Chapter 38

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Max's POV

There is no escape. No matter how many times I try to lie to myself I can never escape the truth. My friends and I will probably never escape Mr. Galebread's grip- I want to stay strong for them but... knowing this newfound information is just dragging me down. How am I the first person to have stayed alive during a power-change? Is it because I died before? A loud sigh escaped my lips as I opened my eyes, allowing the gray sleek concerete celing to fill my vision. As my eyes adjusted to the room around me, I turned my head to find a familiur squirrel-hybrid who perched upon the bed a foot away from mine.

I slowly sat up and smiled at Ross which only caused the younger male to frown more, "I-" Ross began but he was quickly cut off by the sound of the door swinging open- Ross and I turned our heads to find a soldier standing in the doorway. We all knew what time it was and none of us were ready to face this war that I was putting us through. Suddenly as though on cue, a shrill scream thickened the atmosphere, causing the soldier to stumble backwards as he looked around for the source of the screams. The four of us swapped glances of anxiety as we darted towards the door.

The soldier yelped in surprise as he held up his arms ready to fight but, I wuickly held out my fist as I felt a flames run through my hand. I glanced at the man crucially as dark orange flames danced in the air until the man started to burn from the fire. Screams filled the air around me as I felt my heart plunge through my chest- this was of course the one thing I hated. Blood being left behind on my hands, but what else could I do- I need to protect Ross... I need to find hope; for him.

"This way!" Caroline yelled out to us as she led us through hoards of screaming experiments who were running around the corridor in circles as though there was no escape. I bit back a laugh as the sound of wing-beats sounded above me, I looked up to find Andy flying above me as he used his own fire to burn the doors to each cell. I guess we were freeing everyone instead of just ourselves now?

As my friends and I darted down the corridor we suddenly caught up with the others as we raced through the hallway but we quickly paused as soldiers stood infront of us. I turned around ready to lead everyone in the opposite direction but an army of soldiers only awaited us on the other side as well. Chills dashed up my spine as my eyes darted around the group of soldiers that surrounded us.

"There is only one thing to do..." Sylvia whispered to me which made me sigh in anger as I felt a new energy run through my veins. My heart quickened in my chest as a sigh escaped my lips. "You can't fight it Max, do you want to save Ross?"

I need to do it- for him! I snapped my eyes open as I let out a mighty roar. Krista and Pookie looked at me in fear as Ross whimpered from beside me. Suddenly a fire started to enclose itself around my friends and me as a flaming circle formed around us. Smoke thickened the atmosphere but through the dark gray screen I could just about see the narrowed eyes of the soldiers as each of them looked at us in frustration. I finally turned to my friends until I let out a low growl of remorse, "I can only hold this circle for so long- we need to come up with a plan."

As though on cue Andy looked at me and for a moment we both locked eyes as though we shared the same plan. Together the older male and I stood back to back as we started to summen fire until we spat it at our opponets. Andy let out a large fire-ball which knocked out about 2 dozen soldiers. Meanwhile, I summened another ring of fire but this time it enclosed itself around the soldiers knocking out about 3 dozen of them.

After multiple minutes passed our enemies finally laid themselves down at our feet. I let out a heavy sigh as I extinguished the fire circle with a flick of my hand before turning to face my friends who were all cheering in excitement. Suddenly, a low unamused clapping sounded from behind me. I turned my head quickly to find Mr. Galebread standing there with Ross' old necklace around his neck. "Well- Well- Well, lookie here. Has my own plan backfired? Heh, I don't think it will- Now then, I have about 100 more soldiers coming this way. So, unless you want to all get slaughtered I'd suggest that you guys head to your rooms."

"Guys, start running- I'll fend him off..." Caroline growled as she pushed herself forward. The girl stood infront of us until she reared up and took off her red bandanna. The black haired girl, looked at us with her wide blue eyes before turning back to Mr. Galebread. "I never knew my real parents thanks to you- my sister and I could never know our parents... I believe that it's only best if we are the ones fighting..."

As soon as Caroline said this I felt my heart skip a beat in sorrow. How long as she been here? The poor kid didn't even know her own parents. A frown appeared on my face but it disappeared as I quickly turned around ready to instruct my friends on our course of action. "Let's go- while we have the time!" I demanded as my friends nodded in agreement. We each took one last look at Caroline and Mr. Galebread who were both in a fighting stance before we hurried in the opposite direction of them. As we proceeded down the hallway, we were automatically stopped by the sound of a loud boom- I quickly spun around to find a jagged wall made up of ice blocking our way back and Caroline's only escape route.

"She's insane!" Krista screemed as she raced for the ice but I quickly placed my hand on her shoulder before I solemnly shook my head at her.

"It's no use- we will just need to mourn her..."

Krista nodded in agreement as we continued down the hallway. My eyes rested on each of my friends as we finally made it to that familiur fork in the road- the one that would get us out of here. I guess I've been wrong all along. Maybe there really can be hope in our darkest of times? A smile placed itself on my face as my friends and I gradually walked up the stairs. We were the only ones here for perhaps miles due to the fact that Caroline trapped everyone downstairs. As we made it to the top of the stairs, everyone decided it would be best to take a breather inside of the living room. I sighed to myself but, I paused as I saw a familiur face appear from the shadows- no it can't be.

My head snapped around towards my friends as I quickly started to whisper my theroy to them "guys, I think Mr. Galebread made it out!"

However as soon as everyone turned to look in the direction that I was looking in- nothing stood there. Only the brim of a lamp appeared out of the shadows. "Max, your just worried; it's nothing don't worry." Ross sighed as he started to rub my shoulders. I wish I could beleive him but, I know that Ross is wrong... Mr. Galebread made it out and he was ready to hunt us down again.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts before I made a beeline outside of the house. I didn't care if Ross or the others were calling my name- I just wanted to leave. As soon as I escaped I was quickly met with the bright sun as it blinded my gaze. Everything went blurry until I saw the silhouette of a person standing a few feet away. This person was walking around aimlessly on the sidewalk as though they had no place to go- perhaps they were lost?

I gingerly proceeded forward before I got towards them, "Excuse me, but would you mind telling me today's date?" I asked- The person spun around and smiled warmly.

"Why yes sonny, its June 1st 2019."

I gawked at the person in shock as they turned away and started to walk away from me- my friends and I have been locked up for 9 months. 9 months of our life spans have been wasted. What are we going to do?

Falling in Reverse: Loosing my Mind

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