Chapter 14

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Max's POV

I blinked open my eyes to find a dark silver bed of metal above me. I slowly sat up to realize that the soldiers threw us into one of their so called rooms. What the hell did they do to us. I asked myself as I glanced around my surroundings. Jerry was sitting in the corner of the room watching the wall meanwhile Amy and Krista spoke to one another in low voices. As I got off of the bed, a sharp stabbing pain went through my hands. I glanced down, expecting to see stab wounds or something but, instead my hands looked fine. Apart from a couple of scratches from fighting the soldiers.

"Good- Day Mr. Don't touch my boyfriend." Jerry smirked as he realized that I finally woke up.

"Shut up, if Pookie was in danger then you would be doing the same thing!"

"Acctually, fighting the guards leads to a higher chance of Ross getting killed." Jerry said smartly, I frowned and looked at the ground, I mean he isn't wrong but still, I feel like I should try to fight my way out of here instead of acting weak.

I shook the thought out of my mind and watched as Krista and Amy watched the two of us. I glanced over at them until Amy finally spoke up, "Why are you both fighting like a married couple!"

"Yeah, you two should of ended up together instead!" Krista agreed as she snorted a giggle.

I frowned but decided to say nothing in return, instead I just sat in one of the furthest corners and watched the door desperately. Minutes passed as I continued to ponder whenever everyone else was ok and what those scientist like men did to us. I was quickly interrupted from my train of thought as Jerry and Krista began to say my name. I glanced up to find Jerry and Krista looking around the room, chanting my name.

"I'm right here guys?" As soon as I said this, Jerry and Krista spun around and glared at me angerly. "What?"

"Don't do that again! You made us worried-" Krista only sighed and shook her head, "We must not of seen you. I'm sorry Max." Krista implied, Jerry opened his mouth to interrupt up her but, Krista only shook her head at him.

I frowned in concern but before I could say anything, the door swung open and five soldiers walked inside. Two of them lunged for me but instead of running I just allowed them to tackle me to the ground. For a second the men were taken aback but, they continued to put the collar around my neck.

As soon as we stood up, the other three stood completely still but, the soldiers did not put collars around their necks, instead the men led me out of the room and slammed the door shut behind me. "What are you doing to my freinds!" I yelled, finally feeling the adrenaline run through my veins.

Instead if answering, the five men escorted me down the long corridor. We passed multiple doors as we walked through the corridor but, it was difficult to see what was inside of them. Finally we reached the end of the corridor, a single door that sat in the middle of the hallway stood before us. The first man opened the door which showed a small dark room that had a wooden chair in the center along with bearings. The men pushed me into the chair and before I could get up, they tightened the bearings around my arms.

"Next time we need to make sure to put extra chains on the hot-heads." One of the soldiers laughed as the other four agreed with him.

I wasn't always a hot head. I thought to myself as the five men left the room and shut the door behind me. I'm just human and I try to fight the danger that comes into my path. As I told myself this I felt my heart drop in my chest. I didn't understand why they strapped me into this chair.

Suddenly the door swung and Mr. Galebread otherwise known as the 'leader,' stormed inside. Mr. Galebread wore a maroon red shirt along with dark black Jeans. He looked like a normal guy that you would find walking around Seattle but, he was far from normal. The man stopped in front of me and began smiled at me. "What are you going to do to us!"

"Oh my boy. You should know by now that actions lead to consequences."

"Touch one of my friends and I swear-"

"No, No, No, I only give those punishments if they try to escape or they kill one of my workers, now..." The man paused as he looked me over, "You know you would be an excellent soldier, if you stopped fighting us."

"Over my cold dead body!" I growled, as I met the leaders eyes. The man only smiled as he dug into his Jeans pockets and pulled out a dark blue pocket knife.

"Do you really want to do this the hard way? If you join my soldiers, I won't lay a finger on you but-"

"I would rather die then betray my friends!" I screamed as I threw my head back in fury.

"Fine, you asked for it, kid." Mr. Galebread shrugged as he flipped open his knife. I quickly shut my eyes expecting him to stab me, instead he slowly moved the knife around my neck. "Hmm, do I really want to do it." He paused as though giving me another chance to join his army, instead of answering, I stayed silent.

"I'll let you off as a warning." He finally spoke, the man quickly moved the knife away from my throat and I bit back a sigh of relief as I opened my eyes but. As soon as I opened my eyes the man quickly scrapped the knife across my left cheek. I bit back a scream as I felt blood slowly leak out of the wound. I looked up at the man in distraught but he quickly moved the blade of the knife towards my right eye.

I quickly closed my eyes and prayed to myself that he wouldn't take out my eyes, instead the man scrapped the blade across my eyelids, leaving blood to run out of the wound. I blinked open my left eye slowly and watched in disgust as the man took some of my blood with his finger and licked it off.

The man flashed me a creepy smile before smashing my head against the wooden chair.

I slowly blinked open my eyes and sighed in relief, "It was just a nightmare..." I slowly sat up to find Krista and Amy watching me with worried eyes meanwhile Jerry kept watch of the door. "Wha- What happened...." I asked as I reached for my right eye. A scar grazed upon my fingers confirming that I was actually cut.

"We should be the ones asking you that." Jerry joked but, he quickly frowned, "In all seriousness; are you ok Max? The soldiers just walked in and through you into the room before saying that everyone's actions led to consequences."

"They weren't joking. We need to make sure that if we do escape they don't catch us. If they do they will kill us on the spot." I paused mid-sentence and pointed to the scar on my cheek, "They gave me these scars as a warning."

"What kind of warning is that!" Krista yelled as Amy nodded in agreement, I shrugged my shoulders in response and stared at the bed-sheets sorrowfully.

As I continued to stare at the bedsheets, I began to get lost in thought as I wondered how everyone else was doing and whenever someone already got a scar besides myself. I glance away from the bedsheets to find the other three teenagers watching me in astonishment, "What, do I have another scar somewhere?"

"N-no, you just... you- there was a large golden Z right beside you!" 

"No there- oh I see did my necklace confuse you?" I laughed as my hand reached for the necklace that hung around my neck, I looked up at my friends before I gave them a small smile, "very funny guys."

"No Max i-"

"Krista, just forget it." Jerry sighed as he placed a hand on her shoulder, Krista glanced into Pookie's gaze before nodding in agreement, "Sorry Max, we thought it would be funny."

"I-I wasn't saying it was- why are you butt-hurt!" I growled before I laid my head against the wall, as my eyes darted back and forth between my small group of friends. Amy sighed before she led everyone away from me, what the hell was that about? I asked myself as my gaze drifted to the ground before I closed my eyes and I allowed sleep to take over me.

Mithzan and Yourpalross

I'm Right Here | A Mithross Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن