Chapter 17

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Ross's POV

The quiet sound of whispering filled my ears as I twitced my ears to try and get at least a thread of the conversation. I quickly glanced around, I realized that I was not in the 'bedroom' anymore, instead I was racing through a forest with the sound of loud barking following my tail. I quickly zig zagged around corners and even turned my head once, to find nothing behind me, although I could feel it's hot breath against my tail.

As I continued forward I found myself wondering whenever I should go back for Max and the others but, before I could turn around I found myself slowly trip over a fallen branch. Instead of hitting the ground, my body rolled on the dirt of a steep hill until Infound myself in an empty clearing.

I quickly pulled myself into a sitting position and flickered my ears as I tried to remove the dirt. My hands grazed the ground below me as I grabbed a hold of my glasses. As I pushed them onto the crook of my nose I got to my feet."Hello, is anyone here!" I yell out, my gaze gingerly looks around the outline of trees until I spotted the silloute of a person. "Excuse me?" I yelled out as I began to walk forward. Instead of getting a hello or at least a goodbye, no response followed my gesture.

I slowly walked forward until the thick crimson scent of blood filled my nose. I quickly looked down at a rock where I saw the silloute of the human. And to my horror, there laid Max. A gunshot wound was in his skull meanwhile his eyes were bloodshot.

"Max! Max, please don't leave me!" I yell out as my hands wrapped around my boyfriends cold lifeless body. Tears began to fall out of my eyes as I let out a long earpeircing wail.

"Ross...Ross..." A voice sounded, I glanced down at Max's body to find his jaw moving ever so slightly.

"Your- Your alive!" I quickly wrap my arms around him before resting my head against his shoulder, instead Max didn't hug me back. "Max?"

"Ross, wake up..."

I blinked open my eyes to find the outline of someone standing over me. I quickly feel around the metal bed before pushing glasses on the crook of my nose. I quickly looked up to only realize that Andy was standing beside my bed. "I- what happened?"

"You were screaming in your sleep. Something about Max leaving you." Andy only smirked at me as his long scaley tail curved around his feet. I sighed in relif but, that relif caught in my throat. Suddenly the large metal door barged open and two soldiers marched inside.

"What the hell was all of that screaming for!"

"I- sorry sir, our friend had a small nightmare. We won't disturb you again." Pookie quickly responded. His orange with black tipped ears flickered in my direction. The soldiers, glared at me with dark meanacing eyes. I took in a deep breath before looking away from the men.

"Come with us." The first soldier commanded. I glanced back at my friends before slowly walking towards the men. Half expecting them to slap me or something I feel the second man grab a-hold of my arm before dragging me out of the room. Tears fell out of my eyes leaving my eyes red and puffy as the men suddenly stop in the cafeteria. Slowly and carefully the men lead me toward then podium before throwing me in a medium sized dog-crate that sat behind the podium. As soon as they threw me in, I got on all fours and watched as the men casually draped a blanket over the crate. My ears grazed amongst the metal bars but I ignored it as I threw myself against the door, hoping that it would open, but instead the left side of my body began to ache from the sudden impact.

Is this really the end... Is this really how I was going to die... was Max really going to witness my death. I slowly sat down as I the metal bars graze my tail and back. I never thought my life would end this quickly. As I continued to sob my heart out into the silent room the loud bang of a ball sounded. My heart began to race ten times faster in my chest as I heard the sound of heavy footsteps and children laughing.

My heart drops in my chest as I remember the dream, why did I see Max die in front of me. I'm the one that's about to die! As I slowly cradled my head into my arms I listened as the sound of footsteps marching on wood sounded. I closed my eyes and listened carefully, knowing this would be my last moment alive.

"Welcome my lovely experiments to yet another day. Sadly we had some problems this morning with a young hybrid. However his actions will not result to a death sentence." As soon as he says this, my heart skipped a beat, "He will instead receive a public cutting." The sound of footsteps sounded again until I felt the crate suddenly lift in the air.

What the- I ask myself as I hear children whispering to one another. The crate suddenly fell to the floor, leaving me to accidently hit my jaw against the metal bars. Suddenly the crates door opened, I peaked through the tiny crack to only realize that I was in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Come on out, little hybrid." The leader teased as his hand suddenly appeared in the crate, I quickly whimpered and pressed myself against the back wall to only feel the bars move out of the way. Suddenly I crashed into the floor, I slowly blinked my eyes as I realized that my glasses fell off. I quickly began to scramble around for my glasses to only hear a man's voice sound from behind me, "Looking for these, little squirrel." The man laughed as he pulled the rest of the blanket off of me. All I could see was the silloute of about 100 people.

My heart began to pound in my chest as I heard the sound of a pocket knife clicking open. I quietly whimpered as I closed my eyes expecting unbearable pain but, I was shocked to hear a small grunt of pain. I quickly opened my eyes to find myself looking at the outline of a person who stood in front of me, taking the blow from the pocket knife. My ears flickered happily as a voice entered the awe struck room.

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