Chapter 2

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As we arrived at the place of the devil I am suddenly hit by nerves. Why, I don't know.

Maybe it's because I'm a nerd and I always worry about my subjects, teachers and exams at the beginning of the year even though exams come at the end of the semester. I always worry about what gossip will come along about me or my friends. I worry about whether the odds of senior year will be in favour of my friendship with Riley, Tori and Tessa, or will we slowly break away. These were the fears running through my mi-.

"Earth to Skye! Ey you!" Tori screamed as she made her way out of her car.

"Huh?" I said, getting out as well.

"I said, 'you wanna go get our time tables now or should we just bunk the first few hours...'?" she repeated

"No dude we going to school like we should, even though we probably as smart as Einstein, okay maybe Im taking it too far, but that doesn't mean we should skip, plus I wanna see some hot freshman guys!" Tessa stated with a dreamy look on her face.

"Bitch you wanna be a cougar now?" I asked with a half shocked, half disgusted expression.

"Nooo, just wanna show 'em why their parents should've made them a few years earlier, that way they could have some of this," she said smacking her ass with a stupid grin plastered on her face.

"No seriously though guys, we've got 20 minutes before school starts, don't y'all wanna do something?" Tori asked trying to find another way for us to not go to school and then I thought I hated school.

"Nah how about we get there early for a change guys?" Riley said living up to her name as the most responsible out of all of us.

"Yeah I agree with Riley. Let's go," I exclaimed trying to sound happy for coming back to this hell hole.

We made our way to the secretary's office.

"Morning kids! Aren't you happy to be back for your senior year?" Ah great Mrs Welmer is still here even now, I had secretly hoped she would be eaten by cannibals and found only through her peanut-shaped head somewhere in the bushes! Oh well a girl can dream, right?

"We're kinda excited, yep you could say that!" Tessa said with an expression so fake I had to act like I'm coughing to stop myself from laughing.

"That's lovely dear, what can I do for you?" she asked.

"Oh, we just came to get our timetable, that's all." Riley replied

"Oh okay, let me see..." After checking through some files she replied, "Names?"

"Riley Sparks; Tessa Sage; Tori Valente and Skye Miller." Tessa replied on behalf of all us.

"Okay, here you go dearies" Mrs Welmer says as she hands us our timetables.

"Thanks," We say in unison.


"First period- AP Math," Riley said.

"I have AP Math too!" Tessa exclaimed excitedly.

"I got History," Tori groaned.

Just then I realised I had Geography as first period. "The fuck!" I exclaimed.

"What?" My friends asked looking curious.

"I have Geography first period!" I said slightly confused.

"Since when do you do that subject?" Tessa asked.

"Since never, I think they made a mistake, I signed up for History not Geo!" I exclaimed completely irritated.

"Well go get it checked out then; meanwhile we need to make our way to AP Math," Tessa said with a mocking tone since she and Riley are always in the same class that it makes me jealous.

"History is right next door to AP Math right? And Geo is on the 3rd floor, right?" Tori questioned with a slight mocking tone. Sometimes I didnt like my friends.

"Yep and we gonna be late guys. Let's make our way there now anyway. Bye Skye, get your issue fixed!" Riley exclaimed as they were 2 metres away from me.

"Sure, right, leave me here alone..." I shouted back.

Gosh, now because of this stupid mistake I have to go back to Ms Welmer, arg!

Just as I make my way there I'm greeted by the 'bad-bitch' of the school, Monalita, with a grin on her face. Somehow even though she is the bad girl and I'm the good girl, we still get along, isn't that weird?

Just as I entered the secretary's office, I was welcomed by a long line of people needing assistance, great! So I decided to take a seat and sulk.

Just when it was my turn, the door made a screeching sound and when I turned around, OMW, what a striking sight I saw. He had nice black hair and blue eyes that were looking straight at me! 

I swiftly turned and spoke to the secretary.

"What can I do for you deary?"

"Oh, um, well my timetable says I have Geography first lesson and I actually signed up for History..." I stated.

"And what do you need?" she asks slightly confused.

"I need it to be changed back to History because I simply can't do Geo". I replied with an irritated expression.

Suddenly the guy behind me coughs. What's his issue? Go to the doctor much?

"Honey you will have to just stick with it, we could change your time table but then we would have to change all the seniors' timetables, the teachers timetables and every other grades timetable. And honey, that's a lot of work. Why not just stick with Geo?"

"Because I hate the darn subject, that's why I didn't take it since freshman year!" I stated, furiously.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't help you." She apologised.

"Ah you're no help! Why did I even bother? Fricken ridiculous hey!" I practically shouted as I turned swiftly and started walking out.

 Why is she so useless!

As I was walking out I bump into the sexy guy but I really can't take notice of him or even apologise 'cause I'm that pissed!

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