Chapter 20

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On Wednesday morning, I pack the last of our bags in the back of the bus as Hela locks the back door.

We agreed that we would drive into New York, park at the Avengers tower, and transfer our shit into our tour bus.

Last night, none of us could sleep. We stayed up all night, packing, repacking, and not being able to sit still long enough to say we sat.

When we pull into the Avengers garage, I spot the Avengers sitting around while two guys lug there shit into one of the tour buses.

When we park next to the other one, a latino woman leans against the back of it, taking a nice moment to knock one down.

As we crawl out, she stands up straight "My name is Valkyrie, and I'll be your bus driver for the next few months."

Loki furrows his brow "Are you... sober enough to drive?" She nods, before waving us towards the bus.

"I'll give you the tour while Kork and Meep grab your things." She tells us as she leads us onto the bus.

The interior is blue and silver. She points towards the two front seats "Kork and I drive this rig. Coulson and Meep drive the other guys. Kork will get you everything you need."

She backs it up and pats the table "This folds down into a bed, if you happen to pick up some groupies."

She walks past the couch and points out the fridge "Make sure the fridge and cabinets are safely shut."

Then she backs into the sleeping area. She motions towards the gaping four by eight foot, hole "This'll be Fin's area. Kork will switch out his potty pads."

Fin's area has a potty pad, a kennel with a bed, and a few toys. It's twice as big as the rest of the cubbies.

She motions to the two cubbies above it "Kork and I have these cubbies." She turns to the others "Fury told me it was best for Loki to have the bottom bunk, so I'll leave you three to fight over the rest."

"I call the top bunk!" Hela calls, before tossing her duffel into the top one.

Heimdall looks to me and asks "Do you roll in your sleep?" I shake my head and he shrugs "I'll take the third bunk."

I give a weak smile, before he shoves his bag in the third bunk. After I shove my bag in my bunk, I walk off the bus and ensure we have everything.

As I step back into the bus, a tall guy with blue hair crawls into the shotgun seat.

He looks to me and smiles "My names Kork, and I'll your personal planner and shopper." He speaks in a New Zealand accent.

I nod, before pointing back out the door "Do you want me to shut this, or...?"

"Meep and Coulson will come check in." Valkyrie states, before nudging her head back "Get comfortable. We've got a long drive."

Not a second after I sit on the couch, an American guy comes over the radio "Val, got your ears on?"

"Affirmative, Phil." Valkyrie states, as Loki leans against the table to listen in "Double nickel to Cigar City. ETA, 21 hours."

"10-4." Phil says, before telling her "Push off in five."

"10-4." Valkyrie sighs, before looking to Kork "Lock down the rig." He crawls out of his seat and steps out to check the underside.

Loki looks to Valkyrie, knowingly "The Boulevard is going to be awful greasy when we reach the Windy-City."

She gives an impressed look, before shrugging "I'd rather we start in the Windy-City and end in the Cigar City."

Loki scoffs "I would, too." He turns around and tosses himself on the couch.

When I give a confused look, he explains "We're heading to Tampa, first."

"Double nickel?" I ask.

He gives an amused look "Fifty-five miles an hour." I hum and he explains "Laufey used to take me with him, before I was in school." he sighs "We'd park in the back row."

I give a confused look, before he whispers "Where all the prostitution and drug dealing goes down." He gives a knowing look "Let's just say, a kid getting raped isn't the worst thing to happen at a truck stop."

I give a weak smile, before asking "He pimp you out?" He hums, before I ask "When was the last time you got tested for an STD?"

"Couple weeks ago." He states, before shrugging "How I've never contracted an STD is a mystery to me."

I give a weak smile, as Kork jumps back on the bus and seals the door "Locked up, Val."

She turns back to us "Fourty-six states, fifty locations, seventy days. First stop, Tampa Bay, Florida."

Loki gives a weak smile, before I feel the bus start up, below me. Silently, we sit, before the bus next to us starts to move.

As we pull out, excitement fills my stomach.

Hela and Heimdall sit at the table, jumping in their seats as we start to drive.

It took us exactly two seconds to realize that this isn't a joke. Two minutes to realize we got the chance of a lifetime. Two hours until the shock disappeared.

In the long term, it took two days to realize we were the shit. And two months to realize, going on tour sucks ass.

But in that moment, when our bus finally meets the highway, a part of my mind opens up and I feel something that I haven't felt since the day I found out what my father did to Hela. Which, was the exact same day, Loki was thrown around the school halls.

It's the taste champagne and the feeling of invincibility that I never thought I'd feel, or taste, ever again. If it could be bottled, it would be bought by everyone who feels like a nobody.

The sweet taste of self-worth.

Revenge of the Deities- Thorki Where stories live. Discover now