Chapter 28

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Max's POV

It was finally time, time to show my opponent who is boss. I don't know why but everytime I think about him I feel like I should just allow him to win. I sigh before I shook the thought out of my head, my eyes dart down as I clutch the golden Z necklace that hung around my neck. Winter is counting on me to win, why did I even think this was a good idea? To show her that I'll be a good boyfriend or to just prove my skill?

The door behind me burst open which made me jump, I spun around to find one of Mr. Galebread's watching me, "C'mon kid, the battle should start soon." The man spoke in a deep voice, I sighed as I took one last glance at my chain, was I ready? I mean sure the kid, Ross is a hybrid which makes him an easy target but now he has the advantage of getting a power. Although I've used my power longer so, this battle is already a win for me!

I glanced up at the soldier before planting a smile on my face, "Fine, let's go." As the soldier led me out of the small room that Mr. Galebread decided to hold his two opponents I found myself walking into a large grassy field. Although due to the fact that we were still indoors I'm guessing that Mr. Galebread made the field out of fake-grass. The field had white paint in the shape of a circle around it. Experiments lined up the outskirts of the field giving us enough room to fight.

I glanced to my right to find Winter waving at me, her bright red cheeks lingered in my mind as I looked forward to find my target, Ross walking towards me with his escourt.  Ross narrowed his light brown eyes at me and before I could say anything a voice broke into the atmosphere. "Welcome to the first annual fight of the Pheonix Glaids, Experiemental Team. Our opponents are Ross Harold and Max Laplume. Is everyone ready for some action!"

As the crowd around us began to cheer our names, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watched Ross glare into my eyes. Suddenly a bell rang and I felt myself ease as I formed the golden Z. I was about to look-at Ross's fear when suddenly I heard voices mutter all around me. I blinked open my eyes to find myself in a dark enclosing when suddenly a voice burst from above me.

"We are gathered here to remember Max Laplume, he died a faithful death and will be remembered by family and friends."

I felt as though my heart dropped into a bottomless pit, my own funeral. No, no I can't be dead! I quickly formed my hands into knuckles as I began to bang on the dark enclosure which I assumed to be a coffin. "LET ME OUT, PLEASE DON'T BURRY ME ALIVE!" I screeched when suddenly the ground beneath me vanished and I fell onto the earth. I glanced up to find Ross standing over me, a dark blue R followed him until it vanished with a, crack.

"Your fear is getting burried alive?" Ross whispered as I heard shocked gasps sound from the crowd. I sighed as I slowly got to my feet.

"The battle has only just begun!" I quickly lunged for Ross before I knocked him to the ground. However the two of us tumbled around the field for a couple of minutes until I could finally hold a grasp of him. His head hit the ground beneath him with a loud thud, and his eyes were masked with fear.

I closed my eyes as I allowed myself to see his fear, suddenly light burned into my eyes, I blinked open my eyes to no longer find myself in the field. Instead I was at what looked to be a wedding. The wedding was held in what looked like a chapal and there I was standing at the front of the chapal next to an archway of flowers when suddenly the wedding bells rang in the air. I smiled as soon as I found out who I was marrying, it was Winter. The beutiful maiden wore a light blue dress that went along with her hair that was in a single braid. A clip-on bow was on her right ear and she held up a vale of flowers.

Suddenly the room around me darkened until I found myself looking down at Ross once more. Why was this kid afraid of my wedding? I shrugged my shoulders as I slowly got off of him. Ross quickly got into a sitting position before I beckoned for Winter to come to me. Ross's eyes widened as Winter raced towards me and embraced me in a quick hug. I smiled as I quickly gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Winter hesitated before leaning in more affectionately.

Behind me I could hear Ross scream in agony as the crowd began to clap in awe. I quickly stopped kissing Winter and I turned back around but before I could do anything I was shoved to the ground by a sudden force. I looked up to find Ross angrily looking down at me.

"That's the last time, I will let you betray me!" Ross screamed as his hands lunged straight for my throat. I felt my heart quicken as I struggled to grasp the delicate air. My arms flailed at Ross but, Ross's grip was strong. I quickly laid back in defeat as I watched Ross's eyes burn into my eyes. I frowned as I listened to Winter's screams off horror that were slowly fading away.

He's going to kill me, he's going to finish me off right here infront of my girlfriend. I closed my eyes as I bit back tears when suddenly I felt his grip loosen, I blinked open my eyes once more to find Ross hovering over me, his ears were down to his head as he looked at me.

"Hey, I'm sorry Max. I guess I just lost myself." Ross gave me a weak smile before holding out his hand, "I guess I didn't want to see you with anyone else but I should just be glad that I had you when I did."

I quickly grabbed his hand before he pulled me up to my feet, "I still done know what you mean. I've never dated you but, whatever kid; keep dreaming." Ross nodded at me, but I could see tears filling his light brown eyes as he walked away from me. Suddenly, Mr. Galebread's voice broke the silence that hung in the field.

"That was the battle... anyways this is the training grounds so all of you will be training here. Anyways you will all be reporting to the cafeteria, for lunch now." Static sounded from the intercom before the entire room was silent again.

Winter ran up to me before giving me a quick hug, "at least you tried, Maxxy!" I smiled at Winter before soldiers began to break everyone up into groups of six to walk them down to the cafeteria. As Winter and I walked hand-in-hamd to the cafeteria I continued to wonder why Ross's fear was my wedding day...

Fleurie: Soldier

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