Chapter 18

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On Thursday, we step into SHEILD Records to find golden albums litter the walls. Hela points to one of them "Carol Danvers!"

Heimdall points to another "The Avengers." they point out a few more, before Fury steps into waiting area "Come on back. We've got work to do."

As we walk through the halls, I walk next to Fury and explain "This is our guitarist, Heimdall."

Fury glances at Heimdall, before declaring "I recruited you three. Not him."

Heimdall gives an amused look "With all due respect, I am not just some walk on, wannabe. Nor, did they bring me along to seem more ethnically diverse."

Fury raises his eyebrows in surprise "Why, aren't you a mind reader?" He jocks.

Heimdall scoffs, before explaining in a hostile tone "I merely read people, Nicholas." He glances over Fury "For instance, you have a ginger cat, with the name of another animal, because that's the kind of man you are."

He glances him over him once more, before furrowing his brow "You were in the air force-" he snaps his fingers "no, navy, but you didn't like getting bossed around, and you cheated your way up." He scoffs "But when you lost your eye, you couldn't serve, so now you're a vulture in the music industry, instead of in the military."

Loki, Hela, and I, share a look, before Heimdall shrugs "With all due respect, of course."

Fury gives an amused look, before nodding "I like your spunk, kid." He starts walking again and we look to Heimdall.

He whispers "He likes a brave kid." I furrow my brow and he nods "I've got this."

He continues forward to walk side by side with Fury, confidentially. We share an impressed look, before following them.

When we step into a recording studio, Fury motions towards a woman "This is my associate, Maria Hill. She's a music producer."

She forks her fingers in the air, before declaring "I'm going to be working with you today."

When we nod, Fury motions towards the booth "Get to work."


After an agonizingly long day of Loki having us do take after take to get it perfect.

Finally, Hill plays back Substance Abuse Saturday, and Loki smiles, proudly.

After a moment, Hill nods "That's a record." She puts her headphones down, before checking her watch "You've got ten hours until you meet the board. Go get some sleep."

We start to exit, but she stops us "See the front desk, for a room key for the hotel across the street."

Loki furrows his brow, before asking "Hotel?" she hums, before he declares "Nobody said anything about a hotel."

She shrugs, before propping her feet up on the chair "Yeah, well, Fury forgets." she whispers "That's why he has me."

I scoff, before opening the door.


When we walk into the room, I look over the two beds, before Hela looks between the three of us "I'm sharing with Heimdall!"

I think for a second, before asking in confusion "Why don't you sleep with me?"

Hela looks me over "Because you wake up with morning wood, everyday." She smacks Heimdall's shoulder "He won't have a wet dream."

Loki looks to me and asks "Which side of the bed do you sleep on?" I give a weak smile, before placing my bag down on the left side of the bed.

"If you don't mind?" He shakes his head, before placing him bag down on the right side.

He looks down at Fin, before declaring "Fin usually sleeps in my bed."

I nod, before glancing down at Fin "That's fine." he gives a weak smile, before taking off Fin's vest and hooking on his leash.

Loki looks to Hela "I'm going to take him for a walk. You bursting for a fag?"

It's no secret that Hela smokes. She's been smoking since I was in grade school.

She shrugs, before grabbing her pack and walking out of the room. When they're gone, I start to change when Heimdall asks "So, you slept with Loki."

I give a shocked look and he gives a weak smile "I told you, Thor. I read people. I read you two the minute I met you."

I give a confused look,before asking "And what else did you read on us? On me?"

He gives a weak smile "Loki was neglected and assaulted, both sexually and physically, by his trucker father."

"Hela was disowned, after she was beaten and raped by your father, for being a lesbian." He gives a regretful look "It never went to trial, because your mum killed your father, before killing herself."

He looks me over, before explaining "And you feel like you could've helped them. Could have been their protector." He shakes his head "Regret gets you nowhere, Thor."

I give a weak smile, before he asks "And why don't you ask him on a date?"

I scoff at him "He doesn't like me." He gives a doubting look, before I frown "He's fucked other people."

He hums, before declaring "He fucks because that's the only good thing he's ever felt."

I furrow my brow and ask "Do you think he likes me?" He shrugs, before I throw myself onto the bed.

About fifteen minutes later, Loki and Hela step back in and get ready for bed.

After the lights are cut off, and I can tell Heimdall and Hela are asleep, Loki turns over and rests his head on my shoulder.

A smile crosses my face and he glances over to me, before remarking "Don't you flatter yourself. You're just a good pillow."

I whisper at him as I trace my fingers over his forearm "I think I'm starting to grow on you."

"Like a tumor." He degrades, before snuggling up closer to me and taking a deep breath "But, yeah, you're growing on me."

And even after he's asleep, a smile plays at my lips. Fin lays on our feet, snorting, and there's only one thing I could think.

I could definitely get used to this.

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя