Chapter 6

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Ross' POV

I glanced over to find Max slowly drifting into sleep. As minutes passed, his headphones fell off. I gingerly grabbed his phone and turned off his music, as I looked back at him I couldn't help but smile, he was kinda cute... no what am I saying, he has a girlfriend. I quietly sighed and as I began to ponder on, I felt a presence linger on my shoulder, I turned my head slowly to find his head resting against my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile at him. He wore his golden chain that had a Z on it along with his usual dark gray with a single stripe hoodie. He looked very similar to his Runescape character apart from the fact that his character wore a police hat.

I looked away from Max for a second but couldn't help but look back at him. I found my hand reach for my phone as I tried to take a selfie of us. It was difficult to manage due to the fact of how Max was resting on my writing hand but, I was able to capture the moment. I smiled as I set the photo as my lock-screen. I glanced up to only realize that the taxi had jolted to a halt in front of the mansion. I quickly looked back at Max and sighed, Why did this moment have to end this quickly. I frowned but instead of doing anything I quickly shook Max awake.

Max glanced around the area for a second before looking at me, as he realized he was on my shoulder he instantly moved away, but I could see the blush on his face as he tried to hide it with his hoodies' collar. "We're at the mansion..." I spoke quietly, as I tried to not giggle at how akward he was.

Max nodded at me and quickly began to grab his belongings, such as his phone and headphones. I bent my head to grab my items, until I realized that my phone was ontop of his, I went over to reach it and as soon as my hand touched it, Max's hand met mine. I couldn't help but blush as we stayed in this state for a few seconds. I don't know why but, for some reason I enjoyed our hands being this close together. I quickly shook the thought out of my mind and glanced at him and he quickly took his hand away, "H-here." I whispered as I handed Max his phone.

"...thanks..." Max muttered as he quickly stepped out of the taxi and shut the door behind him. I sighed quietly as I stepped out after him. Everyone was gathered around the entrance along with two new people whom I've never met, both of which were a boy and a girl. The boy walked forward and introduced himself as Andy, the girl with him was Amy. Andy had a bald head with a dark blue jacket on meanwhile Amy had strait brown hair and a very colorful pastel T-shirt on.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Charlie!" Charlie spoke out from the group, "Those two are Pookie and Jerry, the guy in the far back is Max, and those two are Ross and Krista!" As Charlie continued to introduce us, I couldn't help but, shoot a glance in Max's direction. He was acting awfully odd and did not seem to want to talk to anyone.

Suddenly Pookie broke away from Jerry and began to whisper something in Max's ear. Max only looked at him with a frown before whispering to him in response. As the two of them continued this, Pookie nodded at him before walking back towards Jerry, leaving Max alone once more.

I quickly turned away and realized that a tall pale man had exited from the mansion. The man had a shaved head and light brown eyes. He looked us over and smiled, "My name is Mr. Galebread. Please come on in dinner will be ready in two hours but please make yourself at home. Oh, just don't go looking through my mansion." The man looked at the eight of us and smiled before allowing us inside. One by one everyone swamped Mr. Galebread's home. As soon as we walked inside, the man told us to head into the living room which was the first door on the right in the hallway. As we walked away, the man dipped his head before walking into a room that had a big relish brown door.

As soon as we entered the living room. Our eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, the room was lit by a single fireplace which sat in the corner of the room that had three couches. Large bookcases that were half empty. Charlie looked at all of us with a big goofy grin on his face, "How about we explore this mansion!"

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