Chapter 33

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After a short commercial break, The Grandmaster looks to Loki "Now onto the serious matter."

Loki nods, before The Grandmaster asks "With the last show in Trenton... what happened?"

Loki presses his lips into a fine line "I had a seizure." The Grandmaster gives a confused look and Loki clarifies "A thirteen minute seizure."

The Grandmaster furrows his brow "Are you epileptic?" Loki nods, The Grandmaster gives a confused look "And you've never spoke out about it?"

As Fin licks Loki's hand, Loki shakes his head "I couldn't. I didn't want people to pity me."

The Grandmaster gives a short nod, before asking "Have you had epilepsy since you were a child?"

Loki shakes his head, before moving to get comfortable in his seat "To understand when I was diagnosed, I'll have to tell you from the beginning."

The Grandmaster shrugs "We've got time."

Loki presses his lips into a fine line, before explaining "My mother was epileptic, and she died the day I was born. She fell and hit her head, during a seizure. The cut me out of her womb, and my father hated me from that moment on."

"My father was a trucker, and, at first, I was a punching bag to take on the road." Loki furrows his brow "That is, until he notices the way that the other truckers looked at me. Then I became a revenue stream." He shrugs "When I was four, my father sampled the product, and kept sampling the product."

He presses his lips into a fine line "Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, usually happens in the teens to twenties."

"As the world knows, I was eighty-five pounds when I was eighteen. But people don't know that I never got above a hundred pounds." Loki shrugs "But when the doctors were trying to fatten me up, my whole body went into shock." Loki clarifies "It's called refeeding syndrome."

Loki goes on "In anorexia clinics, there's medical refeeding syndrome, and patient refeeding syndrome."

"The patient version, is when that feeling of hunger comes back, and your body is physically so starved that you're maniacally stuffing food in your face."

"Then there's medical. The type I had." Loki states, before clarifying "My body reached as if food was toxic. My heart did cartwheels and skipped beats when I did something as simple as sip some water. I would pass out, trying to sit up. I had to have a catheter, because they thought my heart would collapse if I went to the bathroom. They thought my seizures were because of my refeeding syndrome. Got diagnosed in January of 2005."

He pats Fin's head and declares "Got him in 2009, to detect seizures. He's a... a..."

I press my lips into a fine line as Loki searches for his train of thought "I'm sorry, I just... what was I...?"

As his arm starts to twitch, his focus drifts to a spot on the stage. I raise my microphone and tell The Grandmaster "Give him a minute."

The Grandmaster furrows his brow and asks "Is he okay?" I give a short nod and he asks "What's happening?"

"He's having a seizure." I tell him and he gives a grim look "An absence seizure, not a full blown episode."

He gives a concerned look "Does this happen a lot?" When I nod, he asks "How often?"

"Recently..." I press my lips into a fine line "Few times a day." He gives a shocked look and I shrug "He rarely remembers these."

"When he does-" Hela begins and I look to her "He usually hallucinating, the whole time."

The Grandmaster gives an amazed look "How does this effect your lives? Handling his illness?"

Heimdall declares "From Hela and I's side, we don't really handle anything. Fin tells him when he's about to have an episode, or breaks his fall."

I sigh and explain "But Loki and I have shared a bed since 2009. The majority of his episodes happen when he's asleep." I shrug "It horrifies me."

Loki gives a confused look "What horrifies you?" I give him a weak smile and he asks "Did I do it again?"

I nod, before The Grandmaster asks "They tell me you sometimes hallucinate?"

Loki nods "When I was on stage, I remember seeing two black shapes. They were beautiful, and the lights didn't effect them, yet they were see through... I don't know."

The Grandmaster gives a weak smile "Is there any help for you?" Loki smiles weakly.

"There's surgery." Loki states, before shrugging "I'm getting it on Thursday morning."

The Grandmaster gives a confused look "And what happens during this surgery?"

Loki clears his throat, before explaining "They stick two rods in my brain. Fry the tumors out."

The Grandmaster gives a concerned frown "That seems dangerous!"

"They're extremely careful." Loki states, before shrugging "Besides, it's better than have thirteen minute long seizures, or stroking out on stage."

The Grandmaster nods, before looking to me "How do you feel about Loki getting the surgery?"

I look to Loki, lovingly, before explaining "I wanted him to get it earlier. I didn't want him to potentially hurt himself. And I didn't want to let him out of my sight, because I feared he would hit his head."

The Grandmaster gives a weak smile, before looking towards the audience "We've only got a couple more minutes on the air. Perhaps we could take a question or two from the crowd?"

Loki nods and The Grandmaster looks to his assistant. He points to someone in the front and a young woman steps up to ask "I was in the front row, at the Trenton concert, and the radio silence that followed, killed me... will you keep us updated while Loki is in surgery?"

Loki nods, before declaring "Maybe my friends will post videos on their snapchat stories. Update you guys with posts of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, what have you?"

The girl nods and declares "That would be wonderful."

Loki gives a weak smile, before telling her "I'm sorry I scared you, darling."

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