Chapter 32

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"We can always disguise ourselves- I mean I'm not sure where we would find disguises or anything of the sort but..." Before I could finish my sentence my friends were already agreeing with me, they all exchanged murmurs as they thought of how to expand my idea; I quickly scratched the back of my neck before I leaned against the table, allowing my elbows to graze the table, this is for you Max.. we will make it out of here- for you.

I glance up at my friends as they discuss my plan over themselves until Krista finally clasps her arm around my shoulder, "Ross, that is a good idea; I'm glad that your standing up even through M- his death..." Krista's brown eyes shone with empathy as she watched me however I planted a smile on my face, which took Krista by surprise.

"I'm fine Krista."

"I- ok Ross." Krista agreed as she smiled back at me however deep down inside I knew that I was not alright, the memory of watching my best friend's head sit beside the soldier's foot lingered in my mind as I fought back the urge to cry. "Anyways, we need to figure out what course of action we are going to take- I think we should all look for disguises.."

"Your idiots- we can easily outrun the guards, their suits of armor won't outmatch us!" Charlie disagreed however Andy smacked him across the face causing the wolf-hybrid to yelp in pain. I sighed as I watched my friends continue their small dispute, I wish I knew what to do in order to help us, I mean- if it only it were easy enough to just-


"WHAAA?!" I yelp out as I snap out of my thoughts to meet my friends staring at me in shock, my ears twitch in confusement as Amy starts to poke and prod my body. "What the hell?!" I growl in outrage however the female continues to poke me without saying what her reason was for.

"Y-you just- your whole entire body just- You looked like a different person for a whole minute!" Andy spoke out in shock as the others hummed in unison. Your friends are usually the people you would believe however I wasn't sure whenever they were trying to cheer me up, whenever they were trying to get my mind off Max for once.

"Are you guys sure?" I asked as I fluffed out my tail fur, Pookie twitched his finger ears at me in reassurance as everyone else remained silent. My friend's silence left me lost in an endless pit as I tried to search for the right words, "I- if it is true then we need to figure out how I did it!"

"And fast- we have to go to the training grounds in only 2 minutes!" Caroline agreed as soldiers came marching towards our table leaving the 8 of us to depart our separate ways. As I followed the soldier down the long corridor with my roomates I couldn't help but feel my stomach churn anxiously, what if they don't take us to the training grounds- what if they take us to that room and they kill one of us off again?

As more thoughts evaded my mind I let out a nervous squeak, luckily nobody seemed to notice the shrill sound I made. As we reached our destination, the soldier paused abruptly infront of the training grounds before he glanced at the three of us, "you will all be training together, if I catch any of you slacking off there will be dire consequences." The soldier growled as his eyes hungrily watched me; I quickly bit my cheek as I watched the soldier walk towards a large podium where all of the soldiers stood to watch their trainees.

I quickly glanced away from the podium before I felt an arm seize me, I glanced around until I realized that it was Andy and Caroline. The two of them were dragging me through the hoards of students; towards the back of the training grounds. As soon as we reached the back on the training grounds, Andy gave me a firm look of disdain that was swamped with empathy at the same time, "What's going on?" I asked as my two friends swapped glances, Andy heathed in a sigh as though he's been holding It in for an eternity, however Caroline started to speak.

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