Chapter 29

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Ross' Pov

My heart was more than crippled as I watched Max and Winter walk towards the cafeteria hand-in-hand. I felt sick just watching them, I quickly averted my gaze towards the ground however, I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't have to look behind me to know that it was Gary, "'ey bud, I know that this may seem pretty rough but ye' shouldn't go hard on ye' self."

I sighed before I shook Gary's hand off of my shoulder, before Gary could say anything I raced towards the cafeteria, ignoring all of the glances that followed me. As soon as I reached the cafeteria I found Max and Winter, the two of them sat at a table together with Elizabeth and Caroline. Elizabeth looked up at me and frowned before Winter could catch her attention. So that's where those two go to eat lunch. I shook my head before I walked towards Krista and Amy and I took a seat beside them. 

"Hey Ross." A voice called behind me, I turned around to find Andy and Pookie walking towards me, the two of them had lunch trays in their hands. As the two of them slid into a seat beside me, Andy looked at me before holding up his bottle of water, "We should now be called, 'bottle bois!'"

"Bottle Bois, forever!" I agreed as I yanked Pookie's bottle out of his hand before I clanked it against Andy's as the three of us laughed at my sudden outburst, I couldn't help but look over at Max. Max was busy watching Winter whose tail was wrapped over his shoulder, pulling him closer to her. I shuddered at the sight of her pulling him closer when suddenly Winter stood up. She spoke something in Max's ears before walking towards the drink stand.

 I quickly glanced over my shoulder where to find Andy and Pookie in deep conversation before I stood up to follow her. As I dodged the large crowd of experiments I followed her from a few steps away and watched as she grabbed a bottle of pink lemonade. She rested the lemonade on a counter before swaying her white tail back and forth, in an apprehensive manner; she suddenly slouched her shoulders against the counter before whispering something under her breath.

Suddenly a bright pink potion appeared beside her, the potion was in a heart shaped container and the container had a narrow mouth, almost like a flask. Winter glanced around as though expecting a witness before she poured the contents of the bottle into the lemonade. I couldn't believe it, Winter was using magic against Max, but what kind of Magic? Hate? No. Love, she was using a love potion.

Should I stop her? I asked myself but, I knew that if I stopped her now then Winter could easily push me away from Max, besides I don't even know her plan of action yet. I twitched my ear in annoyance before I retreated back to my table. Why the hell is she doing this to him? Why is she trying to brainwash Max? Why was I so stupid to not notice this!

I glanced over to find Winter hovering beside Max, she held the contaminated pink lemonade and her hands, even though I sat faraway from them I could tell that she was trying to get Max to take it from her. Suddenly Max shot his hand into the air before waving it back and forth in a dismissive manner; Winter angrily slammed the cup onto the table before yelling something inaudible at Max. Max simply shrugged his shoulders however before he could say anything Winter quickly backhanded him across the face.

I quickly jumped out of my seat before I darted across the room, I pushed out crowds of experiments; I did not care if I was causing a scene, I only cared about Max. As soon as I got towards Max's side I quickly snuck up behind Winter and grabbed her from behind before I slammed her into the table. Her tail flicked back and forth angrily as her arms flailed around. "WINTER!" Max screeched from beside me but before I could say anything, his screaming started to become muffled. I quickly looked down at the maiden before I got off of her.

"Why did you give him a love potion?" I snarled as I glanced over towards Max, my eyes widened in astonishment as I realized that Caroline was holding Max down. Caroline dipped her head at me before she continued to pin him against the table.

"Love potion? I never gave Maxxy a love potion!" Winter squeaked in her ordinary high pitched voice, "now let go of my boyfriend!" Winter suddenly slammed her body against mine with full force but instead of falling to the ground I looked down to find her arms flailing against my chest as she tried to beat me up.

"Winter, please give Ross an antidote." Caroline sighed from beside me, "Besides I can sence a strong bit of magic coming from Max's scent, and it's not even his own magic."

"Scenting magic?" I murmured as I looked up at Caroline, Caroline quickly scratched the back of her neck awkwardly before looking at the ground.

"It's a long story but, now is not the time for that."

"Right! Winter can you please relieve Max from your spell, or at least allie him to remember me?" I pleaded as Winter backed away from me, her tail curled in disgust for a moment but she quickly allowed it to relax.

"Hm, what's in the deal for me if I allow Max to remember you?" Winter smiled a crooked smile before I sighed.

"Err, I will- I will tell Max to remind you how cute you look?"

"Nah, I'm looking into a new hottie, infact he is new around here and he even likes cute girls like me!" Winter sassily flipped her hair before she narrowed her eyes at me, "Later loosers," and with that Winter started to skip away towards a table that dates in the back of the cafeteria where a group of biker-looking teenagers sat.

I quickly glanced over at Caroline who let go of Max, the ginger was on the brink of tears which was normal for someone who had just witnessed a breakup. I glanced at Caroline who nodded to me before she walked away from us, I sighed before I slid into a seat next to Max, "Hey, I'm sorry about Winter but, she never really loved you; she was just using you."

"How do you know that *Sniff* you don't even know me?" Max muttered as his hands fell into his hair, I looked down at the table before I let out a long sigh of sorrow.

"Alot of people can know somebody more than it can seem." Max looked up at me in confusion before I let out a weak smile, his face was red and tear-stained and he still had a few tears running down his cheeks, I reached over and dried away his tears before he smiled back at me, "even if we do seem like complete strangers, just know that I'm here for you, pal."

"Thanks, buddy." Max spoke with a smile before he looked down at the table.


Mumford & Sons: Little Lion Man

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