Chapter 16

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At five, Hela pokes her head in "Thor, we need you downstairs!"

When I walk downstairs, my eyes bulge and I look to Loki "You said a few!"

He looks at me in shock "I only told T'Challa to spread it to a few people!" he shrugs "I guess he told his cousin, Erik! He's a preforming arts major!"

There's possibly thirty people in the living room. Finally, Hela scream out "Will everyone look to us?" when everyone looks to us, Hela screams "We're going to ask some questions, to try to widdle this down!"

Loki looks down to Fin, who stands on the stairs next to him, before asking "If anyone is allergic to dogs, please leave!" a good five people leave and he looks to me.

I think for a second, before stating "We need some to be free, this Thursday and Friday! And qualified enough to learn all of our songs by then!"

A good fifteen people leave and I look at Hela and Loki, before nodding. Hela counts off the remaining guitar plays, before nodding "For the remaining nine, feel free to help yourself to coffee. Please give one of us your resume and profile. We'll number you. And give you each a song to look over, several minutes before it's your turn!"

Loki speaks up "After we listen to you play, we'll widdle you down to five. We'll then interview you, as if this was a job."

When I'm sure he's done, I ask "Does anyone have any questions?" when we recieve no questions, I check my watch "We've got to be done by eight, so let's get this started, yeah?"

After collecting the resumes, we grab sticky notes and number the potentional guitarists as we speak "How was work last night?" Loki asks.

I shrug "I got a few hundred." I admit, before gocking "But it's nothing compaired to what I got on Saturday night."

Loki looks the last guy in the eyes and jokes "Tall, dark, and handsome. Just the way I like 'em." the guy is Loki's height, and black with cropped hair. The man gives an embarrassed look, so Loki pats his shoulder "I'm joking, brov." he turns to me and declares "Yeah, because you let dude jerk you off for five ben's a pop!"

I smirk at that, before looking to the contestants "If you're going to stick around, get used to dirty talk. We're very open about our sex lives."

We hand a section of music to the first person and tell him he's got six minutes, before I ask Hela "How was work?"

She shrugs as she sips her coffee, waiting the first guy fiddling with his guitar "Same old, same old. Tattooed some chick's pubis."

Lokifurrows his brow "Let me guess. 'V is for Vagina'?" when Hela shakes her head, Loki asks "'Eat at *enter name here*'?" Hela shakes her head and Loki frowns "Was she drink or sober?"

Hela furrows her brow "Nobody, tattooing there vagina at seven in the morning, is sober." Loki checks, before Hela explains "It was a flower, and it's easily hidden by the amount of fur that came off her burger, when I had to shave it."

Loki and I die laughing, before she sighs in annoyance "So, the rest of the day, I felt like I had pubes, all over me."

Loki frowns "Was she hot, at least?" Hela nods, and he follows up "Would you have gone down on that fur burger?"

Hela shrugs "If I wouldn't have had to shave it." I hum and she wets her lip "I don't mind pubic hair."

I take a sip of my coffee "Until you're picking it out of your teeth." Hela looks back at me in worry, before I shrug.

"That's what a dental damn is for." Hela states and I press my lips into a fine line "Wait, have you sucked a dick?" when I don't say anything, she scretches "Since when?"

"Recently." I state and she looks at me in amazement "It was pretty good, if I must say." Hela looks like a little kid with candy, so I tell her "First time I bottomed, too."

She looks to Loki "Did you know about this?" he nods and she asks "What day was it? Tell me everything!"

I stop to hand the next person a bit of music, as Loki lies "About an hour after you left on Saturday, this little twink shows up at the door. I am about to turn him away, when Thor comes bouncing down the stairs, and leads the guy upstairs." he snickers "You don't know how thin these walls are, Hela!"

I give an embarrassed smile, before Loki continues "I hear it all." he looks at me in amusement "And appearently, your little brother got-" he hides his hand from everyone else and mimics fisting, causing Hela's face to widen.

She looks to me and I nod, before shrugging "Won't recommend, but would do again." Hela hums, before smiling.

"My little brother, the sexual experimenter." she jokes, before I roll my eyes, causing her to laugh, before asking "Did you enjoy yourself?"

I hum, before placing my coffee down and looking to Loki "Go grab Fin's earmuffs, I'll set up a few lawn chairs."

As Hela helps my with the chairs, she asks "So, you and Loki are close." I hum and she asks "Would you hit that?"

I shrug to hide the fact that we're already sleeping together "I don't know, maybe. He's a good friend, you know." I stop myself and point out "Besides the fact that he called my a pedophile last week."

She scoffs, before declaring "He's been crushing on you, for the past nine years." a smile spreads across my lips and she shrugs "He deserves someone who truly loves him, you know?"

As he runs out into the backyard with Fin, a watch the way he moves. More weightless, than our senior year.

I nod "Yeah."

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant