Chapter 1

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My sister is older than me by four years. My sister is a bassist in a rock band, and I'm their number one fan.

Although we are nothing alike, my sister is my biggest influencer. She's got long dreads and two full sleeves of tattoos.

When she started the band, I was in my final year of college. My girlfriend of three years had just dumped me, and I picked up drums and drugs, which got me expelled during my final week, causing me to lose my scholarship.

She didn't know that I could play the drums and I didn't know that she had started a band.

The drummer was named Scourge, and I didn't hold it against her. I still went to every one of their practices.

After all, they were held in my garage.

All we have between us, is the house, a hippie van, two shitty jobs, and two dead parents.

The lead singer, Loki, doesn't really like me hanging around their practices. Loki wears his hair frizzy. He always wears long sleeve shirts and pants so tight I don't see how he gets them on.

Everytime he sees me, he calls me some offensive words, like: twat, quim, witless oaf. He speaks in a very heavy British.

As I walk past Hela's open door, on the way to mine, I notice the both of them speaking to one another as they sit on her bed.

I literally just woke up after a long night at work, made myself a sandwich, and tried to go back to bed.

"Thor, come in here!" Hela orders. Tiredly, I back up, just in time to see Loki cross his arms.

"What?" I ask, not really fully awake, yet, as I stuff the sandwich in my mouth.

She gives a weak smile, before declaring "Scrounge dropped out of the band and we need a new drummer."

Tiredly, I scratch my chest, before asking "Who are you going to ask to fill the slot?"

Loki gocks, before Hela declares "Well, you're the only drummer I know."

I yawn, before nodding "Sounds good." I offer her the other half of my sandwich and she takes it.

Loki steps off the bed on the way to the can and declares "Next gig is on Friday. 8PM, in a bar at Hudson. Be there, knob-jockey."

I give a confused look "What's a knob-jockey?"

He calls from the bathroom "Homosexual." I hum, before leaning against the door way. When he walks out of the bathroom, be sighs "Get out of my way, you nonce."

As he walks past, I give Hela a questioning look and she shrugs, before I ask "Nonce?"

"Prison slang." Loki states, before clarifying "I called you a chomo."

I furrow my brow at him "Loki, did a male relative bad touch you when you were a kid?"

He sneers, before joking "Why do you think I was in prison for three years?" He didn't actually go to prison... I think...

I hum, before turning to walk down the stairs "Thor?" Hela asks and I back in up. She motions to Loki and states "Loki's lease is up, and he needs a place... would you mind if he took mum and dad's old room?"

I press my lips into a fine line, before she continues "It's just... it's been over a year, and I wanted to give enough time, but it's-"

"Alright." I nod and they give a shocked look, causing me to sigh "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm fucking tired. Didn't get home until noon. There's a grocery list on the fridge. I'll go tomorrow morning, after work."

I stop when I hear Hela remark "Work, as in dancing in a cage for drunk brides-to-be stuff ones in your red jock?"

I'm almost starting down the stares when Loki calls "Can I use your van, tonight? I've got to see a man about a dog."

I back up, before asking "Can you drop me off at work at eight?" He nods and I ask "What time do you work?"

"Eight A to four P." He states, before shrugging "It's already, I can walk. It's only a mile away."

I sigh, before putting my plate down "If you're taking the van tonight... I don't get off work until four. Hela goes into work at six, and you go in at eight. If you two come pick me up at five, I'll help with clean up at the bar, we'll drop off Hela, go to the store, I'll drop you off, then head home to get some sleep." I think about the PM and explain "At two, I'll pick up Hela, she'll drop me off at home, and I'll crash while she gets you. Then, at five I'll wake up for practice."

Loki furrows his brow "You're not going to get much sleep."

I shrug "I'll sleep on my two off days." He gives a weak smile, before I start to walk down the stairs.

I back up and glare at him "If you ever call me a child molester, again, I'll break your goddamn hand, understand?"

He gives a horrified look, before nodding. Tiredly, I yawn "I'll see you in a few hours."

Silently, I walk downstairs and a smile spreads across my face, as I realize. That's the first really conversation I've had with Loki.

AN: I apologize for this chapter. Wattpad has deleted it so many times that I honestly can't stand this chapter anymore. I would have written it out, but I didn't feel like rewriting the second chapter, too. I hope you don't read this chapter and think the whole story sucks. Please continue reading.

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Where stories live. Discover now