Chapter 4

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Ross's POV

I blinked open my eyes, awoken from the sound of my phone going off, I turned my head to grab my phone and glasses and began to scroll through my phone until I found a message from my mom. Her and dad would be out for another few days but they would return soon. Or so they said, whenever my parents went out on a business trip, they would find interesting places just to stall for time. They always wanted to do that, probably didn't want to come home to me.

I typed a simple ok in response before I slid out of my bed to look at my calendar. It was the last day of high school, the last day I would have to hear the voices of those who saw me as weak or pathetic. But I won't let them bother me. As excited as I am to leave the high school, I wasn't ready to enter the real world. I wasn't ready to pay all of the Bill's or any of that. Even though my parents were away they still paid the Bill's.

I sighed quietly as I trudged towards the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom. As I entered the bathroom I was greeted by a large Narwhal shower curtain, along with stone sloth and squirrel statues. I grabbed a towel off of the towel rack and turned on the shower. I let the shower run for a minute as I leaned my elbows against the sink and stared at my reflection, which consisted of a five foot brunnet staring back at me, what am I going to do? I thought to myself as I began to step into the shower.

As I stepped out of the shower I began to change into some causal clothing which consisted of a black T-shirt that was covered by a light blue hoodie along with a pair of shorts. As I stepped out of my bedroom I began to dash down the hallway until I stood in front of the front door. I took a deep breath and stepped outside. The morning breeze ruffled my light brown hair as I turned around to look at my house, I'm leaving the house as a 17 year old boy, and I will be returning as a
17 year old adult who is going to college!

I quickly smiled to myself as I began to jog past the cafe. I paused in front of the cafe and peered inside of the glass, Max was not there yet, which lowered my spirit but, oh well. I continued to jog down the block until I reached Marana Street.

I paused mid-step as I watched in horror as two of the larger bullies began to walk towards me. One of them had dark black hair and a blue jacket. The other had sleek blonde hair and light brown eyes. The two bullies stopped right in from of me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, what do I do? I didn't want to get tortured on my last day I- I need to stand up for myself. I puffed out my chest and allowed my eyes to sharpen as I met their gazes.

"What do you two want?" I demanded as I narrowed my eyes at the black haired male.

"Get out of our way, kid. We got some lovely ladies to see." Suddenly the dark haired male began to laugh, "The one thing you won't have by how stupid you are!"

"I don't need them!" I growled as I tighten my fist, I don't need women, I don't need them when I can be gay. Wait, what the hell did I just say?

"Hah, see you later; dork!" The blonde haired Male laughed as the two alpha males pushed me to the ground. I shook my head and looked up to find them both going towards a group of five women.

Cheaters, I can't belive how naïve those girls can be. I slowly got up to my feet before I headed for class.

The next morning I found myself staring at the wall in confusement. The morning sun was slowly drifting through my window as I quickly pulled myself into a sitting position before glancing around my room. My hand grazed upon the air until I grabbed my glasses. Five days have passed since I first met Max. Nothing to important has happened since, we would record videos together and I would just go annoy him whenever he was at work, pretty much how I treated all of my friends. Yet I did not understand why I had butterflies whenever I was around Max.

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