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Lucia sat down on Lelouch's bed absorbing all the information she had received from the mysterious C2. Lelouch Vi Britannia or who he was known as Lelouch Lamperouge was the enemy of all Britannia. He was Zero the Terrorist,which is another reason why that creepy guy Mao had kidnapped Lucia before. C2 also explained that Mao had a Geass to read minds which is why he was able to weaken Lucia like he did. Playing tricks with Lucia's emotions it was sickening but a strong power if used correctly. Which for Mao he did not. She was also informed that since Lucia was close to Lelouch that she would be targeted by enemies of Zero and sadly C2's.

Being targeted was nothing different after all Lucia was a Royal of the Fante Kingdom. She was use to being a tool used for the upper hand in political situations. Just as she was being used at the moment by Schneizel. Lucia shook her head free of thoughts of Schneizel as she quietly ran her fingers across the bruising on her wrist. It appeared she had not used enough make up to cover it as it began to slowly appear underneath the cover and up. "Does it hurt?" C2 asked in a quiet manner as Lucia tugged her sleeve over the reappearing bruise. "Only when I think about it." Lucia told her as C2 sighed"If Lelouch sees that he will go insane. Knowing that he put his hands on you."She commented.

Lucia thought quietly at C2's words as she couldn't help but to smile faintly. Even though she had left in anger weeks ago according to C2 he was still determined to save her. To protect her. And seeing her bruises would only crush Lelouch's hopes of saving her. And she couldn't bear it. "Then he won't find out." Lucia told C2 as C2 shook her head. "Come now you can't even stand for someone to hug you let alone touch you without flinching. He will realize it sooner or later." C2 commented as Lucia nodded quietly knowing that she was right.

Eventually Lelouch would realize something was wrong with Lucia. And when he sees the bruises she knows it will tear him apart. Lucia bit her bottom lip quietly as she gripped onto the bed tightly. "Regardless he will know and-" "I know. I wouldn't dream of telling anyone who Lelouch was. You have my word C2." Lucia quickly finished before the two women heard Lelouch entering the dorm. "I'm home Sayoko." He greeted as Sayoko of course bowed before him returning the greeting. "Welcome home My Lord." She told him with a smile. C2 sighed as she took a seat on the bed beside Lucia. Preparing herself to hear Lelouch's disapproval of her decision to fill Lucia in.

The two girls continued to wait as Lelouch quietly made his way to his room. Immediately shutting the door tightly as his eyes darted back and fourth between C2 and Lucia. "L-Lucia...C2 what's the meaning of this?" Lelouch demanded as C2 smiled cooly."I simply solved a problem. You are quite welcome."She answered as Lucia smiled lightly towards Lelouch. "Lucia whatever she said is-" Lelouch began but was quickly interrupted by C2."The truth. I would never lie to you."She told Lucia sincerely. And Lucia once again had that overwhelming feeling to trust C2.

Something that still escaped her but she knew above all she could trust her. "Its okay Lulu,I know everything. About Geass,and about you....being Zero." Lucia spoke choosing her words wisely as the two made eye contact. Lelouch's violet eyes peering deep into Lucia's amber eyes. Looking for any bit of fault. But found none. "You know you can trust me Lelouch, we've been friends for years." She told him with a kind smile. Lelouch bit his bottom lip as he gripped onto her arm tugging her to him causing her to flinch in pain.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" Lelouch asked her in a concerned manner as Lucia rubbed her wrist already seeing her bruises popping up from her make up. "I-Im fine." Lucia mumbled as she averted her gaze to the ground. Lelouch looked at her and her wrist. He knew something was wrong a f he also knew that Lucia was not the type of person to admit that she was in pain. Lucia didn't dare look Lelouch in the eye knowing if she did that she would crumble under is penetrating gaze. C2 sighed"Come now Lucia we've been through this already. There is no point of hiding it."She pointed out once more.

"Hiding it? Hiding what Lucia?" Lelouch questioned as quietly Lucia began to wipe away the already fading makeup on her arm to reveal the large traces of bruises. The size of hands and fingertips that crawled up her arm. Immediately Lelouch became enraged demanding to know who it was who had done this to her."...your...brother Schneizel. "Lucia spoke his name quietly as Lelouch gritted his teeth. His eyes darting back and forth as if searching for a way to escape his own personal hell.

Because he had yet to act out his plan to free Lucia she had been abused. It was as if all his planning had been for nothing. His brother had touched,and injured the woman he cared for and he would pay dearly for it. " She has been abused for the past 3 weeks everyday. That is why she was absent from school. She was not allowed to leave. Correct?"C2 asked as Lucia nodded quietly as she averted her gaze to the ground. Feeling how truly powerless she was when it came to Schneizel. "He will pay." Lelouch breathed struggling to keep his rage under control.

Lucia quietly placed a hand on his shoulder as she smiled faintly to him. Immediately nodding at his words. "Just bear it a little bit longer,I will come for you." Lelouch declared to her once more,gently caressing her pale cheek. It had been so long since she had felt a loving touch from him,so long that it shocked her very body. "I will." Lucia breathed.

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