuff him. As Joe rubbed his hands together to get a feel for them, he glared into my eyes with a cold stare, "let the war begin."

Suddenly a large J appeared out of thin air. I quickly lunged for Joe and shoved him to the ground, Lolips stood right behind me with a look of fear. "He doesn't know how to summon his symbol!" Lolips exclaimed as he grabbed Joe by the shirt collar before setting him up.

"Ugh," Joe growled before glaring in my direction, "think of your worst fear." Joe uttered as he rolled his eyes.

"S-so you could see it?"

"No! So then your symbol appears."

"Oh.." I responded as I closed my eyes, my worst fear... my worst fear was losing Max but, now I feel empty inside, I don't know how to feel. I guess I was always afraid of dying. I thought to myself as I opened my eyes.

Right in front of me sat a large blue R, the R had a golden and red scarf around it. I smiled as I watched the R but sadly it left with a loud, crack.

"Great, now fight me!" Joe growled as he got back into his fighting stance. I sighed as I did the same, I closed my eyes to summon the R, but suddenly I found myself falling, falling forever. What is this feeling? I'm not afraid of heights, I- oh it's Joe's fear isn't it.

I smirked crucially as I blinked open my eyes, suddenly Joe lunged for me, but I quickly grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him towards the wall before tossing him into the air. I caught him and continued to toss him. Everytime I tossed him, he screamed. Everytime I caught him, he stopped screaming.

"I give up! Please make it stop!" Joe cried as I caught him one last time before setting him back on the ground. Joe glared at me for a second before saying something in a low mere whisper, "you just got lucky, Chipmunk."

"I'm not a Chipmunk!" I yelled once more, making Joe bite back a laugh as he walked towards his soldiers who cuffed him again. Mr. Lolips raced for me with the brightest smile on his face.

"Good job Ross, and with record of time. The fight will begin in 10 minutes."

Lupe Fiasco and Guy Sebastian: Battle Scars

#I'm not a Sloth = I'm not a Chipmunk :P

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