Chapter 7

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As we sit down at the breakfast table, the land line rings. Hela grabs it and resites "Odinson." she looks my way "It's the club."

I walk forward and take the photo from her, before asking "This is Thor, is there a problem with my schedule?"

Malikith sighs on the other end of the line "You wanna take the gay night, from now on? I'd rather have Friday night, despite the pay drop."

I give a confused look "How much of a drop is it for you?" when he says it, I have to hold onto wall for support "Five grand?" I ask.

He hums, as Hela and Loki look at me curiously "More if your dick 'accidentally' slides out of the side of your jock. Those fudge-packers drop stacks."

I gock at the homophobic slang, before declaring "That was offensive." he snickers, before I ask "Why would you stop gay night?"

He clears his throat, before insisting "I don't want any more fags rubbing up against me." I shockingly bat my eyes, before he asks "When can I come by to teach you the lap dance?"

"There's a special lap dance for guys?" I ask and he hums, before I ask "How about after your shift tomorrow morning? I'm kinda busy today."

"Sounds good." he states, before asking "Is 6am good?"

I hum, before sighing "And if you're coming over, cool it with the homophobic slurs. My sister is a lesbian, and my roommate is queer."

Malikith gives an arroused hum "Lesbians are hot." I sigh, before hanging up and slumping into the my seat.

Hela scoffs, before asking "What was that?" I shake my head, before picking up my fork to dig into breakfast.


As we pack our shit in the van, I remember the condom from last night, still sits somewhere in the van. Nervously, I whisper to Loki as Hela places my sneer in the back "Distact Hela. We forgot about the condom."

He nods, before I take my basedrum to the back of the bus. I sit it at the back as Loki looks to Hela "I can't find my lucky pick! Do you know where it is?"

She shrugs, before stepping forward to help him find it. As soon as her back is turned, I crawl into the side and look around to find it right in the middle of the floor. I quickly toss it into a bush, before nodding to Loki. Seconds later, I hear him call "Here it is!"

After placing the base in the back, I walk to the garage to help with their amps. As I help, Loki shirts past me and grabs my ass, softly.

A smile spreads across my face, causing Hela to ask "What's up your ass?" I shake my head and she scoffs, before she checks her watch "We should get going. Who's driving?"

I wave my hand and she nods, before walking into the house. Loki calls after her "Will you grab Fin's earmuffs? They're on top of his cage!" she holds up a peace sign, before disappearing into the house. After we climb into the bus, Loki smiles at me "Last night was fun."

I hum, before asking "Are you going to come check me out, tomorrow night?" he shrugs, before I lick my lips "You don't have to."

He takes a moment, before noding "I'm not as damaged as eveyone thinks." I give a confused look and he shrugs "I ran into a teacher from high school, at the salon. She stared at me like a dog that's been ran over." I furrow my brow and he explains "I'm not having sex with people, because I was abused as a kid. I do it because it feels good, when I normally feel like a piece of shit, and my dick finally works. And I eat three square meaks a day."

I give a confused look "Your dick didn't work in high school?"

He shakes my head "My BMI was too low, for it wouldn't get hard." I give an educated hum, before he shrug "But when I was in the hospital, after the sentencing, they got my BMI back to normal, and I was transferred to a real prison."

I turn in my seat and ask "So how long were you actually in prison? How many months?"

He thinks for a second, before telling me "I was in there for almost thity months. It took me six months to gain eighty pounds."

I think for a second, before asking "How much did you weigh?"

"85 pounds." he states and I give an amazed look "My BMI was 10.9. I needed to gain, at least, sixty pounds to be healthy. But, when I got up to 145, or the minimal weight I needed to be, my heart was still palpitating whenever I would do the smallest things, like taking a sip of water. I was still fainting when I would try to walk to the lou." he shrugs, before clarifying "I gained another twenty pounds, while my heart was repairing itself. And I've stayed that weight, ever since."

I give a fasinated smile, before insisting "You look good." he smiles as Hela jumps in the passenger side "Did you know that Loki was in the hospital for six months?"

She nods, before taking a sip of her coffee "I think you two would make a cute couple." she states, before remarking "You act like you're crushing on him."

I shrug, before starting the engine and taking the van out of park "All I'm saying is, I would kill someone for either of you."  As I pull out of the backyard, I remark "If mum wouldn't have killed Odin, I would've done it myself."

The van slips into silence, before Loki holds his tumbler of coffee up "To the world's shittiest father!" As I stop at the end of the street, I glance back at him as he smirks "Look where we are now, motherfuckers!"

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