Chapter 35

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Ross's POV

I can't stop pacing around the small area that I've had to call my room for the past few months. Andy and Caroline sat on their metal beds asking me questions about what happened but I couldn't answer a single question- the only thing on my mind was whenever Max would make it out alive. I twitched my fluffy ears in anticipation as the soft sound of footsteps marched down the hallway; I quickly slid to a halt infront of the door as I expected the door to swing open- to reveal Max. However the footsteps continued to march away from the room that we were being held captive inside of.

"Ross, come sit down." Andy sighed from the back of the room but I didn't go towards him- instead I kneeled on the ground beside the door and continued to face the metal door as though it were the most import item in the world to me. "...I wonder what's caused him to be like this- I this is all my fault! I should have gone with him!" I heard Andy whisper to Caroline as Caroline whispered sweet words of encouragement into Andy's ear.

"...M-Max is alive..." I finally spoke up causing the two of them to jump off of the metal beds. Andy paused beside me before he wrapped his tail around me, I quickly tore my gaze from away from the door to face the older Male as his dark eyes looked into mine.

"Ross- you do realize that Max is gone and that he can never return right, buddy?"

"No- you don't understand! M-Max is alive!" I screamed out as I instinctively slapped Andy across the face, leaving a large red mark on my friends cheek bone. The Male sighed as he turned to look at Caroline: the girl quickly placed her hand on my shoulder as I continued speaking, "y-you really don't believe me do you?"

"Of course we do, sweetheart." Caroline tried to sooth me however as soon as I turned my head to look at her I realized that she was mouthing something to Andy, "he's delusional." I instantly jumped up before I marched toward my bed, "I- where you going, Ross?"

"To bed- night." I spoke up bitterly but I didn't care- I know what I saw; I know that Max is alive but, how do I tell my friends without them thinking that I'm going crazy. I let out a long sigh that I did not realize that I had been holding as I curled myself into a tight ball. I was about to fall asleep when the door to the room creaked open, I threw up my head to find one of the soldiers standing there along with Max. The ginger had bags hanging under his eyes from long nights of sleep-deprivation.

"M-Max!" I yelled out as the soldier thrust Max into the room before slamming the door closed. Max glanced up at me with a smile and I suddenly realized that someone was watching us, I turned my head to find Andy staring in our direction- his jaw looked as though it could snap off of his face at any given moment.

"He- he's alive? H-how- his head was chopped off of his body..." Andy spoke as he began to grow pale. Caroline shook her head before she grabbed ahold of Andy's arm as the Male wobbled back a few steps before fainting into the womans arms.

"How about we speak of this in the morning- it's nice to see you again, Max." As the two of our friends walked away, Max embraced me into one of his bear hugs; I slowly shifted my arms from under his weight where he held them down before I hugged him back.

"I- I thought they hurt you, Ross!" Max spoke as he released me, Max looked me up and down before a small smile grew on his face which hid all of the worry that had been there only a second ago, "Come'on buddy, it's been along day; let's head to bed."

"Fine, as long as I can sleep next to you." I whispered that past part mainly to myself. I didn't want to wake up back in Mr. Galebread's office to only realize that this had been a dream the entire time, Max suddenly grabbed ahold my arm before he dragged me towards one of the empty beds.

"Its always been sad and lonely in my dreams but now since you are here- it will be fun!" Max said enthusiastically as he shoved me against the bed before laying beside me. I gingerly cocooned into a comfort position before I felt Max's arms wrap around me in a protective manner- we did not care what Mr. Galebread nor Winter and their goons thought: all we cared about was our love for each other and that's all we needed to guide us through this living hell right?

...well, we were wrong...

Remedy: Seether

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