Chapter 9

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At six, there's a knock on the door. When I open it, Malekith stands in the doorway, and I remember the gay lap dance. He gives me a tireded look "Why are you so happy?"

I let him in and explain "We had a gig, and got a chance on signing onto a label!" he hums, as Hela offers him a glass of wine.

Reluctantly, he takes it, before glancing into the kitchen at Loki, who's basically in heat, from the wine "You're going to need a harness."

I give a confused look "Where the fuck am going to get a harness?"

He shrugs "Sex shop."

"I got some." Loki states, and I look his way to find he's ruffling his hair with his fingers and walking up the kitchen stairs.

While he's gone, Malekith whispers "Are you alright with that walking around your house?" I give a confused look and he whispers "Aren't you wary of waking up with an AIDS cock up your arse?"

I furrow my brow and ask "You realize I'm not straight, right?" he cocks an eyebrow to me and I nod "Yeah, chicks and dicks."

He gives a 'no shit' look, before asking "You take it up the arse?" I shake my head and asks "You sure you're a queer?"

I shrug "I can get hard for a dude, the same as I could for a chick, so yeah." he looks me over, before narrowing his gaze "What?"

"You ever get hard at work? With all the guys?" he asks and I shake my head "Have any of the girls got you hard?"

I shake my head and he hums, before I explain "With the lights shining so bright, it's kinda hard to look at the goods, you know?" he nods and I shrug "And I don't really check out the other guys, out of respect."

He looks me over, before asking "Getting your dick sucked, by that one?" he motions up and I lie by shaking my head. He nods to Hela "Does your sister know?"

"Know what?" Hela asks as she sips her wine.

I look do her "That I like chicks and dicks."

She shrugs "Could have guessed. I remember you love for Justin Timberlake."

I look to her and sing "So cry me a river!" she laughs, before I sigh "He was definatly gay."

"Who's gay?" Loki asks as he tosses a pile of harnesses on the couch. When I tell him, he nods "He's definatly a vampire." I give a confused look and he explains "Someone who goes out, late at night, in hopes of nobody seeing them doing gay shit." he holds one up and explains "I used to do that when I was a bag of bones. Hints, the song 'Vampire'."

I hum, before asking "Why do you have so many harness that don't fit?" he gives a weak smile, before I furrow my brow "How many people havw you had sex with?"

He crosses his arms and asks "Pre or post prison?" I cock my eyebrow to him and he shrugs "Somewhere between ten or fifteen." I look to the harness as he clarifies "Hundred."

"Beg your pardon?" Malekith asks and Loki bites his lip "You've slept with over a thousand guys?"

Loki shakes his head "I'm into chicks, too." Malekith sighs, before Loki shrugs "I get tested once a month, and I've never had an STD." he looks down at the harnesses "Most of those came from an after pride orgy."

I cock my eyebrow to him "You've been in an orgy?" he nods, brow I frown "Protected or unprotected." he shrugs.

"You seem to forget that I was in prison." Loki states, before asking "You've never been in an orgy?"

When I shake my head, Hela frowns "Even I've been in an orgy." I give her an odd look and she chuckles "Boobs, pussy, and dildos everywhere."

Loki shrugs, before asking "Wha't up with lesbians and putting condoms on dildos? Why not just clean them?"

Hela shrugs, before I look to Malekith "This is basically every day, except Loki is a lightweight." he scoffs, before I ask "Which harness is the best?"

Loki looks over me, before pulling up a labrinth of foleather straps "What message are you trying to send?"

I give a confused look, before asking "What message am I trying to send?"

"Are you looking for a relationship, far-game, or do you already have a keeper/caregiver/owner/partner?" Loki asks and Malekith gives a confused look.

"Far-game... I think?" I state and he tosses a harness at me "How would a harness communicate that?"

Loki scoffs, before pulling off his shirt and grabbing a harness and unlatching the collar from it. He pulls it one and declares "Far-game." he attaches the collar, but leaves it unlatched "Looking for someone, owner/caregiver/partner." he locks and declares "In a relationship."

I take a second, before putting on my collarless harness. After a moment, Malekith asks "Isn't there something with a pocket hanky?" Loki nods and he explains "The club lets you wear them. I don't know what they mean."

Loki waves us up the stairs and we follow his up. When we're in his room, he grabs a few rags "Checkered is safe sex. Black is heavy S&M. Red is fisting. Light blue is oral. Dark blue is anal. Yellow is watersports. Brown is get away. Orange is anywhere, anytime, anyplace. Grey is bondage. Purple is a piercing fetish. Dark green is a DCLO kink. Light green is hustler or prostitue."

I look at him, curiously "Are you kink?" he shrugs, before picking up the checkered, black, red, light blue, dark blue, orange, grey, and dark green. I press my lips into a fine line "What's DCLO?"

"Dominate caregiver, little one." I give a confused look and he shrugs "Most commonly DDLG, or dom daddy little girl. There's also a notable DDLB, or dom daddy little boy. Also, DMLB, dom mummy little boy. Then, there's DMLG, dom mummy, litlle girl."

Hela clicks her tounge and I ask "What's watersports?"

Loki scrunches his nose with a displeased smile "Piss fetish." I scrunch my nose and he shrugs "I knew someone who was into it."

"Have you tried it?" Hela asks and Loki shakes his head.

Malekith asks "The light green is prostitution?" Loki hums and Malekith asks "Is that why guys were grabbing my junk?"

Loki furrows his brow and remarks "That, and you're a stripper."

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