Chapter 4

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The silence is deafening as Loki and I park in front of the hair salon. All I can think about is the sounds he made. The look on his faces when he orgasmed. The way his whole body trembled below me. The he desperately tried to hold onto my back, leaving scratch marks along the way.

We're silent for a minute, before he looks to the steering wheel "Uhhh..." he leads off, before gulping "I'll..." I nod and he furrows his brow "Yeah..."

He glances my way, before blushing and looking down "I'm gonna go." He nods, before climbing out of the car and walking around the van.

I open my door and ask "Loki?" He turns around, instantly, and I motion towards the back "You forget someone."

He gives a weak smile, before grabbing his dog and walking into work.


After practice, I stand in the kitchen, when Loki walks down. Me stops when he notices me "Hey." He says.

I wave my spatula at him, before asking "Want some of Mama Frigga's Baked Mac & Cheese?"

He looks me over "I'm not hungry." He states and I give a little scoff, before plopping some on his plate.

"I know your not." I motion towards the table "Take a seat."

I pull off some of the leftovers Christmas ham, Loki asks "Isn't that the Thanksgiving ham?"

I shrug "It's been in the freezer for the past seven months." He hums, before I place a plate in front of him.

A smile toys at his lips and I grab a plate, before sitting across from him. For a moment, we sit in silence, before I notice a crumb in his hair.

I reach across the table and pull it out, which catches his attention "You had a bread crumb in your hair."

He blushes, before pushing his hair back. My lips curve up in amusement as I notice the hickey on his neck.

When he notices me staring at him, he asks "The fuck are you looking at?" I scoff, before looking towards my plate.

Not a minute later, Hela walks down and makes a plate, before sitting between Loki and I.

She furrows her brow and asks "When did you get time to get laid?" Loki furrows his brow in confusion and Hela motions towards his hickey.

Silently, he darts into the kitchen bathroom and looks it over, before groaning "What the fuck! That's why my clients were looking at me so weird?"

I give a falsely perplexed look "You think that's the only reason?" He glares at me and I smirk.

He sighs, before pushing the hair over the side of his neck, and taking a seat to finish his food.


The next day is Thursday. I switched my Saturday night, Sunday night, off day, for another guy's Thursday and Friday.

Meaning that I lose my highest paying night, but I also picked up the highest paying night for the week. Saturday night is Fellas night.

When I get home from Wednesday night behind me, I knock on Loki's door to insure that he's awake.

"Yeah?" He calls through the door and I hear shuffling inside.

"Hey, if you want to be at work on time, we should get going." I call through the door.

A second later, a girl opens the door. Her hair is knotted up and frizzy and a smile covers her face.

As she walks down the hallway, she stops and grips onto my doorframe for a moment, before straightening out and continuing on.

When I look back to Loki, he's pulling on his shoes. He looks my way and asks "She have a delayed orgasm?"

I shrug, before stating "I don't know, maybe." He snickers, before I ask "How did you do that?"

He holds up the hand and puts down his ring finger "Two in the pinky, one in the stink."

I scoff, before asking "Where on earth did you learn that?"

"Prison." He states and I laugh at his joke. When he looks at me, I know he isn't joking.

I furrow my brow "You actually went to prison?" He nods and I ask "How long? Why?"

"Got sentenced five years. Did three." He shrugs and gives a weak smile "Finished probation in June."

When he pops his back, I ask "What happened?" He shakes his head and I ask "Did someone get hurt?"

He nods "Yeah."

A chill runs down my spine, before asking "Did someone die?"

Without skipping a beat, he nods "Yeah."

I sense of horror comes over me and I can't stop myself from asking "Murder?"

He grabs the dog's leash and states "I pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter."

I give a confused look "Who did you kill?"

He checks his watch and states "Thor, if I explained it to you, we would be here all day."

I nod, before asking "Does Hela know that?" He nods and I ask "How long has she known?"

He shrugs "Since I met her." I furrow my brow and he asks "Do you not know where we met?"

When I shake my head, he sighs "I won't tell you where we met, but she noticed my ankle monitor, and we got talking."

As he walks past me, I ask "You had an ankle monitor?" He nods and I ask "For how long?"

"Two months." He states and I hum "They wanted to make sure that I didn't take my mum's life insurance policy money, and escape to Mexico, or some shit."

I shrug "Canada is much closer." I remark as we go down the stairs "Much nicer people."

He sighs "They wanted to make sure I didn't leave Jersey."

I nod as we walk out the front door. When he climbs in, the dog jumps in the back and I ask "Is the dog coming with us tomorrow?" He nods and I ask "Won't the music hurt his ears?"

Loki reaches back and scratches the dog's head "I've got earmuffs for him."

I give an amazed look "Earmuffs? For a dog?" When he nods, I chuckle, before turning the key in the ignition.

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Where stories live. Discover now