Chapter 32

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I drove in the ambulance with him. Fin sat in my lap. Loki finally stopped when we reach the hospital.

He woke up for about two minutes and didn't understand what was happening. It's been hours.

He's sleeping, peaceful, with Fin laying on his legs. Around noon the next day, Loki opens his beautiful blue eyes and asks "What the fuck happened?"

I take his hand in mine and kiss the top of it his hand "You were on stage, and you had an episode."

He gives an embarrassed look "In front of everyone?" I give a short nod, and he asks "Why am I in a hospital?"

I rub his forearm and explain "You had a thirteen minute seizure." I kiss his hand again, before telling him "It's noon."

He looks down at Fin, before petting his head "I guess I should have listened to him."

I give him a weak smile, before Hela asks "How are you feeling?"

Loki shrugs, before declaring "Like I've been ran over. Where's my phone?"

Heimdall hands it over, before asking "What are you doing?"

I look to him as he explains "As much as I hate the thought of having someone in my head, I need to get that surgery."

I grip his hand in mine and make it a point to tell him "I stand behind ever choice you make."

He gives a weak smile, before pressing the nursing station button on the side of the bed.

When a nurse walks in, Loki smiles at her "I was wondering if Doctor Stephen Strange is working today?"

She thinks for a second "I'll call down to the ER and ask." Loki thanks her, before she sighs "I've got to say, my son is a huge fan, and it's totally unprofessional to ask, but..."

Loki gives a weak smile, before asking "How old is he? A teenager? Early twenties?"

She gives a weak smile, before declaring "He's seventeen, and flaming gay."

Loki gives a tired smile, before scratching his forehead "If he wants an autograph, or a photo, just ask."

She nods, before pointing down the hall "I'll call the ER."

About an hour later, a doctor walks into the room as he reads Loki's chart "Mister Laufeyson! The rock singer!"

"Hey doc." Loki smiles, before asking "I was hoping you would fix my brain?"

He places Loki's chart on top of Loki's feet and asks "There are dozens of surgeons qualified to do this surgery, in the state. Why do you want me?"

Loki presses his lips into a fine line, before explaining "I'm horrified about having my someone hammer into my skull."

Strange pats his legs, before declaring "I won't be hammering into your skull. That's an old practice."

Strange pulls out his digital planner and asks "Is Thursday at eight in the morning, good?"

Loki furrows his brow, before asking "So you'll do it?" Strange hums, before Loki nods "Yeah, that's perfect."

Strange sighs and looks up "We'll run some test, and have you stay here until after the surgery."

Loki furrows his brow, before telling him "I should probably tell people what are happening..."


As we sit backstage, Loki rests his head on my shoulder. He hasn't been fully charged since the last show. It's Tuesday.

The Late Lang Show with Dyme, was busy on such short notice. So, we're on on the Zaakar Late Night Show.

The show is known for athletes, actors, and musicians. It'll do the job.

Heimdall gives a weak smile "How do you feel, Loki?"

Loki shakes his head "Like shit." He scratches his forehead and sighs "I guess the makeup hides it?"

Hela gives a weak smile "You look great." She lies, but even through the makeup, you can tell how exhausted he is.

Loki gives a weak smile, before looking out onto the stage to find The Grandmaster speaking to the crowd.

Loki stands up and takes Fin's lead in hand "We should get ready. We're on in about five minutes."

I stand by his side as the set production walks up to us to tell us we've got three.

We watch as the Grandmaster spends two and a half minutes introducing himself, and thirty seconds introducing us.

When we walk on stage, the audience cheers and we wave. We shake The Grandmaster's hand, before picking up our microphones and taking a seat.

When we take a seat, Loki sighs into the microphone, before The  Grandmaster nods "Yeah."

Loki nods, before the Grandmaster asks "We have two subjects that we need to talk about. Which one would you like to talk about first?"

Loki furrows his brow, before declaring "Let's talk about the happier of the two."

The Grandmaster nods, before smirking "So, it's become public knowledge that you and Thor are together."

Loki nods, before looking my way "Yeah, for about four and a half years."

The Grandmaster smiles, before asking "Is there wedding bells in the future?"

Loki blushes, as a nervous smile crosses his face "W-well, th-that's a..." he looks my way, nervously.

I shrug, before looking to The Grandmaster "He's all cocky until he's taken off guard."

He scoffs and the audience chuckles. He motions towards the screen behind him and asks "Maybe you could explain this?"

It's security tape footage. It's paused at the part where I get in Fandral's face.

I point out "I knew him from High School. He was one of the people who forced Loki to walk through the school, in nothing but underwear."

Heimdall cuts in "He was proud of Thor, when he found out he made it. But when he found out Loki made it, he looked almost spiteful."

Loki interrupts "It still didn't give Thor the right to get in his face." He looks to Hela "Thor tends to shoot first, ask questions later."

Hela furrowed her brow "If he would have recognized you, I would have done way worst than get in his face."

Loki furrows his brow and declares "You two really are siblings."

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