Chapter 26

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I return to Clarke's tent again and hear her speaking about something with Lincoln.
I don't open the flaps yet, and decide to just listen.

"So the warriors drugged us?" Lincoln asks.

"Yes, they got it from my mother. Lincoln I don't know what to do. I'm afraid she's going to start a war she can't finish. She tried to take me, convinced me the only reason I want to stay here is because I'm sick."
Someone kidnapped her.

"Lincoln I know she loves me, it's just my mother won't let me leave her. And she's willing to allow my people to die at the cost." There's silence for a while before Lincoln speaks.
So it was her mother.

"I don't know what you should do, but beware of Lexa. She's changed with your disappearance over the past 2 weeks. She was surely going to war until two days ago."

"What changed?" I can hear her voice quiver.

It's true. I was about to go to war, believing it was the best thing for my people. They hated Skaikru.
Lincoln starts whispering and I try to step closer to hear.
I look down and see a twig snapped. Their tent goes silent. I take a deep breathe and straighten my back, walking in.

"I'm sorry, would you like me to come later Clarke?" I say acknowledging Lincoln.

"No it's fine." She says quickly.

"Is there anything you'd like to speak to me about?" I try to implore her to tell me what I had just heard.

"No. We were just talking about the journey back to Polis."
She's gotten better at lying, maybe I'd believe her if I wasn't listening. I try not to look hurt.
You are the commander of 13 clans, one girl isn't supposed to make you vulnerable.
I can hear the commanders pushing this to the surface. None of the past commanders had any fondness for others, let alone lovers.

"Well we'll be leaving at first light, would you like to come with me to eat? The warriors are all cooking what's left of last nights catch." She looks to Lincoln and he quietly escorts himself, leaving only her and I.
I stand my ground and wait for a response.

"I'm not sure if it's smart leading me out to the warriors to eat with them. Lexa just a few days ago I would've been killed no questions asked." She genuinely looks worried.

"That won't happen Clarke." I assure her.

"How can you be so sure? Lexa, my mom will go to any cost to get me back in Arcadia. My people will start a war the moment she tells them I'm a prisoner here. You're people won't stand a chance." At this point she's pleading for me to understand.

"My people will not be the ones dying if so." I look away from her face.
"You're mistaking my kindness as weakness Clarke. I am the only thing holding back the flood. My people will be the end of yours should I allow it."
I grow cold, feeling the hum of commanders at my neck.
I look to her and she looks as if she's speaking to a stranger.
" I'm sorry." I whisper.
" I'll have food brought to the tent." I turn on my heel to leave.
Clarke tries to stand, but ends up hissing in the process and sitting back down.

"Lexa please. Don't let my people go into that war. We'll lose more than we'll earn." I can hear her emotions thick through her voice.

"You're people don't deserve you Clarke. If they go to war for you at least take comfort in the fact that Kane will be spared." I leave the tent and walk to the woods.

I take a deep breathe and lean against a tree. I look up to the stars trying to hold onto my mask. I sense someone behind me, although I don't hear a word. I don't bother moving as I already know who's foolish enough to sneak up on the Commander.

"You really love her don't you?" Luna comes into view kneeling before a tree in front on me.

"I'm not sure I know who you're speaking about." I say gruffly.

"Love is amazing isn't it? It can break a world or build a new one. I heard about your past lover, Costia."
Luna says this with no care.

"Don't say her name." I hiss.

"We'd only get small bits of gossip from the traders, but I did know enough. They said soon after taking The Flame you went back to your original village. You met a girl and took a likeliness to her. You brought her to Polis and she became your lover. They say she bewitched you. That she..."

I cut her off.

Not caring she resumes, softer.
"You thought you loved her. Then she was killed, but the way you feel about Clarke is different isn't it?" She has no sting to the words as she speaks them. She's being sincere.
I finally meet her eyes, looking away from the sky.

"When did you have your daughter?" I ask.

"Shortly after I ran to seek coverage with Floukru, I met a man. He had taken on the same oath I had. We were brought together in ceremony and I soon met Adria.
She isn't mine by blood, but Derrick and I took her in as our own. Her parents were warriors and wanted to keep their daughter safe, so they left their daughter with the only clan at true peace. They'd visit her often and I took care of her as my own."

"Do you want children?" I ask letting my shoulders relax.
Luna looks past me to Adria talking with a small boy her age.

"Not at the chance of them being a Natblide."

"Where are her parents now?" I look at the girl. She doesn't look like she's seen a single fight. She's pure through and through.

"Dead. They were killed in the fire. I'd have Wanheda's head if I didn't know the feelings you share for her." She locks me dead in the eyes threatening me to back down.
"I'm not a monster." She hisses.
I stare at her until I hear the familiar dropping of a staff and a small hiss soon after. I turn my head and see Clarke heading towards the cookout.

"Don't lose this one." Luna stands to leave before offering a hand up.

"I don't plan on it."

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