Chapter 21

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Ross's POV

I blinked away tears of distress as Max walked away with a blue haired cat-girl. He didn't even talk to me. He didn't even acknowledge me. He did not even look at me! I felt tears streaming down my eyes as Krista hugged me.

"Oh Ross... I'm so sorry. I'll talk to him." Krista let go of me and I began to whipe away my tears. I looked into Krista's brown eyes and I realized that she was on the brink of crying as well.

"W-why do you." I'd sniffle as I blink away more tears, "Why would Max do this?"

"I honestly don't know Ross. I honestly don't know..." Krista sighed as she walked over to Max and two girls. One of the two girls happened to be that cat-girl. I clenched my fist in rage but quickly loosened it. Maybe he was just making a friend? Don't jump to conclusions Ross. I told myself as I walked towards Gary and the two girls. Elizabeth was whispering something to Caroline as Caroline nodded her head in response.

My group were one of the last to leave so this gave me plenty of time to ponder about Max's new, 'friend.' As I made my way towards them I glanced over at Max one last time who laughed at the cat-girl before they departed. I felt as though a fire rose in my chest. What was this feeling? Anger? Hatred? No, it was Jealousy. I was jealous that Max was flirting with a girl.

My hands tightened into a fist as tears streamed down my eyes once more. Arms quickly wrapped around me, I blinked open my eyes to find Gary holding me in a tight embrace, I quickly hugged him back before moving away from him.

"'Ye ok there bud?" Gary asked as his light blue eyes met my gaze.

"I don't know Gary... I think my boyfriend, Max is cheating on me for a girl." Tears plummeted down my eyes as I began to whipe them away.

"Oh Ross, I'm sorry!" Elizabeth murmured sympathetically as she patted my back.

I whiped away my tears and planted on a fake smile, "it's fine, I have you guys at least, don't I? Besides I will try to talk to him about the subject tomorrow!" My eyes lighten up as I look up at my companions. Elizabeth shoots me a warm smile meanwhile Gary gives me a thumbs up. However Caroline just shrugs in response.

The four of us follow the soldiers back to the room. However as soon as the door creaks open I feel myself grow exausted. Exausted from the sudden events. I guess that watching Max slowly fall in love with another girl made me want to puke. I glanced behind me and signed in relif, the door was still open.

"Sir..." I mutter to the soldier standing closest to the door.

"What?" A monotone voice followed as the soldier glared at me, I feel myself want get anxious but I shake the thought away.

"I-Uh- wanted to say that- you are both great at doing your job!" I flash on a quick smile before fleeing towards Gary who stood beside his bed.

"Aye Ross!" Gary chirped as I approached him, "Wes be sparring buddies, eh?"

I nodd in agreement as I crouch down into a battle position, my tail flickered back and forth as I watched Gary twitch his ears. Wait a second Gary's a dog and I'm a- before I could finish that thought Gary lunged for me, I quickly dodge out of the way and sprint towards the beds. I climb onto Caroline's bed to take over the higher ground, as soon as I climb it. Gary is circling the bottom of it.

I quickly jump on top of him and we both fall backwards rolling on the ground for a minute as we continued rolling I found myself getting dizzy. Suddenly Gary got on top of me, and he quickly pinned me to the Earth. The world around me darkened as Gary continuesly said my name. My name continuesly faded until I heard nothing.


I blinked open my eyes to find myself staring at a metal box, wait a second I'm not in my bed... ugh my head, what happened? I asked myself as I slowly got up. As I sat into a sitting position. I felt my glasses and put them on, Gary and Elizabeth were standing by the bed with concerned gazes meanwhile Caroline watched from afar.

"W-what happened..."

"You fainted from dehydration." Elizabeth sighed as she patted my head sadly, "One of the soldiers were kind enough to give you two squirts of water while you were knocked out. I guess you were lucky that the guards were outside of our door."

"How long was I out?" I asked as I look into their eyes quickly, please don't say a day, I need to speak to Max about this incident that I've witnessed.

"Only a couple of hours." Elizabeth hummed, "You should get some rest, I'll let you stay in my bed. If you fall again then who knows what could happen to you!" She smiled as me before walking away. Gary ruffled my hair in a quick goodbye before walking off to the bed beside me. I feel myself fall into the light paper-like bedsheets once more as I fall asleep.

I blink open my eyes to the sound of yelling. I sit up quickly to find Gary and Elizabeth in a loud and disturbing dispute.

"Well maybe your accent is just- it gets on my nerves!" Elizabeth pouted as she turned away from him.

"'Ye face gets on me nerves!"

I quickly get up and I stand I'm between them, "Woah, what is going on guys?"

"Wrong side of the bed?" A voice sighed, I glanced up to find Caroline looking down at the three of us, "They've been at it for hours."

"I-I'm sorry but that's the most I've heard you speak." I start but she quickly shrugs her shoulders.

"Must be getting used to you guys." She uttered as she leaned back on her bed.

I glanced back at Gary and Elizabeth and sighed, "You are both two of the kindest people I know yet, your going for each others throats. What the hell happened?"

"Tis yer girl threw a rock at me!" Gary exclaimed as he pointed at Elizabeth.

"It was an accident, I meant to throw it at the wall but it ricocheted and it hit Gary!"

"Why didn't 'ye tell me that?"

"I said that three times Gary..."  Elizabeth sighed as she shook her head at him. Gary shot her a goofy grin before giving me a smirk that read, 'I was just teasing her.'

I smiled in response and decided to leave myself out of the situation. I propped myself back on Elizabeth's bed. As I watched the two of them talk to each other, I began to think to myself, today is the day I talk to Max. Today is the day I see why he was avoiding me.

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