Chapter 19

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Ross's POV

I try to cling onto Max for as long as I can. This is all my fault. If only I pushed Max out of the way or tried to run away. My ears twitched apprehensively as I lingered onto the thought of what could of happened if the knife went further into his throat. I bit back tears of sorrow as I buried my head deeper into his shirt, Max may decline that it is my fault but I know deep down inside that it was really my fault.

"Heh, guess he was a mad Max." Charlie joked, I let out a weak laugh but continued to follow the soldiers down the hallway. I could feel there stares, tearing into my soul as we reached the room. The soldier gave me a mere glare before closing the door behind us.

I glared at the ground in hollow frustration,"H-hey how about we play a game to pass the time?" Andy quickly suggested. Around me everyone hummed in agreement. I honestly didnt want to play a game but at the same time I didn't want to feel left out so I looked up and nodded in agreement.

"How about... cops and robbers?" Pookie chimed in, before any of us could say anything Pookie put on a funny voice, "Run the Rainbow Squirell before they take you to jail!" Pookie began to run around in circles, his fluffy orange tail streamed in the air behind him meanwhile Charlie followed closely behind him.

Andy's gaze tore into me as I began to walk towards my bed. I quickly pulled myself onto the metal box and sighed as I watched the ground that was about 3 feet below me. My eyes darted towards Pookie and Charlie who continued to chase each other in circles.

The sound of wings beating the air sounded beside me, but before I could glance over a deep voice filled the silence, "Hey buddy." I looked up to find Andy looking down at me, the teenager quickly sat on my bed and wrapped his scaley tail around me, "don't worry Ross, before we know it; we will be out of this hell hole."

"Easy for you to say! You don't have to watch your best friend take a knife for you!"

"Ross..." Andy paused, the words that just left my tounge lingered in the air as I sighed and shook my head, I knew that the words were overly bitter but, I didn't seem to care.

"I'm sorry Andy but, I'm just scared." My ears twitched in worry but, Andy continued to speak, his voice did not sound mad at all.

"Ross, everyone is worried. Everyone is stressed that Max keeps taking blows but, that doesn't mean that you should take it out on yourself. Just remember that everyone is here for you... especially Max." Andy looked at me one last time before climbing off of my bed.

I felt myself fall backwards as my back hit the metal bed. My tail hung over the side of the bed as I turned onto my side. I guess I should be happy that this place at least occupies us with food and a place to sleep. We could be in a far worse situation but, luckily that was not the case. As I continued to ponder about this, I felt my eyes grow heavy until sleep over took me.

I blinked open my eyes to the sound of the metal door creaking. I sat up and watched as two soldiers marched inside. "Room change!" The man yelled out. My heart leaped in my chest as I questioned whenever I would get roomed with Max. The soldiers let the four of us down the hallway into the cafeteria.

As soon as we entered I realized that the food containers and the cooler were closed completely. The four of us wondered to our usual table where Max and the others sat. I took a seat beside Max, who welcomed me with a peck on my cheek. As the eight of us sit there in silence, the leader walked up to his podium.

"Welcome everyone to another day, before we depart I will tell each of you how this works. My soldiers will hand you a note that has a number on it. The numbers go from 1-25. Four other people will receive the same note. Whoever receives the note that is the exact same as yours will be your roommates." As the leader finished his speech he clapped his hands which signaled the soldiers to pass out the notes.

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