Chapter 7

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Max's POV

I felt my heart drop in my chest. I knew that Ross was right however I didn't know how to approach Krista on the subject, I glanced back at Ross who gave me a gentle nudge on the back, as I began to walk towards Krista; I found myself slowly remembering how I broke up with her.

We were both sitting at the table, everyone was talking and I couldn't help but think of how Ross told everyone that he liked me, I glanced at Krista who looked back at me in anger, before I could say anything she asked me why I just let them do that to me and why I was being dumbfounded during those events.

I rose the courage to break up with her, I told her that we were through and that we were not working out. I wanted to see someone who would like me for being the gamer I am. Even though Krista was a small gamer she agreed even though tears ran down her eyes.

As I shook the thought away I found myself in front of Krista, I let out a small cough and she turned to look at me, sorrow lingered in her dark eyes but, I didn't feel as bad as I should've. "I am really sorry Krista but, I was just, not happy with our relationship. I think we should just stay as friends."

Krista narrowed her eyes at me but finally nodded in agreement. I reached over to give her a hug just to show I really was sorry. When I let go, I turned my head to find Ross giving me a thumbs-up. Krista began to dry her tears on her sleeves as she finally spoke out in a rasped voice, "I'm sorry Max, I hope you find someone you can be happy with."

"Thanks Krista." I said with a smile before I walked back towards Ross. I sat down in the chair on the right of him and together our hands entwined with one another. We sat there for a couple of minutes talking about Runescape and other things on our mind until it was time to leave. I began to get up and I found my hand locking with Ross's once more, together we walked out of the dining room to find Mr. Galebread in the center of the hallway.

He bowed his head as he thanked everyone for coming. He shot Ross and I a smile as we walked past him. As soon as the moonlight reached our vision, Ross and I quickly moved our hands. I guess we both had the same idea of not sharing our relationship with anyone until later. I slowly walked towards Pookie who was having a small conversation with Jerry, as soon as I reached him I begged him to keep everything a secret.

Pookie looked at me with a frown, "I sorta told Andy, Charlie, and Jerry already. Don't worry we won't tell Krista until she is out of her grieving stage."

"Thanks Pookie. Just know that I still hate you." I turned away and began to march towards Ross who waited by the taxi for me, as soon as we got in, it was almost as though we shared the same mind. Ross leaned his head against my shoulder while I kissed his head as he wearily fell asleep on my shoulder.

This isn't so bad. Why was I panicking over the dream in the first place. Maybe it's because I didnt have the courage to come out as gay at the time. I shrugged my shoulders and glanced out of the window, watching as rain began to beat the windows. Not even five minutes passed when the taxi tore to a stop in front of the cafė, I woke up Ross with a quick shake of his shoulder and together we both stepped out of the taxi. We did not even have to exchange words, we both knew right away what was going on.

As soon as we exited the taxi Ross yawned tiredly beside me and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, "Let me take you home."

"Thanks, Max." Ross replied and as he rested his head on my shoulder I began to walk in the direction of Ross' house. For some reason his adress lingered in my mind almost like one of those dreams that you want to hang onto forever. As we stopped nearly halfway im the direction of Ross' house, Ross fell dead asleep on my shoulder.

I giggled as I quickly picked him up. His head lay against my chest and his legs dangled over my arms. I couldn't help but smile as I began to walk towards Ross' house. Luckily Ross kept his door unlocked so there was no need to search for a key. I opened the door with my elbow and smiled as the scent of Mountain Dew filled my nostrils. I closed the door carefully with my foot, as the door clicked shut I began to treck towards his bedroom.

As soon as we got inside I rested Ross on his bed and began to tuck him in. As I began to walk away I looked back at Ross who mumbled something under his breath. He looks so cute when he sleeps... Mom and Dad are going to be worried about me but, I don't think one night will hurt, I told myself as I climbed into Ross's bed and began to cuddle my body around his. I will always be here Ross. I will always he here to protect you. I smile softly as I allow sleep to take me.


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