Chapter 29

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The audience cheers as we step out onto the stage. As we walk out to the couch, Hope and Scott stand.

After we shakes their hands, we pick up our microphones and sit on the couch.

Hela sits next to Loki. I sit at the opposite end of the couch, with Heimdall next to me.

As Hope and Scott sit, Hope smiles at us "Please introduce yourself!"

Loki waves to the camp and smiles "I'm Loki Laufeyson. I'm vocals in ROTD."

Hela forks her hand up, before declaring "I'm Hela Odindottor. I'm the bassist in ROTD."

Heimdall smiles at everyone, before explaining "I'm Heimdall Dufason. I'm the guitarist in ROTD."

When it come over to me, I tell everyone "I'm Thor Odinson, Hela's younger brother. I'm the drummer in ROTD."

Scott glances towards the teleprompter, before ordering "Tell us a bit about your new album."

Loki looks between us and declares "We'll, original, it was supposed to have thirteen songs, but we had the opportunity to create all twenty-six."

"We wrote the album in about a month." Heimdall states and they give shocked looks, before the crowd claps.

Hope points out "You have two albums, and you haven't made a music video, or had your photos on the cover."

Loki presses his lips into a fine line, before shrugging with a smirk "We can't comment on future work..."

Scott waves it off "That's okay, let's talk about a of your few..." he thinks of a word "interesting songs."

Hope points out "N is for Nonce. What is a nonce?"

Loki gives an amused look "British prison slang for child molester."

Scott gives an amused look, before asking "And V is for Voluntary Manslaughter?"

Hope clears her throat and declares "There was speculation that you where in prison."

Loki clears his throat, before declaring "I was sentenced for five years, but there's a lot to understand about my case."

Loki continues "My mother died the day I was born. My father was a trucker. Until I was fourteen, he would force me into going along with him when I wasn't in school. I was abused and neglected, until the day I was sentenced. And when I was sentenced, I weighed eighty-five pounds. My heart would palpate whenever I got a drink of water."

The audience gasps and Loki shrugs "My DA had a solid case for domestic abuse, but I plead guilty. I knew that I wouldn't survive, if I didn't get some serious help. I didn't have money, or insurance, and I wouldn't have lived long enough to get help, by myself."

"I spent six months in the hospital. Spent two and a half years in prison. Then got two years of parole."

Loki nods, before looking to Heimdall "Heimdall got a full ride to Juilliard, you know?"

The subject quickly changes and Loki stares at a spot on the stage. My focus drifts to him.

Heimdall's voice is muted as I worry for Loki. He does this when he having an absence seizure, but it's also common for him to retreat into his own mind.

"Thor, you have your bachelor's degree in Astro Physics?" Hope asks and I snap out of it.

Loki looks my way and I nod "Yeah, I was aiming for a PhD, at the jump, but I lost my scholarship because of fighting."

She gives an interested look, before Scott asks "Hela, what about you? Did you go to college?"

Hela scoffs, before declaring "I used to be a very academically successful student, until my father founded my with a girl in my room." She clears her throat and explains "Something happened, my father kicked me to the curb, and my grades dropped. Didn't have money or a scholarship." She looks my way "Thor offered to put me through college, but then we got the opportunity to tour with The Avengers. Now everything is kinda falling into place."

Hope gives a weak smile, before asking Loki "Were you a scholar in school?"

Loki nods, before explaining "I was valedictorian."

Scott smiles, before asking "How did everyone meet?"

Loki glances my way and declares "Thor was a jock in my class. Had a crush on him, even if his friends were total dicks to me."

I furrow my brow and explain my case "I had no idea who he was, until late August of last year. When I did know, I felt like crap."

Loki scoffs, before explaining "His friends lured me into the locker room, days before graduation, stripped me of my clothes, and forced me to walk through the hallways, in nothing but a pair of boxers."

The audience gasps and I sigh "At this time, he was eighty-five pounds, soaking wet." Loki nods as I continue "I remember people throwing the vending machine snacks at him."

Hope furrows her brow at me, before asking "Did you know about it?" I shake my head.

Loki points out "He did admit to knowing that they shoved me in a locker, but he found out after the fact."

I furrow my brow "Oh, are you telling that story?"

He sighs, before explaining "Freshman year, three day holiday. Shoved in on Friday afternoon. I wasn't let out until Tuesday morning."

Scott gives a weak smile "None of them grew up to be a rockstar, did they?"

Loki shrugs "I don't know. I don't follow them on Facebook."

Hela raises her microphone and states "However, I've been stoking them. Volstagg and Hogan work at Taco Bell. Sif works at Giant. Fandral works at a Wawa."

Loki furrows his brow "Why would you stoke them?"

She furrows her brow "Nobody hurts my friend." Loki smiles, before Hela explains "Loki and I met at a support group."

Heimdall speaks up "My friend told me that a band was looking for a guitarist."

Scott asks "So, you went from Juilliard to a chart breaking rock band?" Heimdall nods.

Loki shrugs "I think he stepped up."

Heimdall scoffs "I think you stepped up, more! From New Jersey State Prison, to a chart breaking rock band."

Loki scoffs "You think so?"

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