Chapter 8

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As we set up for our set, I notice Fury at the bar. Impatiently, I nudge Hela and Loki "Fury, one o'clock."  they glance his way, before looking back to me.

Loki cocks his eyebrow to me "You spoke with Nick Fury?" I nod and his eyes widen "We should have praticed more! He signed Carol Danvers!"

Hela bites her lip "If I meet Carol Danvers..." Loki and I share a look before Hela remarks "I would love to be one of her groupies."

Loki waves his hand over her face "Hela, we're kinda talking about the future. I'm sorry for distacting you from a wet dream, but what are going to do?"

She smirks, before declaring "We go, and play, and have fun." she looks over the both of us "If he doesn't like us, at least we had fun, yeah?"

Loki nods, before plunging his guitar into this tooner. Once we're all set, I look around the bar to see a lot more punks, emos, and goths, than other drunk college kids "Guys?" I ask and they look back to me "Either every punk in New York and their dog stumbled into this bar, or they're here for us."

Loki looks over everyone, before declaring "How could they have possibly heard about us?" I shrug, before he takes a deep breath and turns to the mic Testing, testing, one, two."

A girl in the back screams and he jumps back a bit, before asking "Is someone dead?" there's a few chuckles, before Loki sheilds his eyes "Do you need help hiding the body?" he jokes, causing more chuckles.

Loki looks to Hela and I before silently counting off. As Disassociative Sundays kicks off, I can see Loki take breathe, before he starts passionatly singing into the mic "Begging for mercy doesn't get you so far, if your life is hell. On a Sunday morning, most people are praying to get into heaven, but I pray to get out this brothel. Just me and my depression. Supressing what I've been-"

He stops in shock as I hear some of the people singing along OUR song. Loki turns to look at us with the biggest smile on his face, before he turns back to continue with the song.

Once the song is finished, he speaks into the mic cockily "Well, I was going to introduce our band, but..." he shrugs, before the people tell him to explain "Hi, I'm Loki Laufeyson, and I write the lyrics." he motions to Hela "That beatiful lady on bass over there, is Hela Odinson." when she waves, he turns to me "And that devilishly devine hunk of man on drums, is Thor Odinson." I wave my stick in the air, before he announces "The three of us together, are queerer than an nine-dollar-bill." There are laughs in the crowd, before he shrugs "The band name is Revenge of the Deities."

There's wooping in the crowd, before Loki counts off again, and we start the next song.


At the end of the show, we pack our stuff away as Hela beams "They were singing our songs!" I laugh, before Loki hugs me.

When he pulls away, I give a pleased smile "What was that for?"

He shrugs "Joining the band. Getting Fury here." I smile, before glancing up to the band to find Fury is gone. My heart skips a beat when I spot him stepping up to us.

When he steps up to us, Loki turns to him and Fury nods "Once you're done packing up, why don't you three come meet me up at the bar? We'll talk."

Loki nods, before Fury turns and step off the stage. As soon as he's gone, Loki takes a deep breath, before locking his guitar case and taking Fin's earmuffs off and taking his leash. Once everything is packed, we walk up to the bar to find Fury shuffling through his paperwork. When he spots us, he looks at the dog, curiously "Service dog?" Loki hums and Fury asks "For your PTSD, or for your seizures?"

Loki doesn't say a work as I look at him in shock and Fury gives a knowing look, before asking "Does he impair your ability to work? Or get through the work day?"

Loki shakes his head "Fenrir doesn't get in the way. When his vest is one, he knows he's working. When the vest is off, he's a good dog."

As Loki messes with Fin's hair, the dog looks up to him, happily. Fury presses his lips into a fine line, before pulling out a file "You three are an odd mix." he opens it, and I find Loki's prison mugshots, from when he was eighty-five pounds "Mister Laufeyson, you have a heart condition, do you not?"

Loki licks his lips, before explaining "I haven't needed any medication in years. And yeah, Fin is for both PTSD and seizures, but they're rare."

Fury looks at him, curiously "I don't mean to make it sound like you're handicapped, Mister Laufeyson." Loki nods and Fury looks to me "Mister Odinson, you got kicked out of Hudson for fighting a professor." I bite my lip and he shrugs, before looking to Hela "Why didn't you go to college, Miss Odinson?"

She licks her lips, before declaring "My father disowned me, when I came out as a lesbian." she bites her lip, anxiously.

Fury furrows she brow and sighs "And, by my guess, something else happened, after that, that lead to your mother killing your father..." he shuts the file and declares "I'm not going to push."

He checks his calendar, before asking "Do you know how I knew who you were? Because you've been on my radar since last year."

We give a confused look, before he explains "YouTube bootlegs, of your music." we nods, before he asks "What happened to the bald guy?"

"He ditched." Loki states and Fury hums, before handing over another card. Loki reads off an address in Lancaster PA, before asking "What's this?"

Fury gives a pleased smile "I'm going to take a chance." he states, before asking "Can you be there 9am next Thursday, to record an album? We'll sit down with my bosses on Friday and discuss putting you on tour as a starter, possibly signing you onto the label."

"Wait, really?" Hela asks and Fury nods, before she nods "Yeah, we'll be there."

He places his files in his breifcase, before standing "If anything changes, call the number on the back." We all nod and he smiles "I look forward to morning with you."

As soon as he leaves, we look to one another and give the most excited whine, before Loki states "I'm way to excited to go to bed!"

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