Chapter 19

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The next morning, we sit in front of the board as our record plays. After it's finished, they look at us, before the middle man looks at us in curiosity "You know, it's rare to have fans email you to sign a band to your label."

A woman leans forward and remarks "Even rarer to get a bassist to recommend a band to their record label."

Another man speaks up "Yet, both of which have happened with this band."

The third man speaks up "You must've been scouted by another label. Why would you go with SHIELD Records?"

Heimdall speaks up first "We know that SHIELD Records has been a wonderful start up for several bands. We feel that this record company would lift our popularity."

The last man looks to Fin "You understand the you can't have a dog on stage, right? Is it necessary that you have him?"

Loki looks to him and explains "He wouldn't be with us on stage. And yes, it is."

The man gives a doubting look, before the first man speaks "Give us a moment to discuss."

Silently, we stand and step out of room. After fifteen minutes of Loki pacing, Heimdall sighs "They're going to sign us. They'd be stupid not too."

He glares at him, before sinking down next to me. He takes a deep breath as he coddles his face in his hands.

Earlier this morning, he had a full blown seizure. He looks utterly exhausted.

It scared me. And I couldn't stop myself from insuring he was safe. I rolled him, and watched the time, frantically.

After another fifteen minutes, Fury steps out and opens the door. He motions us in and we return to our seats.

When we get there, there's a stack of papers in front of all of us. Loki picks it up and asks "What's this?"

"Ten year contract with SHIELD Records." The woman states, before declaring "It goes into action the minute you sign it."

Loki furrows his brow, before reading through it "We're not allowed to break contract... but we get a tour bus, and we start for The Avengers, on their upcoming tour."

Heimdall cocks an eyebrow "So we're successful, but we're their bitch?" Loki nods, before Heimdall asks "How much profit are they taking?"

Loki furrows his brow, before scoffing "Sixty percent? Are you barking?" He looks to the board in disbelief.

They give an amused look "We started with eighty. The Avengers only get twenty."

The last man looks to Fin "Fury filled us in, about Mister Laufeyson's medical issues, so we settled on sixty."

We take a breath, before glancing between one another. Finally, I ask "When would we go on tour?"

The second man speaks "September first to November fifteenth. The final show would be in Chicago, and it would be with a four band festival. Revenge of the Deities, The Avengers, another garage band called Guardians of the Galaxy, and Carol Danvers."

Hela picks up the pen and asks "Where do I sign?" We look at her in amusement.


My head pounds as step into work. When we got back home, we drank, and drank, and drank, until Heimdall and Hela passed out, and Loki and I woke up naked, not remembering what happened, other than soreness and bruises.

When I walk into my bosses office, I find Malekith in the room "Forget your check, again?"

He shakes his head "No, just turning in my time sheet." He furrows his brow "What are you doing?"

I give a weak smile "I'm quitting." My boss gives an amazed look, before I explain "Got signed to that label. I go on tour on Wednesday. This is my last night."

Malekith gives a weak smile, before handing over his time sheet and looking to me "Good luck."

When he walks out, I look to my boss, before sighing "It's been years since I started here, and I've never let you down."

He gives a weak smile, before nodding "I understand. Get to work, kid."

I give a weak smile, before asking "What's up with Malekith? He's got a stick up his ass."

He shrugs "He asked for a shift change. Apparently he misses the Saturday night money."

I hum, before proposing "Perhaps he could have my schedule?" He hums,before I ask "What days did he asks off?"

He looks down and declares "Thursday and Friday." He waves it off, before deciding "It'll work out perfectly."

With a soft smile, I step out of the room and get to work.


When I walk into the house, Hela pokes her head out of the kitchen and smiling "How was your last day of work?"

I shrug, before declaring "If we don't make it, we've got another eight grand for our rainy day fund."

As I walk into the kitchen, I find Loki sits on the counter, nursing a cup of coffee "What did you have to do to get that much?"

I shrug "There might've been some prostitution in there somewhere." He gocks and I pop my back "Man, my back hurts."

Loki furrows his brow "What, did you have sex with any of them?" I shake my head and he asks "Why does it hurt?"

I mimic a hip roll "It kinda gets to you, if you do this for eight hours straight. Guys love it, though."

Loki blushes, softly, before patting Fin's head "I'm going to take Fin out." With that, he leaps off the counter and steps out the back door, Fin hot on his heels.

Hela turns, spatula in hand "He's into you." I give a confused look and she points out "He's wearing your shirt."

I furrow my brow, before asking "He is?" She nods, before handing me a cup of coffee "Are you sure?"

When she nods, again, I step towards the back window and look down into the backyard to find he's in my Hudson University sweater.

A small smile spreads across my face and I look back to them, before stepping up the stairs to take a shower.

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Where stories live. Discover now