Chapter 19

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There have been so many meetings since I've been here, I can distinguish the chatter of warriors throughout my floor.
I look at my bedroom doors as if I can see the people walking through the hall.  They walk hurriedly as if they know this is the room I'm imprisoned in. No ones been visiting me besides Gaia, who sends me a small care package of food daily. I think I may be going insane. I can't count how many drawings I've started and failed to finish, and on top of that they all lead back to Arkadia.
The air has been still as of lately. I know there's something no one's telling me. I try to take my mind off the topic, but it keeps on straying. I sigh feeling exhausted of the room.

I take a deep breathe and open my door. The guard to my right is talking in Trigedaslang to a warrior while the one to my left seems surprised to even see me.
I muster up the most confident look I can manage and stare him down.
"I am to attend the meeting, Heda's orders."
I say sternly. I try to look confident until he begins laughing.
"Don yu sen in dei de Gade? Wanheda wich in em belongs in de meeting!"
(Did you hear that Gade? Wanheda believes she belongs in the meeting!)
The other guard, presumably Gade begins to chuckle with him. He looks down to me.
"Now little Wanheda, why don't you make this easy and go back to your room." I glare at him.
My fingers itch to grab my dagger hidden in my thigh when someone approaches.
"Fap of of her! Clarke I thought you would've left by now." Octavia scolds.
I look up to her confused before glaring at my guards.

"We apologize Octavia, but we are under strict orders not to let her leave."

"And I am under strict orders to take her, directly from Heda." She looks at them like dirt in her boots.
They hesitate before nodding and let me free. I swiftly match paces with Octavia waiting to speak until we are out of earshot.

"What did you say back there?" I still had a hard time understanding their language.

"I just told them to get off of you." She responds effortlessly.

"I guess Lincoln and you have both found respect among them." I ask quietly.

"After becoming Indra's second no one dared touch me, then when Lincoln killed Pauna we practically found ourselves with the Ambassadors." She says smugly.

"A lots happened in two weeks huh." I mutter.
"Thanks for pulling me out back there."

"It's the least I could do. I know the commander doesn't want you there, but you might as well try to fit in. It's not like you'll be leaving anytime soon." We reach the doors and both of us are silent. I feel ashamed of the position I've put myself in.

"Hey I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry you're stuck here Clarke." She adds.

"It's fine O." I say dropping eye contact. I open the doors and close my eyes preparing for the deafening silence.
I wait a moment before realizing everyone's still talking.
I look around and notice barely half of the ambassadors are here, and the bustling of noise is from the servants. I look to my side for Octavia and realize she's already made her way to the back of the room. I quickly do the same and stay a couple feet from her.
There's many people standing along the wall with us. I've always been so caught up in the Ambassadors tables to ever notice. Warriors, Sentinels, Vendors and even staff fill the walls making the room feel smaller than it is.

Lincoln crosses the room to greet Octavia then looks at me.
He brushes his shoulder against Octavia and covers me, disabling anyone from seeing me.

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