Chapter 5

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When I take a seat at a bar and order Jager, a black across the bar gocks "What's got you here this early?"

I down my Jagermeister, before looking his way "Slept with my sisters bestfriend."

He ouffs, before moving forward "Gonna try to make that into a relationship?"

I sigh, and explain "First guy I've ever slept with." He hums and I shrug "He's already slept with someone else."

He furrows his brow "So, you were just a one night fling?" he asks and I shrug.

"He said he had a crush on me in high school." I state and he thinks for a moment, before taking a sip of his beer "And the worst part is that we're all in a band together, and we live together, so we're constantly running into one another."

He puts his beer down, before asking "What's your band's name?" I give a confused look "Is it a poular band?"

I shake my head, before telling "Revenge of the Deities." he hums and I explain "We're playing at some bar at Hudson, tomorrow. And I can't focus on anything other than his ass."

He furrows his brow and sighs "I'm guessing your sister doesn't know that you slept with him?" I shake my head and he asks "Are you going to tell her?"

I down another Jager, before sighing "I don't think so." he gives a perplexed look and I shrug "My sister is a lesbian, so I doubt she'll care, but I still don't really know much about him, other than the fact that his childhood was shit."

He takes another sip of his beer and asks "Was it worth it?" I take another, before nodding "He's good at it?"

I hum, before explaining "He was in prison for three years." he cocks an eyebrow to me "Voluntary manslaughter."

"He killed someone?" he asks and I hum, before downing another drink "Maybe you should slow it down a bit."

I shrug, before explaining "One thing about his story bothers me." he gives a soft hum and I state "He's smart enough to get away with murder, even if he was caught red-handed, so why did he plea guilty?"

He hums, before asking "Remorse? Maybe he knew the victim, felt sorry afterwards."

I sit there for a moment, then I state "His father neglected him." he furrows his brow and I explain "When we were in high school, a group of people jumped him, stripped him, and forced him to walk through the halls, in nothing but his boxers. He had no muscle or fat." he gives a shocked look and I nod "Weighed less than a buck, soaking wet."

He gocks, before asking "Wasn't he old enough to get a job?"

I shrug "I think he's always been that light. His mother died in childbirth." the guy gives an amazed look and I sigh "He never feels hunger."

He furrows his brow and asks "Revenge of the Deities, yes?" I nod and he pulls out a business card, before writing on the back of it "What's your name, kid?"

I tell him my name, along with Hela's, and Loki's, before asking "Are you going to check us out?" he hums and I ask "What are you doing in a bar this early, anyway?"

"I work nights." he state, before handing over a business card and declaring "I'm going to take a chance, and waste tomorrow night at a bar in Hudson." he holds out his hand and I shake it "The name is Nick Fury."

He summons the bartender over and paying for his beer and my drinks, before walking out of the bar.

It isn't until he's gone that I read the card he gave me and gasp. My hand trembles as I look over the black and white card. Over it, reads "S.H.E.I.L.D. Records."

A girl like squill escapes my lips, before I grab my shit, and run across the street to Hela's tattoo palor. As soon as I step in, she doesn't look up from the person she works on "Have a seat. I'll be with you shortly."

Not two seconds later, she nudges the person below her "I think we're done! Go check it out!"

As the person walks over to the mirror, she looks to me "It's a bit late for you, isn't it?" when I hand her the business card, she furrows her brow "Where did you get this?"

I take a deep breath, before explaining "I was at the bar across the street, and I got talking to this guy. We got on the topic of the band, and he said he would check us out. Then, he gave me his card."

She takes a minute, before insisting "This has to be fake!" he walks over the computer and types into the searchbar 'S.H.E.I.L.D. Records."

When she clicks on a link, it shows a few things that varify it's a real record label, and the bird emblem is right at the top. As she scrolls down, I stop her at a photo "That's the guy from the bar!"

She squints and asks "Nick Fury?" I nod and she reads, before screaming in joy "He's the number one recruiter, Thor!"

A smile spreads across my face, before she reaches for the phone "Loki is not going to believe this!"

She dials a number, but I stop her "Hela, where did you meet Loki?" she gives a confused look and I state "I know he was in prison. Did he kill his dad?"

She puts the phone down, before taking a seat and explaining "We met in a support group, for children who..." she cuts herself short as her canvas walks up to the desk.

A minute passes as the person pays, and walks out "Children who survived incest?" she nods and I press my lips into a fine line "And Loki?

She nods and I take a deep breath, before she explains "He can't so any type of love, Thor. He's never had anyone that loves him."

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя