Chapter 12

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When I walk downstairs at six, I find Loki laying on the ground in the dining room, a body pillow under his head "What are you doing?" I ask.

He cranes his neck to look back at me "Fin basically just told me that I'm about to have a seizure, so I waiting for it."

I furrow my brow and sit next to his head "Can I help?" he nods and I ask "Do I flip you or something?"

He taps his watch "Time it, and when my limbs start twitching, roll me onto my side, so I don't chock on my own foamy spit. If it losts more than five minutes, call the paramedics."

I nod, before asking "Where's Hela?"

"She went to get supper." he states and I give a weak smile, before he sighs "I had just gotten out of the lou, so hopefully I don't piss myself."

I give a confused look "You've pissed on yourself?" he nods and I ask "Has Hela seen you during a seizure?"

"Yeah, I pissed all over her carpet." he states and I give a weak smile, before his head twitches to the side. I can see his forearm twitch as Fin stand next to him.

His eyelids twitch, and I can see him stare up at the ceiling cracks in confusion. I quickly check my watch and remember the time, just as his back arches and he gives a horrifying cry, causing Fin to let out worried whines. His crying brings tears to my eyes and I stare in shock. It's not until his back straightens out and the screaming stops that I calm down and check my watch it find it's been two minutes.

His body starts jerking and he rapidly blinks as he foams at the mouth. I'm too frozen in shock to do anything. Part of me hates myself for not helping him roll over. When Fin realizes I'm in shock, he rolls Loki with his snout and sits behind him, patiently whining.

The front door opens and shuts, before Hela walks in, pizza box in hand. She quickly drops it on the couch and kneels next to Loki, moving the hair out of his face "How long has this been happening?"

In shock, I check my watch and reply with a dry breath "Three and a half minutes."

"I was gone for ten!" she toars, before anxiously rocking on her ass "How long has it been, now?"

I take a shakey breath, before daring to touch his sweaty forehead. Before I can even touch him, he goes completely motionless.

The room is deafeningly silent as we wait for him to do anything. And after a few seconds, he places his hand on the ground out pushes up, tiredly "How long was I out?"

"Four minutes." I state and he takes a deep breath, before I ask "What's it like?"

He stares at me and I look to Hela, looking for help, and getting none. She simply gives a weak smile, before standing him up and asking "Why don't we take a nap?"

"That sounds good." Loki states, before Hela motions towards the pizza. I nod, before grabbing the pizza and soda and following them up. When I get up there, Loki is already in bed.

I hand the pizza over to Hela and give a week smile "I'll be right back, okay?" she nods and I walk into my room to call work. When my boss picks up, I tell him "It's Thor, I can't come in tonight."

"Why not?" my boss asks.

I sigh, before explaining "My roommate is an epileptic, and he's just had a seizure. He's just really confused and I don't think it's safe to leave him alone, tonight."

My boss hums, before declaring "Well, I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Thanks." I smile, before hanging up and changing into my pajamas, before walking back into Loki's room.

He's already asleep, and Hela is watching TV as she eats a slice of pizza. She looks at me curiously, before asking "Don't you have work tonight?"

I shake my head, before crawling in on the other side of him "Called in." she smiles, weakly, before offering a slice.


The next morning, I drive Hela and Loki to work. After dropping off Hela, I look at Loki as we sit at a red light "You can't drive, can you?"

He sighs, before declaring "I'm not supposed to." I hum and he explains "My last seizure was months ago. I didn't think about it when I used the bus."

I shrug "Don't worry. That's not what I was thinking." he gives a confused look and I explain "I was wondering who's going to drive if we do go on tour. Because we definatly won't have a tour bus, or a driver."

He furrows his brow "We'll talk about it with Fury." I nod, before he scoffs "Could you imagine if we toured with Carol Danvers?"

I snicker, before declaring "No way she doesn't try to get in her pants. Hela has the biggest mommy kink."

He scoffs, before declaring "She's not the only one." I scoff, before he shrugs "If Carol Danvers was straight, I would hit that."

I give a pleased look, before asking "Did I tell you what a guy asked me the night before last?" he shakes his head and I declare "He asked me if I was a dominate daddy, or a submissive daddy."

Loki looks over me "You're such a submissive daddy." he holds up his finger "I think that, because you're a big guy. You like to fight, so the instant someone is sexually dominate, you kneel to them."

I furrow my brow "That's kinda what he told me." he hums, before I ask "Wait, how are you going to tour? What about the strobe lights?"

"Thor?" he asks and I glance his way to find he looks at me, questioning my IQ "Only three precent of epileptics are photosensitive, and I'm not one of them."

I hum and declare "I didn't know that."

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