Chapter 15

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I get ready for the meeting to begin, and the show to start. It's really quite amusing to see both the expressions of Clarke and Lexa. It was clear they both shared some sort of relationship when Lexa refused to kill her, yet they still have tension surrounding them. They both stare at one another when they don't think they're looking, and bicker in front of the council. I never knew how entertaining it would be to be apart of a meeting.
There's a soft knock on the door and following Echo comes in.
"The meeting will begin soon, are you sure you'd like to speak to Wanheda before?" She says questioning me.

"You may leave now Echo." I respond lazily.

"Your highness your mother would never of taken such a fondness to the enemy. There is still time to kill Wanheda."

"Well its a good thing my mother's dead now isn't she. I said you may leave, and that is an order." I command.

She eyes me, as if that could threaten me, then leaves. I let out an exasperated sigh and head to Clarke's room.
I knock once before letting myself in.
I look to see Clarke writing something on a paper in the corner. She quickly hides when she sees me.
She stares at me a moment before beckoning me to the balcony.
"Didn't think we'd meet again now did you?"
I ask.
"I was hoping." She seems rather bland.

"I have an offer to make you." She turns her head at the sound.
"The council will most likely want your head, but if you want I can grant you safe passage into Azgeda, where you won't be seen."
She looks at me bewildered.
"So what's the catch?" She says all too eager.

"None really, think of it as my debt being paid back to you, or more likely to the Commander."
She shifts at the name, maybe this will be fun.

"So you want me to abandon my friends to live in the Ice Nation where I'll live a secluded life away from everyone?" She seems unnerved.

"It's better than death." I take my eyes off the city to hers. She looks threatened.

"Lexa wouldn't let me die." She mutters, certain.

I chuckle.
"Lexa also won't let the 13 clans' Coalition break from one person." I sigh exhausted already.
"Listen, the death will most likely be set on the full moon where the new flamekeeper will be named. There will be a symbol incrusted on a stone when you come back from the meeting. If you're lucky you won't need it, if you do then take it to the guards outside your door to the left. The right one will need to be disposed." She cringes at the word.
"The guard will do the rest."
I turn and head for the doors.
"Good luck Wanheda." I snicker, then leave for the meeting.


I look at the doors Roan just walked through astonished. Is this some sick game to him? He obviously knows about Lexa and I, but practically taunting me? I look down, out of the window, and see Kane talking with a street vendor. Could I really do that. Give everything away just to survive? I shake away the thought and walk back to my drawing. Lexa wouldn't let that happen. She even said she'd protect me, or at least that's how I interpreted it. I return to my drawing, shading in the freckles on Bellamy's face. I thought he'd changed, though I guess no one really does. They just evolve into who they always were. You can't call it a change when it's always been there.
I'm so enticed with shading that I jump when Gaia approaches me.
"Who's that?" She asks softly.
"No one." I hide the paper under my pillow before grabbing my jacket.
She looks upset as she watches me giving me a moment before leading the way.

"What are you even?" I ask afraid of knowing the answer. She's been so close to Lexa lately, closer than Titus.

"I'm to become the next Flamekeeper." She says nonchalant.

"What about Titus?" I didn't know you could replace Flamekeepers.

She hesitates, choosing her words carefully.
"That's something you may want to ask Heda."

"That is if I survive this." I say under my breathe.

She grabs onto my forearm.
"Don't lose hope." She states, just as before.
And within a blink of an eye the door opens to everyone staring at me.

I'm the last to enter as this discussion is all about me. I look around for a chair, only realizing I'm supposed to stand in the middle. I awkwardly move to the center standing there until someone speaks up.

"Nice of you to join us, Wanheda." an ambassador hisses, drawing over my title like a curse. It stings, but I try to look confident in my position. The smirk of his face tell me otherwise.

"Do you remember a boy, no older than 15. He had a scar on his left shoulder and dark brown hair."
He inches towards me in his seat.
I shake my head knowing where this is going.
"He died that day in the fire you started. He was burned alive no more than ten feet away from you."
I already know nothing I say will help.
"You are the ones who sent that boy to a fight you couldn't have won." I hiss.
"And you are the one who killed him, Wanheda."
Again with the title.
A stout woman then chimes in.
"I overheard you also killed a Trikru. Slit his throat when they were going to allow you to live."
She tries to reach my eyes, but I don't let her.
"I tried to protect my people." I whisper.
"And we were trying to protect ours!" Indra boasts.
At this point I've broken down. My face crumples as a silent tear seeps into my shirt.
I keep my face stern though. I don't let my eyes betray me.
There's only so much I can hide.

I hear a chuckle coming from behind me.
"Oh how the mighty have fallen."
I look up to see Roan standing over me.

"Is this really who you can't kill? The great Wanheda broken down to tears!" He controls the room.
"This is your weakness Heda. There's no hiding it."

This was his plan all along. Grant me safe passage in exchange for Lexa's head, not mine. He wants the Commander off the throne so he can put Ontari on it.

Lexa stands up, fuming.
"I have no weakness." She says, looking menacing as ever.

"Than why does she still stand?" Indra insists.

That's it. I'm not with them controlling my fate. It's my life, and I'll be damned if someone else has a say in it.
I stand up face Roan.
"I am no ones weakness." I scoff. I take a step closer to him.
"I did what I had to for my people's survival. Because of me they killed 618 of your people, and because of me they're ready to go to war with you all." I look around to everyone, my eyes landing on Lexa.
Her expression tells me no matter what she can't help me out of this one.
"A single letter and within a day, a quarter of your villages would be wiped out, no questions asked." I watch as all the warriors move closer to me, as if ready to fight.
"But I won't." I say softly.
"I won't because my people want peace, and so should yours." Everyone looks at one another, wordlessly communicating. Kane looks almost proud.
"My survival is all that's holding the 13th clan from war. My death will be the downfall of your life's."

No one says a word, the silence louder than anything.
"Wise words Clarke." Lexa says. I look up at her and she looks relieved. Her face remains stoic while her eyes pierce through me. She stays that way a bit before returning to her cold exterior.
"Sentries, take Clarke to her bedchambers." I watch as two guards near me.
"No, did you not just hear me?" I beg stopping at the door way.
"Yes, Clarke I did. But that doesn't mean your crimes will go unpunished. We will discuss this as a council then send word of the agreement later." I look back at her, her eyes give away her regret. I can't make the Heda look weak. I give her a small nod before allowing the Sentries to drag me to my room.

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