Chapter 17

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About thirty later, Loki sighs "Who've we got next?" he looks over his shoulder, before smirking "Well, if it was Mister Tall, Dark, and Handsome, himself!"

The guy smiles, softly, before asking "May I use your amp?" he speaks in a Brithish accent "My amp was damaged on the train." Loki nods and he plug it in.

He pops his neck, before looking to us. Loki nods, before declaring "You may start whenever you're ready, mate."

Loki looks down at his profile, before the man starts his set. As Loki skims through it, the man starts into an insane solo, causing Loki to look up in shock.

We all stare at him as he bows his back to get the notes out. Whenever he start coming down, Loki hands over his profile and I slide it in first place.

When he's done, Loki nods, before telling him "Unplug, put your guitar away. We'll be in in a moment, to speak to you nine."

The man nods, before walking into the house "Who are the top five?" Hela asks before declare "That guy is number one."

Loki furrows his brow "Should we pick the top three, instead of five?" I shrug, before handing over the top three files.

The top three are two women, and one man. We all nod, before standing up and walking towards the house. When we walk in, they stand and I nod "I'd like to think all of you for coming, but we're going to let six of you go."

"This does not mean that you are not a fantastic player. I only means that we, as a group, felt a connection with three of you." Hela states, before clarifying "Rather it be the personality, or the connection to the music, we found a unique connection with number three, seven, and nine."

As the other six file out of the house, the three look at each other with pleased smirks. Loki looks at them, understandingly "Do any of you need to leave in the next hour?" one girl motions and Loki nods "Then we'll start with you."

The interview was dreadfully bland. She wasn't much of a speaker. Each question we asked, she answered in less than five words. Most were with one word.

Thirty minutes later, we step out of the bus and walk back into the house as Loki tells her "We'll call you in the next twenty-four hours, of the position is yours."

She nods, before walking out the door. The man allows the second woman to go next. She's alliterate, and calls Hela a dyke. My guess is she didn't know any better.

Thirty minutes later, we walk back into the house to find the man, sitting on the couch, reading a book. For some reason, he's started a Queen record, and he sips on a cup of coffee. He look up and gives an apoligetic smile "I just saw the record collection, and I noticed that you have Anna Karinina."

Hela scoffs "Trust me, you've waited so long, that you could be taking a shower, and we wouldn't blame you."

He smiles, before walking over and taking the pin off the record. Silently, we lead him into the kitchen and take a seat at the kitchen table. as we sit, Hela puts on another pot on. As she sits, she asks "Where to you work?" Hela asks.

The man furrows his brow and explains "I do random gigs and teach music. I just got a batchloer in music, at Juliard."

"Juliard?" Loki asks and the man nods "You come from money?" he guy shakes his head, before Loki furrows his brow "How'd you manage to get into Juliard?"

"Scholarship." the man states, causing Loki to give a shocked look "Yeah, I can play nine instruments, including: guitar, bass, drums, trombone, trumpet, piano, french horn, flute, ukulele, and tuba."

I give a shocked look, before asking "Are you a genius or something?" he shakes his head with a flattered smile.

"I'm just a patient, hard-working, man, who wants to give his family a house." he tells us, before we give a soft smile "And I know this stuff doesn't pay off, at first. Like I said, I am patient."

"How big is your family?" Hela asks as she stands up to go make herself a cup of coffee.

He gives an amused look "Just my eight aunties, my mum, and me." he motions his finger away "They live in London. My father was American, but he died three years ago." he motions to Fin "May I ask why you have a service dog?"

Hela places the pot of coffee in the middle of the table, along with a sugar pot, and a cartoon of milk. As Loki pours himself a cup, he states "Epilepsy, along with PTSD." he give a short nod, before leaving Fin alone to do his job "Usually, people ask me about it."

He shrugs, before filling his mug "I just expect you to tell me when you desire." he furrows his brow "That is, if you decide that I deserve the guitarist spot."

"What's your sexual orientation?" Hela asks and a small smile plays at his lips, causing her to scoff "What?"

He looks her over with his yellow eyes, before explaining "I read people." he explains "You'd be suprised on what I can read on each of you, in the short time we've been sitting here. Things you haven't even told each other."

When we give a shocked look, he scoffs "Relax, I'm not going to expose you." he presses his lips into a fine line, before declaring "If I didn't know you, I would read that as sexual, but you're a very not straight lesbian." he gives a weak smile, before explaining "I'm asexual." I gives a confused look and he explains "I don't have sexual attractions, or desires."

Loki gives a confused look "Does your dick get hard?"

The man nods "I masturbate, and I have sex, but it purely physical. A way to relieve tension." he shrugs "Anyone can get me off, but it's not fun. It's just something that gets in the way."

Loki scoffs "Well, that's fucking weird." he smiles, before looking between Hela and I "Talk upstairs?"

Silently, we walk upstairs and Hela declares "I like him." I nod and Loki pouts his lips, before shrugging "So we're settled?"

When we walk downstairs, Loki smiles "Well, Mister Dufason, how do you feel about becoming our guitarist?"

He smiles, before standing up "If I'm going to work with you, you better call me, Heimdall."

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