One: Better Days

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A/N: Akiyasu and Shota are back y'all! Thank you so much for taking an interest in these stories, I never imagined the first one would get so many reads so quickly. It's been bouncing around between #5 and #8 in the Eraserhead tag and it's also entered in the Wattys! Hopefully this sequel will be just as good.


The damp room we resided in was dark and humid, the only light coming through the single window awkwardly placed on the ceiling.  The building was obviously abandoned, covered in graffiti and months of trash.

Once my eyes landed on my target, however, my surroundings just seemed to melt away. Only a hundred feet away from me stood the masked villain, Echiko in his arms.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised you found me." His unnaturally deep voice thundered through the empty room.

"Let her go. This will only end badly." I warned the villain, getting into a more defensive stance.

The man laughed loudly, startling me and Echiko. "You think you have any ground to stand on? I'm the one with the leverage. And I'm not turning her over so easily."

"Release my daughter now!" My voice was as loud as his now, echoing throughout the building in my same angry tone.

"Come and get her, Element." The villain taunted, holding my infant daughter out like a rag doll.

In one quick movement, I manipulated my grappling wires to reach out for the baby and the villain, but was stopped short when he raised his other hand.

Suddenly, my brain felt fuzzy and I could feel heavy vibrations rattling within my skull, making it hard for my eyes to focus. Collapsing to the ground, my hands went to my ears, trying to block out whatever was hurting me, but it didn't seem to work.

Then, it stopped completely. My body still trembling uncontrollably from the vibrations, I managed to lift my head to look back up at the villain.

"Your daughter's blood will make the perfect weapon just as Eri's did. And with you out of the way, I'll get my hands on her too." He lifted his hand again to reproduce his quirk against me.

"No! Stop-" I cried out, but stopped short as that same unpleasant vibration rattled my skull again. My body became immobile and my brain felt as though it were being stepped on. I can't die now, Echiko needs me...

"NO!" The gutteral scream left my mouth as I shot up out of bed, my chest heaving and legs jerking until reality set in.

"What's wrong?" Shota's husky voice came to life beside me in the dark. His hand gently rubbed over my back as he shifted on the sheets.

Suddenly, Echiko's familiar cry sounded from within her crib, woken from her sleep because of me.

"Just a bad dream." I mumbled, brushing my long dark hair out of my face and wiping the sweat from my brow. "I'll get the baby, you go back to sleep." With that, I sat forward and began to crawl over him, making a break for the edge of the bed.

"No, I'm awake already." He insisted, following me off the bed and turning on the light as I reached into the crib and scooped our daughter into my arms. "I'll go make some coffee." He suggested.

I nodded and carried Echiko into the kitchen, which was really in the same room as our living room and bedroom since it was still a dorm.

Shota busied himself with the coffee maker while I placed Echiko in her high chair before going to the pantry to find a jar of breakfast baby food.

For a while, both of us carried out our tasks in silence, making an effort to not wake Eri as well. One glance at the stove told me it was 5:50am and it was still dark out. But once Echiko was up in the morning, there was no getting her back to sleep.

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