Chapter 26

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When I get home, Hela is on my ass, immediately "What did you say to him?"

As I put the box of donuts down, I give a confused look "I don't know what you're talking about?"

She furrows her brow and stabs her finger into my chest "Loki went to see if you were okay!"

I shake my head and take a sip of my coffee "I didn't run into him." I tell her, before placing my coffee down and taking off my coat.

As I place it on the hook, she asks "Then why did he show up about half an hour ago, crying?"

I furrow my brow and sigh "I'll go talk to him. Try to figure out what's wrong."

As I start up the stairs, I look between her, and Heimdall, who eats a donut as he watches the news "Don't be listening in!"

They give innocent looks, before I walk up the stairs. When I get to Loki's room, I hear sniffling inside.

As I open the door, Loki orders in a muddy voice "Go away!"

I cross my arms in front of me, before leaning back on the door to shut it. When I step closer to sit next to him, I find his cheeks, nose, and eyes, are red.

He glares as I cross my legs and lead back against the bed. I give a weak smile "The bed is softer than the floor, you know?"

He previously his lips into a fine line, but the sounds he makes from his diagram spasming still escape him.

After a moment, I ask "Hela told me that you went to check if I was alright?"

He sniffles, before telling me "I saw you with him." I give a confused look and he clarifies "I saw you pounding into him."

I frown "Is that why you're upset? Because you saw me with someone else?"

He rests his head on his knees "Yeah." he says, somberly, before explaining "Malekith saw me, and just smirked at me, and I guess y-" he goes silent for a moment, before sighing "I guess you hit his prostate, because he flung his head back and total forgot I was there."

I clear my throat and state "You, after that, he didn't last much longer." I furrow my brow "You slept with Tony. Why would you care?"

He shrugs, before explaining "I left the banquette hall with him, expecting something wonderful. But when we got down to it, you walked in during the middle of it. I didn't even start to feel anything until it was over."

I give a cocky smirk, before asking "Stark is a minute man?" he nods, before I ask "Is he small?"

"Oh, yeah." he grovels and I smirk, before he asks "Malekith blow you? You blow him?"

"He blew me." I tell him, before asking "Anything happen between you and Tony?"

He shakes his head, before I ask "So, why are you crying? It's not like you didn't sleep around, too."

He straightens up and looks me in the eyes. He looks over my facial structure, before declaring "I'm in love with you. Have been since Boise."

A smile spreads across my face and he gives a nervous look, as if I would turn him away "I'm in love with you. Have been since Seattle."

He smiles, too, before I offer my hand to him. He looks at it, before placing his hand in mine.

We sit there for a minute, before asking "Did you kiss him?" I give a short, before he takes a deep breath "Use protection?"

I press my lips into a fine line, before shaking my head "What about you and Tony?"

He gives a hurt look "Just the brief, protected, affectionless fuck." I give a pleased look and he releases my hand "You should go take a shower, before I pour disinfectant spray on your cock."

I furrow my brow and ask "So, is that why you were crying in Boise? Because you were madly in love with me?"

He shakes his head and declares "I could never hate you, Thor. I just did want you to know how I feel."

"Because you didn't want me to reject you?" I ask and he gives a short nod. When I stand up, I offer him my hand.

He takes it and I help him up, before leading him into the bathroom. As I shut the bathroom door, he asks "What are you doing?"

I give an amused look, before declaring "Cleaning up, and talking to you." I motion towards the toilet "Have a seat."

Obediently, he does and I brush my teeth. When I spit, he clears his throat "What do we do now?"

I give an amused look, before explaining "We go on dates, share a bed, cuddle, have occasions fights." I shrug, before remarking "Have sex whenever we want, kiss in front of whoever we want, so on."

He gives a soft smile as I turn on the shower. As I strip, he looks me over and states "I'd like that."

I give a pleased smile, before I clarify "And no sex with other people." he nods, instantly, before I climb into the shower.

When I get out of the shower, he follows me into my room and lays on my bed as I change into some pajamas.

He sighs and asks "So, you're a smoker, now?" I shrug and he asks "Are you going to smoke in here?"

As I pull on a shirt, I shrug "If you don't want me to, I won't. Second hand smoke can be very bad on your vocal cords." I motion towards his legs "I've noticed the burns."

He presses his lips into a fine line, before stating "I have an ashtray kink."

I give a confused look and I ask "So your father didn't do that to your thighs?"

He nods pats his inner thigh, before explaining "The scars are from my father." He scoffs "My human ashtray fetish doesn't go that far."

I sit on the edge of the bed and ask "Then what is it?"

He lifts his shirt and explains "Knocking the embers on my stomach turns me on."

I hum, before declaring "If I ever smoke in here, we'll try it."

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