Chapter 15

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At half past one, I nudge Loki awake as sleeps on my shoulder "Loki?" I asks and he groans "You've got to get up!"

After a moment, he rolls over and I sit up. As I pull on my shoes, I call over my shoulder "Come on! We've gotta go pick up Hela."

He grovel before ordering "Go without me." I sigh and he declares "I'm not getting out of bed, so go fuck yourself."

Reluctantly, I leave to go pick up Hela. When she climbs in the bus, she asks "Where's Loki?"

"Home." I state and shhe cocks her eyebrow to me "I told him to come with. And he told me to fuck off. What was I suppose to do? Pull him out by the hair?"

She sighs, before asking "What did the doctor say?"

I shrug "Said he's probably been have seizures without knowing it." she gives a confused look and I shrug "He had one in the doctor's office. He just stared off into space, smacked his lips, and his arm was twitching."

Hela sighs, before scratching her forehead "I've seen him do that, a couple of times." I give a concerned look and she shrugs "I thought he was thinking."

I shake my head and she sets her jaw "I talked him into quitting his job." she glares at me in hatred "I'd rather have him seize at home, rather than fall shampooing someones hair."

She shakes her head "So, you made him feel like a baby?" I give a confused look "You belittled him into staying home, when his service dog is to give him a better quality of life?"

I set my jaw and declare "It's dangerous for him to be out, Hela!" she sighs and I ask "How would you feel if you attended his funreal, when he dies from cracking his head open on a rock?"

She scoffs "At least he would've died, living a life, Thor!" she points out "And he could still crack his head open on anything in the house!"

I set my jaw, before declaring "I don't want him to get hurt, okay?" she gives me a confused look, before I rest my head on the stirring wheel "You didn't see him like THAT."

"Like what?" she asks, before I lean my head back and looking to her. She gives a knowing look "Back in high school?"

I set my jaw and declare "Everyday, for the past five years, that was the last thing I've seen at night and the first thing in my mind in the morning."

She shakes her head "You couldn't have helped him, Thor. He was sick long before his senior year." she gives a weak smile.

"I could've given him my letterman." I tell her and she gives a soft scoff "I could've helped him in our freshman year."

She shakes her head "How would you have helped him?" I give her an apoligetic look, before she asks "Did you know about the locker thing?"

I press my lips into a fine line, before nodding. She gives a shocked look, before taking a deep breath "After the fact." she cocks an eyebrow to me, before I stare at the stirring wheel in shame "It was a Friday. They ran up to me after and told me about it. I didn't think that he would be in there until Tuesday."

She doesn't say a word, so I furrow my brow and continue "And when I saw him, that day in senior year, I connected his face with the boy in the locker, and I felt like it's was my fault." I sniffle, before shrugging "If I would have gone and gotten him out of that locker, would he have gotten that small?"

"When I saw him that day, I thought that he would be dead in a matter of days, and that I could've stopped it, if I would have just helped him." A tear slides down my cheek as I shrug and speak in a muddy voice "I thought his blood was on my hands."

When a sob escapes my lips, before I tell her "Then, when I found out who he was, and I saw he the night before last, I felt that it's my responsiblity to keep him safe, because I didn't nine years ago."

Hela moves closer to me to wrap her arms around me. We sit there for a long while, before she moves the hair out of my face and states "You two need to talk this out."


When we get home, I walk upstairs and into my room as Hela sits on the couch to talk to Loki. When I shut my door, I walk over to my wardrobe and pull out my letterman jacket.

The golden 'A' on the side stands for Asgard, and our colors where gold and red. And I was the captian of the football team, the wrestling team, the soccer team, and the baseball team.

If I would have just given him my letterman...

There's a knock on my door a few minutes later. Two seconds later, Loki steps in and gives a weak smile "Can we talk?"

I give a short nod, before he sits next to me. He takes a moment, before declaring "It's not your fault." I press my lips into a fine line, before he furrows his brow "I didn't drop majorly underweight until the summer before our sophmore year." I give a confused look, before he shrugs "I used to pimp myself out to pedos, but after puberty, I didn't get many takers..."

I take a deep breath, before he continues "And I would've been epilectic, rather you helped or not." I give a confused look and he shrugs "My family has a history of epilepsy." he shrugs, before explaining "My mum hit her head during a seizure, and they had to cut me out of her womb when she was already dead."

I give a shocked look and he shrugs with a weak smile "Now, if I would have had proper nutrition during the first eighteen years of my life, I probably wouldn't have it as bad, but you had nothing to do with that." he shakes my arm, gently "I was fucked up in design, and but my father. Not you."

I nod and he laughs, softly "A letterman jacket wouldn't fuck me up, less." I scoff, before looking down at it. After a minute, I hand it over and he folds it in his lap, before leaning into me "Also, a few people are coming over at five so we can interview them for guitar."

I furrow my brow "Why?"

He shrugs, before explaining "I'm stessing the fuck out about the thing on Thursday." he rests his chin on my shoulder and looks at me "You were right, I shouldn't push it. I'm plenty stressed about vocals."

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Where stories live. Discover now