Chapter 27

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When we walk downstairs, Hela is on her feet, instantly "Are you guys alright?"

Loki nods, before I walk past him to get the box of donuts. When I find nine still in the box, I hold it out to Loki.

"Get three." I order and he nods towards the kitchen. I follow him into the kitchen and he grabs us both a plate?"

"Which ones do you want?" He asks as he looks over the donuts. I shrug and he insists "You pick first."

I think for a secret, before declaring "Sour cream, blueberry, and strawberry filled."

He pouts his lip and hums, before putting the sour cream and strawberry filled on my plate, before placing the blueberry down. I furrow my brow "Did I take one that you want?"

He shrugs, before placing the Boston Kreme, the chocolate, and the powdered donut on his plate "This is fine."

I furrow my brow as he pours his cup of coffee "Which one do you want? I'll trade you."

He shakes his head "You don't have to trade me." He states and I cock an eyebrow to him.

When he notices that I stare at him, a smile spreads across his face "The blueberry."

I hum, before placing it on his plate. He places it back and I furrow my brow "Take it!"

He smirks, before pulling out a knife and cutting it in half "Which half of mine do you want?"

I look to his powdered donut "The powdered one." he simply cuts it in half and places it on my plate, before putting the knife in the sink.

As he sucks the sugar off his fingers, I pour myself a cup of coffee. Hela walks into the kitchen and furrows her brow "Sour cream is my favorite!"

I scoff at her "Finders keepers." As I walk off, I see a smile spreads over Loki face.

When I take a seat on the couch, I spot Loki placing his coffee mug next to mine.

In amusement, I pat my lap, softly and he looks to Heimdall, nervously. Hela is still in the kitchen.

Heimdall whispers "Please, you know you want to sit in his lap." Loki gives an unamused look.

He looks to me and orders "Move over a bit." When I move a few inches towards the middle, he sits with his back to the armrest and his legs bent over mine.

Silently, I place my plate on his knees and he puts his in his lap. A few seconds later, Hela stops to stare at us "What the fuck?"

I give a confused look and she motions between us and I declare "We're dating."

She gives a shocked look and asks "Since fucking when?" I give an amused look.

Loki shrugs "We've been fucking since late September. We never realized said dating, until today."

"And you didn't tell me?" she furrows her brow and we shrug, before she thinks for a moment "You've been fucking since Thor joined the band?"

I shrug "Yeah, the thing that happened this morning was,-" Loki hums and cuts me off.

Hela puts her plate down and asks "Was what?" When we don't reply, she reminds "You two have avoided each other for the past two weeks! Was what?"

Loki looks to me and I explain "In Boise, I saw Loki crying in the bathroom. He told me he hated me, but I could tell he was being insecure."

Loki continues "But in Chicago, I really called it quits, because I didn't want Thor to end it."

I sigh and declares "Then, the night of the last show, I saw him getting fucked by Tony Stark."

Loki clarifies "And I saw Thor fucking Malekith, this morning."

Hela takes a second to process it, before asking "Why were you crying in Boise?"

He looks to me and rests his head on my shoulder "I'm in love with your brother."

She bats her eyes for a moment as I smile. And after that moment is over, she looks to Heimdall "Did you know about this?"

When he nods, Hela grabs her plate of donuts and declares "Fuck you very much."

When she sits in the armchair, she starts to change the channel, before looking to us "Make me look like the damn fool."

There's moving on the stairs and I look back to find a half-naked, Carol "Hela?" Loki asks and Hela sets her jaw.

After a moment, Carol down and sits on the arm of the armchair "Let me up there all alone."

I furrow my brow and declare "We've been home three hours and you've already got laid!"

Loki cocks an eyebrow to me and remarks "So have you." I press my lips into a fine line.

Carol picks up Hela's custard filled donut and bites into it. I bat my eyes and ask "So, when did this start?"

"In Chicago." Hela states, before running her arm over Carol's upper arm "We decided to ditch the party, and stayed up all night, talking."

Carol smiles "And spent the next day, texting." she looks to me "And she was so worried about you that she called me to come down and comfort her."

I look to Loki and ask "Did you know about this?" When he nods, I look to Heimdall "Did you?"

"I've know since she left the banquette hall!" He tells me, before I give an unamused look.

As Hela changes the channel I sip my coffee and grovel "Make me look like a damn fool."

Loki scoffs, before moving the hair out of my face and remarking "I might look like your sister, but damn you two are related."

A smile crosses my face and I look to him humourous "Did you just make an incest joke?"

He chuckles and nods, softly "Yeah, I did. And I'm one of the only people that could have made that joke, without it being offensive."

I shrug, before remarking "Unless we're not real and some asshole is forming us into existence."

Loki shakes his head "What kind of fucked up person would think up my life?"

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