Chapter 37

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Ross' POV

About an hour or so passed as I paced back and forth in the room; awaiting for the arrival of Max. The sound of distant footsteps sounded from outside the hallway, making me jerk my head in excitement as I watched the door. However as soon as the door swung open I was only greeted by a soldier instead of the familiur ginger. "It's lunch time-" The man spoke as he stepped out of the way, allowing us to leave the cell-like room. As we walked down the hallway, hoards of fellow experiments stepped out of the way, allowing us to go ahead of them. It was as though everyone knew that Max came back to life. That Max and I were ready to fight together, again.

"I hear that experiment 128 is being kept away... I wonder how long that poor guy will last..." I heard someone whisper as we finally entered the cafeteria. However as I looked around to see who said this, I was only greeted by larger crowds of expeirments then I expected to find.

"Come on Ross, everyone will be estatic to see you again!" Andy spoke as he wrapped his lizard-like tail around me, careful to not harm my own tail. I smiled at the dragon-hybird in thanks as the two of us proceeded through the cafeteria until we found our table where all of our friends sat. 

"Hey Ross, how are you holding up?" Krista spoke as she looked up from beside Amy. The older girl who sat beside Krista sub-consiously took her place beside Andy before the two of them exhchanged hurried words to one-another. 

"I- Max is alive again!" I yelped out as I rmeebered that my boyfriend's EX. did not even know of Max's return. The girl looked up at me with worry as she looked over at Andy but, Andy didn't seem to notice her stare since he was to busy talking to Amy and Pookie.

"Oh, Ross- I, MAX?" Krista yelped in astonishment as her amber eyes widened. I spun around to find the familiur ginger slowly limping towards us, a fresh scar sat on his cheek but by the look of it there was no blood dripping from the cut. I quickly rushed towards Max, as I grabbed ahold of his left hand. The older male smiled at me before he squeezed my hand in return. 

"H-hey guys." Max spoke as the two of us continued to walk towards the table. 

"It's your boi!" Pookie and Jerry yelped out in greeting causing a few people to turn and look at us in confusion. I let out a small giggle but, I stopped laughing as Jerry continued speaking, "Anyways lets get down to buisness guys- oh and since you guys haven't been around for awhile I guess we could fill you in on what's going on!"

"Yeah, that would be helpful." Max laughed as he sat down at the table beside Charlie and I. Charlie narrowed his eyes at me before he flicked his raveonous black ears. What was he planning this time?

"Well, we are just thinking of another escape route since our last plan obviosuly failed." Krista looked at me sadly before she returned her gaze to everyone else, "Now then- has anyone came up with a plan?"

"We can always do Ross's old plan and just disguise ourselves!" Pookie yelped.

"No, that's to obvious we need something better- something that is not expected..."

"How about we fight our way out- we can escape tonight as well?" Max spoke from beside me as he looked up at our friends. My heart skipped a beat as a gasp escaped my lips. Max turned to look at me before he leaned in and kissed my forehead, "We'll be ok, Squirrel..." He whispered before he turned to look at the others, "If we all combine our powers and abilities we can easily outrun or fight Mr. Galebread and his goons!"

"I mean- it's not that bad of an idea..." Charlie sighed boredly as he fiddled with his tail, "but we need something new."

"Fine what do you want us to do, Mr. ORIGINAL?" Max snapped as his chocolate brown eyes watched Charlie for a moment. "Exactly, you have nothing..." The entire table sat in silence as Max's bitter words hung in the air, I let out a nervous laugh until the ginger started to speak again, "Now then, I think we should do it when they are dissmissing us back to our rooms-"

"I no- I'm sorry Max but that's to soon... can we wait until they dissmiss us to head to the training grounds?" Amy sheepishly asked as she looked up at Max with wide, nervous eyes. The ginger nodded in agreement before he rested his head in his arms leaving the rest of the table to slowly roam back into their conversations once more. 

"Max..." I sighed as I leaned my arm against the older male's shoulders. Max sighed quietly in reponse allowing me to continue, "what's wrong?"

"It's nothing Ross- I'm just tired..." Max lied as he let out a nervous chuckle, "Heh- don't worry about me, buddy... you should probably think of how we are going to do our escape..."

"Alright Max... just know that you can talk to me, if you need to..." I sighed as I parted the ginger's hair away from his face as he slowly looked up at me. A weak smile crossed his face as he nodded at me before he broke contact with me once more. I wanted to know what was wrong with him- but, if I just asked him then it would have made the entire situation worse for him... I can't just rush his emotions... I need to trust Max. 

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