Chapter 20

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Max's POV

I watched Ross walk away towards the soldiers holding up the sign that read, 22 I paused in front of a soldier with the sign reading 7. I glanced behind me to find Krista beside me, "Oh cool, I'm not alone!" I joked as Krista cracked a small smile. We watched as two females walked towards us, one of them was a short blue haired girl who wore snowy white cat ears along with a thin white cat tail, the other girl had light brown hair and grassy green eyes.

"Hey, my name is Winter and this is Jazz!" The cat-girl chirped. Her voice was a little high pitched but, it wasn't that bad. The second girl who was apparently named Jazz simply dipped her head at us.

"My name is Krista and this is Max!" Krista agreed from beside me, I let out a small hello and glanced up to find our escorts looking down at us.

"Follow me." The first man grunted as he began to lead the four of us down the vast hallway. As we reached the seventh door, I glanced inside to find myself in a room similar to the one before. As the door slammed behind us, Krista grabbed the two new girls hands and together the three of them fell on a bed. The three girls began to laugh hysterically as I climbed onto one of the top bunks.

I fell onto my bed and began to close my eyes until I heard thrashing beside me, I glanced over to find Winter struggling onto her bed. I quickly got up and half climbed half jumped over to her bed, the beds were barely a few feet apart making it easy to cross over. As I sat on her bed, I grabbed ahold of her waist and pulled her up but as I did this I suddenly fell over. I closed my eyes preparing for impact but once I opened my eyes I found Winter ontop of me, her face was only inches from mine.

"Omg Max, I am so sorry!" Winter exclaimed as she moved over a few inches until her back was against the wall. Her ears drooped awkwardly as she stared at the metal box.

"It's fine." I responded as I slowly got to my knees and I began to climb onto my bed, I rolled over until my face was staring at the celing. I could feel someone's gaze bearing into me but, once I got up; nobody was looking at me. Winter was staring at the wall, trying to sleep meanwhile Krista and Jazz sat on the ground laughing.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" I asked as I moved closer to the edge of the bed and allowed my feet to hang over the edge. Jazz and Krista only looked up at me before laughing. "What the hell guys?"

"Gee Max, leave us girls alone to have our girl talks!" Krista snapped as Jazz nodded in agreement.

"S-sorry." I responded before lying back down. Once more I felt as though someone was watching me but, I decided to ignore it as I closed my eyes.


I was starting in what looked to be an office. Dark crimson red wallpaper stood over the walls but, large frames hung on the walls. About 100 frames were in this medium sized room. Each of the frames had a fragment inside of them, the fragments came in different shapes, sizes, and colors.

There was a black and golden fragment that hung on the wall behind Max. As Max neared the fragment he realized that the fragment had a golden Z in the middle and the Z was outlined by a thin blue streak. The frame itself had a label on it that read, Max Curcline.

Why does this frame have my name on it? I asked myself as the door creaked open, the leader stepped inside before falling into a small office chair that sat behind his desk, I walked towards him slowly and realized that he did not seem to see me. Instead the man thurned his chair around as soon as I neared and looked out of a small window, the window was about 6 by 6 inch window. A large forest sat outside of the window as the man leaned back in his chair.

"I'm getting really tired of this 'Max,' I should of killed him when I had the chance but, I have something planned that is far worse then death. Oh yes... he would love to watch his little squirrel friend fall apart right in front of him! And as soon as they are both clawing at each other's necks, I will break Max's Relic and allow Ross to kill him for me!" The man laughed crucially as he turned his chair around and stared at my 'Relic' that hung on the wall.

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