Chapter 11

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Ross's POV

I blinked open my eyes as last night's dream began to replay in my mind. I wasn't sure what made the dream feel so real but for some reason it did. I sighed as I carefully fixed myself a glass of tea before checking my phone, I had a message from my mom telling me that they were stuck in traffic making them a day or two late. I shrugged my shoulders knowing it was some excuse for a business meeting so I merely turned on Max's phone, as the phone turned on I realized for the first time that I was his lock screen. I began to swipe at the phone and I sighed in relief as the phone went strait onto his homescreen. I opened up his messages to find 5 new messages in the group chat.

Krista: "Max, Ross? Are you both ok?"

Pookie: "I'm worried about them. It's not like them to be this quiet."

Jerry: "Says the one who talks his mouth off."

Pookie: "Hey I resemble that remark!"

Charlie: "Stop fighting like an old married couple you two!"


I frowned as my heart began to envy their happiness. But I quickly pushed it away as I remembered how I told them that he was in a stable state. I quickly pushed Max's phone into my pockets and left my own on my bed stand before I walked out of my appartment. The street was terribly quiet this morning making it feel like a ghost town.

As I passed down the streets I paused midway to the hospital to find Pookie and Jerry walking down the street, I tried to find a hiding place but they both waved me over instantly. I sighed as I slowly walked towards them, regretting the fact that I did not run in the opposite direction.

"Ross, there is something else going on isn't there." Pookie began but Jerry cut him off.

"Long story short on the news to days ago, there was a quick scene where it showed blood on a road and talked about an anonymous teenager being hit by a convertible. Ross is there something else we should know."

"...Promise not to tell anyone else..." I sighed as I met there eyes sorrowfully, as the two of them nodded I took in a deep breath before explaning Max's incident and how he acctually was not doing well, "His heart stopped for a couple of seconds as well." I said as I finished explaining what was going on.

"Ross... why didn't you tell anyone!?" Jerry exclaimed, "We could of helped you and Max!"

"I didn't want to worry anyone!" I whimpered as I backed away from them.

"No Ross it's ok. Just tell us next time. The more the merrier, right!" Pookie spoke as he broke in between Jerry and I. I looked at Pookie and nodded in agreement. "Anyways, it's only best that you stay with Max, go on we won't keep you waiting any longer." As Pookie smirked at me I gave him a quick smile of thanks before running towards the hospital.

As I paused in front of the hospital I quickly opened the door and walked over to the receptionist desk. "I'm here to see Max Laplume, room 309." I spoke as the receptionist nodded her head at me.

As I walked toward the elevator the second nurse from yesterday stopped me in the elevator, "Good news! We did a procedure on your friend yesterday and well the results are coming out excellent! He is healing alot quicker thanks to the procedure."

I sighed in relif and thanked the nurse as I rushed out of the elevator and headed across the hallway too see Max. I quickly opened the door to find him barely awake. He was in an upright sitting position but he didn't seem to notice me, instead his eyes were in slits and he was staring at the celing, mumbling something under his breath.

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