Chapter 30

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The year is 2014. We're currently on tour for our newest album High School: The Rise and Fall.

In this album, we have eleven songs. Jocks, Cheerleaders, Nerds, Rebels, Outcasts, Rich-Bitch, Graduation, You Peeked in High School, Shit Teachers, That One Teacher That Always Had Your Back, and Look at me Now, Motherfuckers!

The last one was Loki's idea.

And despite what the last song may suggest, he's not as big-headed as he would seem.

I've known for a few years that I've wanted to marry him. Only recently has gay marriage legally recognized in the state of New Jersey.

We haven't came out to the world as a couple, but Hela and Carol got caught by the paparazzi in Hollywood, a couple months ago.

I bought a ring, last month. Heimdall is currently hiding it in his bunk. There hasn't been a good time to ask, yet.

Look seizures have gotten much much worse. He's having two or three a day, when I was once a week, only months ago.

When Loki isn't around, Heimdall has been teaching me piano. I plan to propose by playing our song.

Currently, I sit at the table, Heimdall on the opposite side of my, while Loki and Hela are stretching their legs in the gas station.

As I play the tone, Heimdall stares out the window "I've waited a hundred years, I'd wait a mil-"

"He's coming!" Heimdall states, before flipping the keyboard around. When I look out the window, Loki runs back towards the van.

When he jumps on, he slings himself on the couch and screams out the door "Valkyrie, we need to get the fuck out of here!"

Hela laughs her ass off as she climbs onto the bus. I look at her in confusion "What's wrong?"

She motions towards the Wawa and laughs "Fandral Dason works in that Wawa!"

I laugh, before looking to Heimdall "I'm in dire need of a donut." he nods and I look to Loki "You coming?"

He shakes his head and Heimdall asks "Did he recognize you?" He shakes his head.

Hela smirks, before declaring "I'll stay here with Mister Paranoid." I bounce out of the bus, still in my show clothes and makeup.

When I walk into the Wawa, Fandral sits behind the counter, flipping through a magazine.

Heimdall walks through the gas station while we talk "So, when are you going to pop the question?"

I shrug "I'd like to use the piano in the living room to pop the question. We could move it to where the television is."

Heimdall grabs a bag of twizzlers and declares "I think you've got it pretty solid."

I smile at that, before shrugging "I can't believe we're this close to home, and we've still got five more shows."

"Philadelphia, New York, New York, Boston, Trenton." Heimdall states as I grab a box to put some donuts in.

After a second, I ask "Do you think Loki will be alright? That last episode did a number on him."

"Four minutes." Heimdall sighs "I've never seen him have a four minute long episode."

"I have." I state, before explaining "The first one I ever saw." I sigh "I wish he would just have it fixed."

Heimdall shrugging as we continue to gather some snacks "We just got to watch him."

I scratch my forehead, before we walk towards the counter and put our snacks down.

Fandral doesn't even look up as he rings up our items "Will this be it for you, today?"

"A cartoon of Camel Lights." I state and he sighs, before turning around to grab a cartoon.

"I'll need to see some ID." he states and I pull out my wallet to hand over my ID.

He takes it, before a smile cracks on his lips and he looks up in amusement "Son of a bitch, Thor Odinson!"

He looks over my eyeliner, tight pants, slip-on skater shoes, and extremely loose tank.

He hands my ID back and asks "So, you really did it, huh? Made bank in the music industry?"

I shrug, before motioning out toward the bus "So did Loki. He's doing very good. Have sex with some very sexy people."

He motions towards the door "You mean that guy that was just in here with that smoking hot girl, was that guy that I shoved into a locker?"

I hum and he stares out the window in discomfort "Oh, yeah. He's doing just fine."

He sits back in his seat and Heimdall continues "Don't get him wrong, he's had his share of closed doors."

I nod "Prison." Fandral looks at me in shock "Yeah, he killed his own father, after you shoved him down the school hallways. Got raped by his father and countless others."

He gives the most pitiful and regretful looks, before I continue "So, yeah. He's been through all that shit, but he have more purpose than you."

I swipe my card and Heimdall grabs our shit as I stare Fandral in the eyes. As he cowares, I get the strong urge to punch him.

All of the sudden, I hear the door open and hear Loki's rubber-souled boots on the floor.

He rests his hand on my chest, before insisting in a calm voice "Thor, walk away."

I let my gaze fall on him as he shakes his head "He's not worth fighting over."

"But you are." I state, causing Fandral to stare in confusion.

Loki gives an amused smile, before kissing my cheek and ordering "Grab your cigarette and walk with me out to the bus."

I sigh, before looking at Fandral in disdain. After a long moment of not moving, Loki grabs my cigarettes and shoves them into my chest "Go, Thor!"

Seconds pass with tension, until Loki turns my face to him and he rests his forehead on mine "There's no reason to fight him."

I set my jaw and remind "He hurt you."

Loki gives a weak smile, before declaring "If you're going to beat up on everyone that's hurts me, your arms are going to get tired."

After taking a deep breath, I kiss Loki's forehead, before wrapping my arm over his shoulder and walking out of the Wawa.

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Where stories live. Discover now