Chapter 23

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Ross's POV

As soon as I entered the cafeteria I found Max beside the food stands. In his hands was a small cupcake; adorable I thought as my ears pricked. I quickly ran towards him. I need to see him again, I need him to tell me that everything will be ok. But as I found myself lost in my train of thought I forgot to pay attention.

Suddenly Max and I collided and we both fell to the floor. His cupcake was all over the floor and our faces. Oh no I messed up. I quickly look up at him and I find myself saying a quick apology, Oh Max, I'm sorry I didn't see you!"

I began to whipe the icing off of my cheek before I licked my finger, it was delicious; I glanced back at Max who was staring at me clearly lost, "Max..?"

Slowly the ginger looked up at me and began to speak, his brown eyes were glistening in concern, "I'm sorry but who are you?"

I looked at Max in disbelief and shook my head, Max is joking right, Max remembers who I am right, but I look back up to only meet a blank stare of confusion, "M-max it's me Ross." My voice began to crack as tears streamed into my eyes, "D-dont you remember me?"

"No, no I honestly don't, you must have confused me for someone else." He spoke as he stood up hesitantly, he reached out his hand and I gingerly grabbed it as he pulled me to my feet I heard Charlie yell an insult at us.

"Guys stop being romantic!"

As everyone paused to prepare for impact from Max they were surprised to find him staring back in confusion, "I- Romance, Charlie I just met this kid." He laughed before giving Charlie the finger.

But no one laughed back. Everyone just stared at him in worry. "Max, are you ok?" Amy spoke as Max and I finally sat down. Amy shot me a worried stare but all I could do was put on a fake smile. All I could do was pretend.

"Yeah of course Amy, anyways I'd like to introduce you guys to Ross!" Max said as he cuffed his arm around my shoulder, but as soon as he pulled away
I wanted his arm to be around me again but he did not notice the look of hurt that haunted my eyes.

"Max, that's your boyfriend... Ross. You both met, in real life like 2 months ago but, you're been together for 7 years in a video game..." Andy spoke clearly in a shock for words. I frowned as I looked at Max, I was only 10 when I met Max through Runescape, and he felt like an older brother back then. An older brother that I could never have.

"Boyfriend...?" Max uttered as his head tilted towards my direction. His eyes lingered in my own for a moment and I could detect the hint of confusion that lingered in his gaze, his eyes darted back and forth between the group of friends before he shook his head, "I'm sorry but you guys must be playing some prank. I never had a boyfriend."

Max's last words broke me, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to find Amy looking at me with a sympathy gaze. The cat-girl finally looked towards us, "oh Max hit his head on the wall while we were sparing. He might be confused for a little while." She chirped sadly as she drooped her ears, "I'm sorry I really am."

"Are guys mental or something, I'm fine!" Max shouted before banginging his fist into the table. All around us, people stared. I wanted to turn invisible. I wanted to hide. But I couldn't, I glared at Max who turned away from us as he began to talk to the cat-girl.

I twitched my ears in outrage as I watched the cat-girls face turn red. She was falling for my boyfriend. My senpai. My hands tightened to a fist and I could my nails digging into my skin. Getting deeper and deeper until I finally let go of my fist and looked at the palm of my hand. My hand now had four perfectly aligned marks that were slowly fading.

I shouldn't let my jealousy get the best of me. I glanced up at Max to find the cat-girl taking icing off of his face, my ears drooped as I suddenly realized what was going on, Max is pretending to not remember who I am just so then he can cheat on me!

SkyDoesEverything/NetNobody: The Best of Ross

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