Chapter 34

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Max's POV

Soldiers stood all around Ross and me, everywhere we turned- no matter how far we wanted to run there were at least 10 soldiers behind the ones the stood infront of us. I threw a glance at Ross before I noticed Mr. Galebread who stood in the front of the group of his soldier's, he wore a dark blue suit that had dark black sleeves on it. "We meet again- and I see you have brought me an old friend to play with again." Mr. Galebread chriped happily as a crooked smile sat on his face almost like he was from some sort of animation.

I shuddered in disgust before I felt Ross's hands push me backwards, my eyes widened in shock as I watched the younger Male shove me behind him as he stood infront of me, "Your going to have to get past me first, if you want to hurt Max again!"

"Aww how adorable- the squirrel acctually has guts to fight back!"

"Ross what the hell-" I growled into his ear as Ross's head snapped backwards at me, his ocean blue eyes met mine as he watched me for a moment. His eyes were always unpredictable- even if you could see his emotions through his eyes. Ross had those eyes that you could easily find yourself getting lost inside of- and Ross had me drowning in them. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts in time in order to hear Ross speaking to me.

"I-I dont want them to hurt you Max..."

"Let him do it, Max..." A voice growled in my mind as I watched Ross's eyes sorrowfully, for a moment I actually considered doing exactly what the voice told me to- that perhaps my conscious would be correct but, I would never put Ross in danger- if Ross ever got hurt, I don't know what I would do with myself...

"No," I growled as I shoved the younger boy behind me: I quickly raised my head as I faced my enemy- my gaze lingered on Mr. Galebread before I quickly pushed my hands towards my neck until I took off my chain: I held out the Z chain infront of me as I continued to watch Mr. Galebread, "How about we make a compromise?"

I needed to do this- for not just Ross's safety but my own as well. Ross let out a shocked whimper as I handed Mr. Galebread the chain. I sighed as I remembered how I figured out how I got my powers. I was sitting in my room with Amy, Krista, and Jerry and I had taken off my chain only a few moments ago. Amy and Krista were both dueling and I wanted to learn their fears upon the battle. Upon trying to learn Krista's fears nothing was working why- because the chain had been tampered with...

"You learned about your chains powers?"

"Indeed..." I sighed as I watched the man take the chain, the man grinned before he stuffed the chain into his coat pockets, "Now, Ross and I, did not put up a fight so I believe that it would be a fair deal if you let us go to our rooms safetly."

"Not a chance, I have a business to run here, buddy... Get 'em boys!" Mr. Galebread yelled out as four men raced forward before two of them grabbed ahold of me- the other two did the same to Ross. I quickly kicked out however my knees buckled from beneath me and I fell to the ground. I glanced up in defeat to find Mr. Galebread smiling evily, "Dmitri and Gabriel I want you both to bring the Carrot-top here to Examination Room 10. Blare and Xavier will bring Squirrel boy here back to his room."

"Call me that again and I will-" I started to yell out however one of the men quickly slapped their hand over my mouth, causing me to shut-up. I quickly tried to escape knowing that I cant die again- not when I was finally breathing in the sweet taste of oxygen again. However as soon as my eyes darted to the right and I saw Ross's warming face I quickly stopped fighting- I guess he was the only thing I really needed in life.

"Right away, sir!" One of the men yelped as they began to carry me down the hallway. I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes; I wanted sleep to take me- to allow me to escape my train of thoughts but instead I was quickly greeted by that unusual voice again.

"Good going, Max."

Who are you? I thought as I let out a deep breath, the air around me got colder so I quickly blinked open my eyes to realize that we were now inside of a laboratory- I guess I'm getting closer to being put into one of their chambers or something?

"Names Sylvia, remeber me?"

Oh yeah, well Sylvia- you could have told me how to change the entire situation- now I'm going to die again! I whined as the two soldiers thrust me onto a table before locking me into their rusty silver handcuffs.

"Your not going to die you immature child- just listen here ok? What you need to do is important- as soon as they let you out of that room you need to come up with an escape plan as soon as possible. I come bearing a warning. The one that they call, 'Gale' will allow the older ashes to arise however as soon as he does that... blood will spill- rivers upon rivers of blood..." Sylvia explained in an eerie tone before she let out a low whistle, I guess she was trying to scare me but I just let out a low snort of amusement- although I was alittle freaked out at the thought of seeing alot of gore...

Oh please- that wont happen...

"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you."

I let out a snort of annoyence before I began to tune the older woman out- I dont care how hard she tries to scare me. I'm not going to listen- even if I am trapped in this torture like chamber I wont listen to this voice in my head that is going to tell me that we are all going to die... I just need to hope that Ross is ok and that Mr. Galebread acctually let him go that easily.

Footsteps echoed down the hallway as I instantly slammed my eyelids shut. I'm not ready to see what they're going to do to me. As the footsteps continued to thunder in the distance I imagined the all mighty beast of who ever owned those footsteps to be large and extremely scaley- almost like a dragon. I let out a small sigh on anticipation as the door creaked open: the hinges sounded as though they were refusing to let the door open as the door slammed against the wall.

"So this is subject 128?" A voice asked as a pair of footsteps entered the room that I was being held captive in.

"Yeah it is- however we call him by his normal name which is Max." A second voice followed which sounded awfully similar to Mr. Galebread's. I bit my lip in fear as I waited for impact however the second voice continued to speak, "Get up Max, we know your awake."

I slowly blinked open my eyes to only be blinded by the bright light of the room I was held down in. I quickly tried to shield my eyes however my body was still held down with straps so I couldn't move a single muscle, I quickly narrowed my eyes as I glanced around to only realize that Mr. Galebread stood in the room with me however he was accompanied by a second man who wore a large labcoat. The second man smiled down at me as though I was just a child who needed to be protected from all of the fears that the world beheld.

"Good afternoon Mr. Max, my name is Dr. Robert and I will be experimenting with you today- now then let's get to business, shall we?" Dr. Robert's spoke as he quickly began to fumble with my shirt, I felt my heart drop as the older man removed my shirt- revealing my chest.

"W-What the hell..." I growled as Mr. Galebread left the room, leaving me and Dr. Robert alone in this torture room. "Wh-what are you going to do to me?" I tried to speak clearly but every word I spoke came out as a nervous stutter. Dr. Robert began to rummage through his lab-coat before he pulled out a clear syringe along with a syringe that held a bright orange liquid inside of it.

"Ah, now that would spoil the surprise now wouldn't it? Just close your eyes and imagine yourself at eh- a carnival or wherever you kids want to be at these days."

I quickly kicked out my legs as I tried to free myself of my straps but, it was no use- Dr. Robert quickly struck me in the left bicep with the clear syringe, and I watched in disgust as the syringe filled up with a bright crimson substance- blood. The same substance that I knew all to well but I got sick at the sight of, I felt myself grow dizzy as I quickly fell back against the table.

Dr. Robert sighed as he struck me with the other syringe before he put a bandage around my chest. "Just lay still for an hour, then I'll let you have your shirt back." Dr. Robert spoke as he quickly gathered his belongings before he strutted out of the room leaving me to close my eyes at the thought of my blood spilling out all over the room.

Broken: Seether, Amy Lee

I'm Right Here | A Mithross FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora