Chapter 31

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Ross's POV

It's been 3 days since Max finally remebered how we first met, everyday he slowly rembers me but, it still hurts how he kissed Winter infront of me. I mean he apologises to me everyday about it now but it still hurts inside. I twitched my ears as I dismissed the thought before I sat up in my bed, I was the first person awake in the room, allowing me to be left alone to my thoughts. I turned my head to my left where Max slept in the bed opposite of me, I sighed as I watched his chest slowly rise and fall, when he remembers me is he going to love me still?

I sighed as I forced myself to look away from Max however my gaze quickly returned to where the ginger slept. I don't know why but I couldn't stop watching him. I let out a sigh before I curled my tail over the side of my bed, even if he doesn't love me I'm glad he will remember me.

"Ross, are you ok, down there!" A voice called from above me, I stretched out my neck and peered out to find Andy watching me with a curious gaze.

"Y-yeah I'm fine."

Andy sighed as I leaned back in my bed, the sound of wings beating in the air filled the atmosphere as Andy got off of his bed, Andy landed on the ground a foot away from my bed, his dark blue lizard-like tail curled around his feet as he watched me curiously, "Ross I can tell that something is wrong."

"What if Max doesn't love me- what if when he does remember me, he does love me..." I croaked as I allowed tears to roll down my cheeks, Andy sighed from infront of me but my head was lowered so I wasn't sure as to what he was doing, suddenly I heard him sit down beside me, I glanced up to find Andy looking down at me in empathy.

"Ross, I'm sure that the two of you will compromise with one another someday but for now just remember the good times you had. Remember how he always put you before a dog or remember how you always put him before an anime. He will always be on your side Ross just like how you will always be on his side."

I sniffled back tears as I nodded in agreement, "Y-yeah- yeah your right." I smiled at Andy before I sighed in relif, "thanks Andy you don't know how much I needed that."

"Anytime man!"

"Can you two shut-up some of us are trying to sleep!" Caroline's voice snapped from above Max's bed, I glanced over at Max who was still dead asleep, how can he sleep through Caroline yelling at us?

"Sorry Caroline!" Andy hummed as Caroline grunted in response. I opened my jaw to say something to Andy however before I could say anything the door creaked open.

"Get up experiements!" I turned my head to find one of Mr. Galebread's soldiers standing in the doorway, Max and Caroline both let out a moan however the two of them stayed in the bed, "GET UP NOW OR I WILL SLIT YOUR THROATS!" The soldier yelled, this got the two of them up quickly; Max stood right beside me, his eyes were twitching nervously meanwhile Caroline stood with her arms crossed.

"Today is the first day of school-" the soldier began however Caroline casually cut him off.

"School, your allowing us to wonder outside of the laboratory?"

"No, we have a school inside of the laboratory; It was not used in a year for remodeling purposes, anyways if you follow me I can get you to find school uniforms. Everyday you will change into your schooluniforms when heading to school then you will change into your normal outfit on the other days." The soldier explained as the four of us walked towards him slowly, as we did so we realized that two other guards stood outside of the door.

As the soldiers escorted us down the hallway I couldn't help but notice that we were one of the only few groups that were being escorted, did that mean that everyone else received their uniforms already or did they just want us to go to school instead of the others? I tilted my head in confusion as I continued to follow the soldier until he paused infront of an open door, the first soldier dug into the closet meanwhile the other two stood guard of the four of us. Suddenly the first man pulled out black and blue uniforms before he tossed the pieces of clothing at us, "here go put these on!"

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