Chapter 3

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At five, I step out of the club to find the the black Volkswagen across the street. As I slug towards the van, I can feel my body get heavier and heavier with each step.

As soon as the door is shut, I lay flat on the ground, next to the dog. Loki and Hela laugh at me, as she hands me a tumbler of coffee "How was your night?"

I hand over a fanny pack that I use to stuff the money I collect, in between private dances.

"There were two different bridal parties, and I dancing for both of them, besides my regular fifteen, twenty, dances, a night." I state.

Hela scoffs "You made the average. $260." She hands it over and she chuckles "Are you covered in lube?"

"Yeah." I sigh, before shrugging "The hours are shit, and the work is degrading, but the money is good."

Loki gives an amused look "How much do you make, annually?"

I look up to him and explain "My taxes say 20k." I hold up my bag and sigh "But with my tips, it's about 90k."

He gives a shocked look and I sit up "I pay the bills, and property taxes, before putting the extra into a savings account."

Loki furrows his brow "What are you saving for?"

I shrug "Just in case the bus finally kicks it, or someone gets hurt."I look up to them "Besides, I figure I only have another decade or so of this."

Loki hums, before starting up the van.


After dropping off Hela at the tattoo parlor, Loki and I walk around the store. About halfway down the list, I check in the basket to find the cheapest version of everything I've told him. He knows that I have a little bit of money, so he would have had to have that engraved in his brain.

After awhile, I ask "What are you doing?" He gives a confused look "What, did you grow up with seven siblings or something?"

It takes it a minute, before he gocks "No, I'm the only child. Mum died during childbirth. Father was a trucker."

I nod, before asking "Was money tight?" He shakes his head and I ask "Was your father cheap?"

He shakes his head "He wasn't, for himself. Gave me ten bucks for every week he was gone." He squats down and grabs a ten pound bag of beans "Five, for every week he was there." He shrugs as he looks to be "You learn how to stretch a buck."

After he puts the beans in the cart, he strokes his dog's head and I ask "Touchie subject?"

He scoffs, before remarking "More than you could imagine." He smiles weakly, before looking at the list.

As we move forward, I ask "How come I don't remember you from school?"

He shrugs "I barely talked, Thor. Stayed in the back, kept my head down, because if I didn't-" the light fades out of his eyes.

"If you didn't, what?" I ask, as we walk towards the register. He's silently, so I ask "It can't be that bad."

"Fandral." He states, before declaring "He lead my into the locker room, acted like he was going to get in my pants, before your friends came out, with a camera, and fagbashed me."

As I pay the cashier, Loki angerly tosses the bags in the cart "I didn't know they did that."

It isn't until we're stuffing the bag into the back of the van that he scoffs "What, you didn't know that?" He leans against the back of the van.

As a parent walks by, I ask "Why don't we talk about this inside?"

He takes a deep breath, before walking towards the side door and crawling in.

When I follow the dog in, I shut the door and he furrows his brow "So, you didn't know that they shoved me in a locker, over a three day weekend?"

I shake my head "I didn't know that. And I wasn't apart of that."

He furrows his brow "Yeah, what about the last week of our senior year? You wrote me a letter."

I furrow my brow "What did the letter say?"

"It said that you want to hook up, to meet you in the showers." He states, before scratching his forehead "It was in my locker, and you were leaning against it, seconds before."

I shake my head "I had no idea." He nods, before I ask "Did you want to have sex with me?"

He nods, before stating "It was lunch, and I went into the locker room and waited in the shower."

"What happened?" I ask and he gives a weak smile, then it hits me "Oh, shit."

I remember the fact that he had no fat, and no muscle. He wore nothing but a pair of boxers. The whole school pushed him around and laughed at his skeleton framed. And the one thing I can't forget, is when he shoved into me, I didn't even move, because he was so small. It horrified me, the fact that some could be that small.

And I still remember people throwing vending machine snacks at him. "Was it the fact that Laufey didn't give you cash?"

He shrugs "I think it was my dropping  weight... I didn't really feel hunger..." he shrugs "I still don't."

I give a shocked look, before asking "Is that why you wear tight clothes? So people can't rip them off?"

He shrugs "And it tells me how much I should be eating." I nod, before he scoffs "The funny thing is, I don't even know if I look good."

I nod "I think you look good." I state and he blushes. A smirk plays on my lips as he looks at me, anxiously.

Our lips mingle and we crash to the floor as I place my lips to his neck. He stops me when I try to pull off his shirt "What's wrong?" I ask, softly.

He shakes his head and declares "I can't do it naked." I give a confused look and he fumbles with his zipper to move his pants down a past his ass. Reluctantly, he nods "Fuck me."

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