Chapter 30

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Max's POV 

I felt my heart lift in my chest as I watched Winter walk away, why am I suddenly glad what she is going away from me? Why do I feel like I got something off of my chest for the first time? I glanced down at Ross and I found myself begin to smile like an idiot, until I realized for the first time that it has been along time since I've posted on my YouTube channel. Wait my- how am I going to redeem myself- is my friend YourPalMiku going to be subscribed to me still? I found myself getting into a nervous state but I quickly shook the thought away knowing that I could not get onto my channel at the moment. I glanced up at Ross and smiled, "Thanks, buddy," before Ross could say anything, I quickly jogged away from him; in the direction that Winter had raced off in. 

"W-Winter wait!" I yelled as I watched her white tail disappear into the crowd of experiments. I quickly dove into the crowd and I found myself push through to try to get to her but I was pushed to the ground instead, I glanced up to find Krista glaring down at me in anger. "What the hell Krista, your letting Winter get away!"

"What do you mean- your just- Max please-"

"I love Winter, Krista and I have no idea why your trying to get me to love a boy."

Krista's eyes shone in sorrow as I glared at her in rage, Krista let a tear roll down her cheek as I pushed her off of me, I quickly dodged past the crowd until I finally reached Winter who was trying to seek comfort from Elizabeth: I was to far away to know what they were saying so I gingerly walked towards them to hear what was going on.

"M-Max doesn't love me Elizabeth!" She cried as her head rested against her friends shoulder, Elizabeth cooed in sorrow as she stroked her friends hair, Elizabeth quickly looked up at me before frowning in disbelief. 

"I-Winter, I-"

"Leave me alone you jerk!" Winter screeched as she stepped away from Elizabeth, I could see what looked like a faint smile on her face but before I could question why the hell she was smiling, she quickly dashed over towards me, before I could do anything I could feel a hand slap my cheek. My eyes widened in astonishment as I looked down at Winter, "I hate you Max- you are the worst man on Earth."

"Winter!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she watched from afar, Winter simply shook her head before she retreated to her friend, Winter returned her gaze towards me, there was something different about her- Winter just looked distraught? Why would she look distraught though, I mean- she did sort of cheat on me just then but shouldn't I be the one that is distressed? 

"Let's just go, Max is useless anyways," Winter grabbed ahold of Elizabeth's hand before she led her friend through the crowd of experiments once more, leaving me to watch the crowd feeling empty inside. Should I head back to Ross- Do I restart- How would I restart- what am I doing anymore? I let out a long exaturaded sigh before I let my hand graze my hair, suddenly the room around me spun and I felt myself collapse onto the ground. I tried to get up but I slowly managed to pull myself onto my ahdns and knees before my vision faded away.


I blinked open my eyes to find myself back inside of the  Cresent Falls coffee shop, I glanced around to find a short familur brunette walking towards me. The brunette slide into teh booth that I was sitting in before he excitedly looked up at me, "Hey... your that waiter from earlier," the brunette snarled as he narrowed his gaze at me, I quickly scratched the back of my neck before I akwardly nodded, "That's fine pal! Anyways my name is Ross, what's you name, 'Mithzan?"

"M-Max..." I spoke before I looked up into Ross's eyes. I suddenly realized what was going on, this was the first time I met Ross but wait- I just met him at the experimentation lab so does that mean that we have been dating this whole time, have Krista and the others been telling the truth the whole time- does that make me a cheater!? 


I blinked open my eyes to realize that I was no longer on the floor of the cafeteria, instead I lay on the floor of one of the various rooms, I turned my head to find Ross and Andy standing in a corner on the far side of the room along with Caroline who watched me from one of the beds, "Your finally awake," the girl spoke making Ross race towards my side, his tail flickered back and forth apprehensively as he began to talk to me but everything he said was inaudible. He knows that I don't remember him and yet he is still staying right beside me... A small smile crossed my face as my heart enlightened. 

"Ross-" I spoke, Ross looked down at me before his eyes lit up, "Thank you."

"F-For?" Ross asked as he quickly frowned, I suddenly realized that he must of thought I got my memories back, I sighed before I shook my head at him.

"For staying by my side, I only remember our first night together however I'm excited to remember everything again." I replied as tears raced down Ross's cheeks, before I could say anything else, Ross embraced me in a quick hug, I sat there for a moment shocked by his sudden gesture before my hand patted his shoulder slowly, it's going to take me awhile to get used to this again but I guess it will be worth it. 

Gavin Luke- Glitz at the Ritz 3

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