Chapter 34

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When Thursday rolls around, a nurse shaves a couple of patches from Loki's skull.

As soon as she's done, Loki holds his phone out and records for his snapchat story.

As he presses the button down, he smiles "I'm about to have to hand my phone over to Thor. I'm being taken back in about five minutes." He glances my way and chuckles nervously "Thor is staring at me like he'll never see me again."

He turns the photo towards me and I give a weak smile "At least fake it. You've must've done that before."

Once the ten seconds are done, he posts it and starts another as I frown "I've never faked anything in the sense you're talking about."

Loki furrows his brow "Is it just me?" I cock an eyebrow to him and he asks "Do you really think I get off, again, exactly when you do, every time?"

I press my lips into a fine line and he shrugs "To be far, I do get off multiple times, when you top."

He quickly posts it, before pointing the phone back to himself "The lovely nurse just shaved two squares of my hair. Looks like I'm going to be combing it over for awhile." He shrugs "It'll grow back."

He clears his throat and glances my way "I'm going to hand my phone over to Thor. Hela and Heimdall will be posting on their snapchats."

He quickly posts it, before handing his phone over. When the time comes, the nurses walk in to wheel Loki's bed into the OR.

Hela and Heimdall have their phones out as they hug him goodbye. When I hug him, he whispers to me "I love you."

I sniffle and kiss his lips, gingerly "I love you, too." I straighten  up and wipe my eyes.

When his bed is out of the room, I hold his hand as long as I can. I only stop when the wheel into a personal only wing.

"I love you!" I call after him, softly.

He smiles, tiredly, before disappearing around a corner. When he's gone, my stomach knots and I hold onto the wall as I struggle to calm myself.

Hela steps forward, phone raised "Are you alright, Thor?" I glare at her and she presses her lips into a fine line "I should probably stop, now... shouldn't I?"

I let out a furious breath "If you want your phone in one piece, yeah." She stops recording and I sink to the ground, desperately wanting the surgery to be over, even though it hasn't even started.

Hela pats my shoulders "Why don't we go down to the cafeteria. They have that cake that you like, remember?"


The nurse gave us a hospital phone, so she could calls us with any news. And for a good hour, we sit in the cafeteria, silently nursing coffee.

My stomach never unknotted. Hela tried to get me to eat some eggs, but they went to Fin, who's been whining for the past hour.

Finally, I snap "This is madness!" They look at me in confusion and I look to Hela, Carol, and Heimdall "How long is this supposed to take?"

Hela shrugs, before raising her phone "I don't know, Thor. Another hour? Two?"

I shake my head "I can't stand just sitting here! He's having his brain fried, and we're sitting here, sipping coffee, with the service dog that needs an emotional support dog!"

Hela gives a weak smile, before posting it and recording as I stand up "What are you doing?"

I press my lips into a fine line and declare "I'm not sitting here anymore! I'm taking the dog to take a shit, maybe fuck a pomeranian, while I have a smoke!"

"Fin doesn't have his testicles anymore, Thor." Heimdall tells me and I glare at him.

"I don't give a fuck." I state, before declaring "Then he can get humped my a pomeranian. I've got to get the fuck out of here!"

As Hela posts it, I glare at her "I swear to god, if you record another second!" She raises her hands in surrender, before putting her phone away.


As I finish the most refreshing smoke I've ever had, the hospital phone rings.

Carol answers it and a smile spreads across her face as she asks "What room is he in?"

She listens closely and nods "I understand... yeah, I got it... thank you."

When she hangs up, I cock an eyebrow to her "What did they say? Is Loki alright?"

She presses her lips into a fine line, before nodding "Yeah, he's through surgery."

I nod, before taking Fin's lead "What room is he in? Can we see him? Did Strange say he's going to be okay?"

She gives an amused look, before declaring "All I know is that he isn't a room, just yet. He's still in the operating room, but they are about to transfer him." She takes Fin's lead from me and explains "We can go and wait in the ICU waiting room."


In the waiting room, thirty minutes later, Strange steps in and we're on our feet, instantly.

He smiles at us, before clarifying "Loki's fine. He's sleeping in his ICU bed. He'll probably sleep through today."

I nod and he declares "If all goes well, he'll be out of the ICU within the next day or two, and we'll release him sometime next weekend."

He looks to Fin "He's basically the only one of you back in the ICU, being a service dog."

I give a confused look and he whispers "Only family, you understand... but..."

As a nurse walks past, the doctor speaks a little louder than normal "As his spouse, you and your family is allowed back." He looks to Heimdall and smirks "Your cousin will be fine."

I give a pleased look and he motions us back "Come on. You shouldn't have to wait any longer."

As he leads us down a hall, he asks "You plan to marry him, right? Because the nurses and I have a bet going." He smirks "And I always win."

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