Chapter 10

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Max's POV

Nature surrounded me as I found myself in Seattles' City park. Birds flew over me along with flowers of vast colors decorating even the darkest spots of the park. I glanced around and smiled until I watched a large squirrel step out from the trees. The squirrel stared at me for a moment befor speaking to me, "Hello big dog. My name is Ross. I come in peace."

"Big dog?" I ask as I look down. I nearly jumped as I realized that I no longer had hands. Instead I had large gray paws. I shook the thought away as I tried to ignore the fact that I was an animal, "Ross where are we?"

"In the park, Big Dog."

"Ross, it's me Max." I growled in desperation.

"Max? I'm sorry but I don't know anyone by the name of Max." Ross responded, my heart broke in my chest as Ross shrugged me away.

"Ok well, why are we here Ross." I asked as I found myself getting impatient with Ross.

"Oh, you just woke up here so I thought I would come to say hi." Ross answered dumbfounded by the sudden question

"Ross, just tell me what is going on!"

" need to see that for yourself..." Ross finally responded, the area around me thickened as I plummeted into the dirt. Dust and dirt filled my eyes as I slowly closed them to avoid any further damage. I began to get up slowly to realize that I was no longer on the ground. Instead I was about 5 feet in the air, I glanced around to only realize that Ross had disappeared.

I guess I can move around all of Seattle now. I told myself as I began to slowly float towards Seattle's hospital. The hospital was a five story dark gray building that had either light gray or white walls. The wall color only mattered for what room you were in. As I couninuted into the hospital, my feet didn't stop, I continued to float up three floors until a large gray door sat in front of me. There was a nameplate beside the door but, before I could read it, two nurses stepped out of the room and blocked the nameplate.

I growled in outrage as I began to float I to the room out of curiosity. The room had a light gray almost pale interior, machines lined every corner of the room, leaving little to no walking space. Ross, in his human form was in the room kissing a guy. I quickly felt my heart drop with jealousy, until Ross moved away and I realized that it was me. That I was in the hospital bed, I glanced at the machine next to my body to find that my heart was barely beating.

I glanced back at Ross who tried to fight back tears as he left the room, "Ross..." I found myself saying as I followed him outside, a nurse began to talk to Ross but, I couldn't hear a word either of them said. All that came out whenever someone spoke was loud static. I growled under my breath but continued to remain next to Ross, finally Ross tore away from the nurse and began to storm towards the elevators.

Multiple minutes passed until Ross reached his house. As Ross opened his front door, I quickly followed him inside, instead of going to eat, Ross dragged himself towards his room and fell on his bed. Tears raced down his eyes as he slowly pulled my phone out of his back pocket. The phone was cracked but it looked as though it was in an ok condition. Ross placed the phone on his nightstand and covered his head with his arms until sleep took him.

As I watched Ross's fall asleep I couldn't help but realize that his body was still tense, I slowly neared Ross until the entire room around me turned dark. As I blinked open my eyes I found myself in a colorful room that had lots of anime posters on the walls. Where the hell am I? I asked myself as I began to look around. Did I just enter Ross's dream?!

I began to move forward until I spotted A Japanese Cherry Blossom tree sitting in the middle of the room, underneath the tree sat Ross. I began to move towards him and once I was a foot away from him I called out his name, Ross looked at me in excitement before the excitement in his eyes died down.

"No... why does my brain have to be cruel to me!" Ross screamed as he covered his head with his arms. I slowly walked towards him and placed my hand on his shoulder but, my hand went right through him.

"Ross it's me Max... what is going on?"

"What is going on? Max you got hit by a car and your on your death bed!" Ross cried, "Oh great I'm talking to my unconscious state now."

"Ross, even if I do end up dying... just know that I love you and I am glad to have called you my boyfriend."

"But this is all my fault if only I-" Ross cried as he tried to grab me, as soon as his hand went through me he broke into deeper sobs.

"No, none of this is your fault. I should of paid attention to the road. Just know that I am extreamly thankful for what you are doing."

"I love you Max." Ross spoke as he gingerly tried again to grab me but he only sighed in desperation when his hand went right through me again.

"I love you too, my little squirrel. Just remember I will always be with you!" I said quickly as I found the world around me darken once more. As soon as everything was pitch black instead of seeing the park, I slowly found myself drifting out of consiousness...

Mithzan (Max) and YourPalRoss (Ross)

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